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After Trump's visit, Iraqi lawmakers demand U.S. withdrawal (1 Viewer)

Irwin Corey

Proud AmeriCAN
DP Veteran
Feb 6, 2018
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Political Leaning
So president TV sees that "PRESIDENTS" visit troops at Christmas time so he calls Andrews and tells them "Fire up AF1, we're going to Iraq".


And now the Iraqis are pissed because … you just don't blast into someone's country unannounced … who knew diplomacy would be so hard … who knew. Well probably anybody if he'd asked. His impetuousness is dangerous to humanity. :shock:
Simply put....you just can't make this stuff up. Trump should just permanently lodge his foot down his throat. That has to be less painful than continually shoving it down there and then trying to pull it out again.
He's commander and chief. Since they were the ones begging for troops to stay to fight ISIS, they should have no problem with another person of rank visiting the troops.

That being said, lets give them what they asked for...a complete withdrawal. Let them fight Isis alone. it's not our responsibility.
We have the most powerful (and expensive) military on the planet and they have demands - I don't expect Trump to submit to Iraqi demands.
So president TV sees that "PRESIDENTS" visit troops at Christmas time so he calls Andrews and tells them "Fire up AF1, we're going to Iraq".


And now the Iraqis are pissed because … you just don't blast into someone's country unannounced … who knew diplomacy would be so hard … who knew. Well probably anybody if he'd asked. His impetuousness is dangerous to humanity. :shock:

members of the iraqi government are pissed because of the president's unannounced arrival in their insecure nation to support the troops who keep their very government viable
**** them and the camels they rode in on
Hey, Trumpsters want us out of Syria and Afghanistan, getting out of Iraq would be the trifecta!
Hey, Trumpsters want us out of Syria and Afghanistan, getting out of Iraq would be the trifecta!
What do YOU want...and when can we sign you up?
"Parliament must clearly and urgently express its view about the ongoing American violations of Iraqi sovereignty," said Salam al-Shimiri, a lawmaker loyal to the populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr...."

Imagine that...a country demanding that foreigners not invade their country and respect their sovereignty:doh
Frankly, its not a matter of what Iraq actually wants as I don't believe they want us to actually leave. Granted, there are surely political forces at work there that do. There was no reason for Trump to make any sort of geopolitical or political comments while on the ground in Iraq. The job of the President at the holidays is:
- Land
- Thank the troops for their service
- Have a meal with them
- Wish them well

Trump's mistake was using the visit to announce that the US had no plans to leave Iraq. There was simply no reason for that and Iraq is both chaffing at ignoring their obvious prerogative to ask us to leave just as they asked us to come and chaffing at being ignored in the fact of the visit itself. The first concern is likely greater for the Iraqis than the second and likely by a wide margin. Having no plans to leave may not have translated as Donald would have liked. But in truth there was no reason for Donald to make any announcement of any sort about our intentions in Iraq while in country visiting the troops. Can Donald just shut up and do his job for once?
I want calmer heads and better diplomacy, not rash rookie mistakes.
No no...you want us at war in Syria and Afghanistan.

No...actually...thats not true. You want your hatred sated, so the reality is you want ANYTHING opposite of EVERYTHING Trump says or does.
No no...you want us at war in Syria and Afghanistan.

No...actually...thats not true. You want your hatred sated, so the reality is you want ANYTHING opposite of EVERYTHING Trump says or does.

Do you see me telling you what you want? No.

As a libertarian leaning independent, I've wanted less intervention all around the world, ME and north Africa included. But I believe there are much better ways to do it than the way Trump is doing things. He's just blowing things up to create chaos because of his own domestic issues. That, or he's simply an idiot.
Do you see me telling you what you want? No.

As a libertarian leaning independent, I've wanted less intervention all around the world, ME and north Africa included. But I believe there are much better ways to do it than the way Trump is doing things. He's just blowing things up to create chaos because of his own domestic issues.
Bull****. You want your libertarian ideals...unless its Trump giving them to you.
Bull****. You want your libertarian ideals...unless its Trump giving them to you.

Nope, sorry. Again, you don't know what I want. I'm telling you what I want. Don't presume to know me after reading one (or a handful) of my posts.
So president TV sees that "PRESIDENTS" visit troops at Christmas time so he calls Andrews and tells them "Fire up AF1, we're going to Iraq".


And now the Iraqis are pissed because … you just don't blast into someone's country unannounced … who knew diplomacy would be so hard … who knew. Well probably anybody if he'd asked. His impetuousness is dangerous to humanity. :shock:

They didn't greet Trump as a liberator?
The Bumbling occupation of Iraq is over...Time for the US Military to get out, especially if the Iraqis don't want them there...End this fiasco
Nope, sorry. Again, you don't know what I want. I'm telling you what I want. Don't presume to know me after reading one (or a handful) of my posts.
Really? Because THIS is what you and others are ****ting yourself over.

"Qais Khazali, the head of the Iran-backed Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia that fought key battles against IS in north Iraq, promised on Twitter that parliament would vote to expel U.S. forces from Iraq, or the militia and others would force them out by “other means.”

Awwwwww....now that puts your little snit in perspective...doesnt it? You know what? I bet you didnt even bother reading what you were poutraged over.

You can't blame anybody but Trump for not knowing the job and subsequently sticking his foot in his mouth.

Trying to make political points during a foreign visit to the troops turns them into pawns. They are a captive audience entirely happy to have the President no matter who he is visit them.

Again the job is:
- Land
- Thank the troops for their service
- Have a meal with them
- Wish them well

You stray outside of that, you do it at your own risk.

If posters here want to do something useful, take a train or plane to DC and help Donald pry the foot out of his mouth.
Really? Because THIS is what you and others are ****ting yourself over.

"Qais Khazali, the head of the Iran-backed Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia that fought key battles against IS in north Iraq, promised on Twitter that parliament would vote to expel U.S. forces from Iraq, or the militia and others would force them out by “other means.”

Awwwwww....now that puts your little snit in perspective...doesnt it? You know what? I bet you didnt even bother reading what you were poutraged over.


This and the last few responses seem rather...dense. As if you are not even talking to me, but some projection of your own making. Do continue talking to yourself, because you obviously are not talking to me.
No no...you want us at war in Syria and Afghanistan.

No...actually...thats not true. You want your hatred sated, so the reality is you want ANYTHING opposite of EVERYTHING Trump says or does.

OMG you mean he wants the US to continue aiding our allies and fighting vicious terrorist groups? How horrifying :roll:
This and the last few responses seem rather...dense. As if you are not even talking to me, but some projection of your own making. Do continue talking to yourself, because you obviously are not talking to me.
Of course I am talking to you and every other person that is in this thread ****ting themselves over 'Iraq' wanting to kick the US out of Iraq. Because it isnt 'Iraq' its a handful of dissident members of their parliament, one of whom is banned from the EU for leading a Shia resistance.

Seriously...the leftist rags tell you to dance...and you dance. And you dont even know why you are doing it.
OMG you mean he wants the US to continue aiding our allies and fighting vicious terrorist groups? How horrifying :roll:
But does he know what he WANTS? and do you and others know what you are in this thread ****ting yourself over? This thread was started by and jumped on with a bunch of Trump hating posters that didnt even bother READING what the actual article says. They are pissing themselves because an Iran backed member of the Iraqi parliament is poutraged over Trumps visit.

Come to think of it...that all makes perfect sense.
So president TV sees that "PRESIDENTS" visit troops at Christmas time so he calls Andrews and tells them "Fire up AF1, we're going to Iraq".


And now the Iraqis are pissed because … you just don't blast into someone's country unannounced … who knew diplomacy would be so hard … who knew. Well probably anybody if he'd asked. His impetuousness is dangerous to humanity. :shock:

Oh lord, the same people who mocked Obama for "bowing" to foreign leaders are going to have to paint this humiliation in a good light. Should be fun watching the same people perform the same gymnastics as once again their leader proves worse at something they mocked Obama for.

So president TV sees that "PRESIDENTS" visit troops at Christmas time so he calls Andrews and tells them "Fire up AF1, we're going to Iraq".


And now the Iraqis are pissed because … you just don't blast into someone's country unannounced … who knew diplomacy would be so hard … who knew. Well probably anybody if he'd asked. His impetuousness is dangerous to humanity. :shock:

Wow. Imagine that..."lawmakers" tied to Irani-backed terrorist Al Sadr are against the US being there. Go figure.
You can't blame anybody but Trump for not knowing the job and subsequently sticking his foot in his mouth.
Trying to make political points during a foreign visit to the troops turns them into pawns. They are a captive audience entirely happy to have the President no matter who he is visit them.
Again the job is:
- Land
- Thank the troops for their service
- Have a meal with them
- Wish them well
You stray outside of that, you do it at your own risk.
If posters here want to do something useful, take a train or plane to DC and help Donald pry the foot out of his mouth.
Frankly, its not a matter of what Iraq actually wants as I don't believe they want us to actually leave. Granted, there are surely political forces at work there that do. There was no reason for Trump to make any sort of geopolitical or political comments while on the ground in Iraq. The job of the President at the holidays is:
- Land
- Thank the troops for their service
- Have a meal with them
- Wish them well
Trump's mistake was using the visit to announce that the US had no plans to leave Iraq. There was simply no reason for that and Iraq is both chaffing at ignoring their obvious prerogative to ask us to leave just as they asked us to come and chaffing at being ignored in the fact of the visit itself. The first concern is likely greater for the Iraqis than the second and likely by a wide margin. Having no plans to leave may not have translated as Donald would have liked. But in truth there was no reason for Donald to make any announcement of any sort about our intentions in Iraq while in country visiting the troops. Can Donald just shut up and do his job for once?
This ^^ 100%. :applaud

No doubt Trump did not realize that he would rankle Iraqi officials already looking for an excuse to push American forces out of their country, but he should have. Now he’s created yet another unnecessary mess.

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