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Academy Awards best song of the year????....... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I did not watch the AA last night but I just heard the song that won the best song of the year........."Its hard out there for a Pimp." How do you Libs like that one...........Even had the word Bitch in it........It should go down in history with Moon River and Love is a Many Splendored Thing huh..........Unbelieveable :roll:
Navy Pride said:
How do you Libs like that one

What on earth does that have to do with being liberal?
Kandahar said:
What on earth does that have to do with being liberal?

Isn't everyone in Hollywierd Liberal?:confused:
Kandahar said:
What on earth does that have to do with being liberal?

It's black music..
Navy Pride said:
Isn't everyone in Hollywierd Liberal?:confused:
Navy, if you have evidence that everyone in Hollywood is liberal, then show it. Otherwise, please stop embarrassing the conservative side with your ridiculous and outlandish remarks. You're like Kidrocks or Champs in reverse.
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Navy Pride said:
Isn't everyone in Hollywierd Liberal?:confused:

Sadly that's the truth, huge celebs overwhelmingly like Kerry and hate Bush, before the 2004 election I watched a report on Kerry and him with the stars, taking picture and stuff...

I mean look at Eminem, argueably the biggest star on Earth, his song should've had some influence on suburban kids..

Edit: It's not everyone, that's impossible, most things aren't 100%.

But most are, but sadly his connection with hollywood stars may have been bad publicity for him. :shock:
KCConservative said:
Navy, if you have evidence that everyone in Hollywood is liberal, then show it. Otherwise, please stop embarrassing the conservative side with your ridiculous and outlandish remarks.

I am sorry, your embarrassed but you have been drinking the liberal koolaid to much lately my friend...............If you don't think that Hollywierd is by far hugely liberal then you had better change your handle to KCCLiberal my friend..........

Its seems that you and I have locked horns a couple of times where you might have shown your liberal colors..;)
Navy Pride said:
And that was the best song of the year?

Meh, it may be your taste in music, I didn't like it personally, but some black orientated songs are pretty good.

Ever listen to eminem? That **** is good, he doesn't use racial slurs, and his songs really touch real life, no gangster crap..
Navy Pride said:
I am sorry, your embarrassed but you have been drinking the liberal koolaid to much lately my friend...............If you don't think that Hollywierd is by far hugely liberal then you had better change your handle to KCCLiberal my friend..........

Its seems that you and I have locked horns a couple of times where you might have shown your liberal colors..;)

Navy, the song sucks, in my opinion. I'm guessing you thought the same thing or you wouldn't have started this thread. But you are foolish to say things like "everyone in Hollywood is liberal." It's assinine. There is no stauncher conservative than me and you know it. But your remarks often are ludicrous.
Synch said:
Meh, it may be your taste in music, I didn't like it personally, but some black orientated songs are pretty good.

Ever listen to eminem? That **** is good, he doesn't use racial slurs, and his songs really touch real life, no gangster crap..

Come on it won the best song of the year............Is that really the best that Hollywierd can do?
KCConservative said:
Navy, the song sucks, in my opinion. I'm guessing you thought the same thing or you wouldn't have started this thread. But you are foolish to say things like "everyone in Hollywood is liberal." It's assinine. There is no stauncher conservative than me and you know it. But your remarks often are ludicrous.

You do understand that when I say everyone in Hollywierd is liberal that it is a generalization and that I am not saying that the 100,000 people that live in Hollywierd that every one are Liberal.........You do Have Heston, Selleck and a few others so maybe its 99,990......;)

Oh and as far as you being that Conservative I think the liberal koolaid is getting to you lately........;)
I agree with Navy Pride. I like movies and so I watched the Academy Awards. But that reward they gave to that silly rap song was absurd and stupid. They shouldn't have even let them perform. The language they used was a disgrace to the Academy Awards.

I don't know if anyone watched the O'Reilly Factor tonight but I did. They had televised an old convo between Simon Cowell and O'Reilly, and both of them agreed that the, "gangsta rap" image was the worst for black kids. And it's true. I am astonished that the Academy Awards would give an award to something so ridiculous. Well, things certainly aren't like they used to be.
Navy Pride said:
You do understand that when I say everyone in Hollywierd is liberal that it is a generalization and that I am not saying that the 100,000 people that live in Hollywierd that every one are Liberal.........You do Have Heston, Selleck and a few others so maybe its 99,990......;
What does any of that have to do with artistic value? Can't a conservative find the song enjoyable? Can't a liberal like Moon River? I don't your black and white world. Sorry.
There is no stauncher conservative than me and you know it. But your remarks often are ludicrous
put down by your own side..thats harsh!
KCConservative said:
What does any of that have to do with artistic value? Can't a conservative find the song enjoyable? Can't a liberal like Moon River? I don't your black and white world. Sorry.

That song degrades women........It is disgusting.........It has no artistic value........T compare it to Moon River a classic is outrageous.Moon River won the Oscar in 1964 that was 42 years ago and its still popular......I can guareentee no one will remember this trash 42 years from now.......They probably won't remember it in 2007.....
Willoughby said:
put down by your own side..thats harsh!

There are several members in this forum sho claim to be Conservative but a lot of times their posts here betray them.......
George_Washington said:
I agree with Navy Pride. I like movies and so I watched the Academy Awards. But that reward they gave to that silly rap song was absurd and stupid. They shouldn't have even let them perform. The language they used was a disgrace to the Academy Awards.

I don't know if anyone watched the O'Reilly Factor tonight but I did. They had televised an old convo between Simon Cowell and O'Reilly, and both of them agreed that the, "gangsta rap" image was the worst for black kids. And it's true. I am astonished that the Academy Awards would give an award to something so ridiculous. Well, things certainly aren't like they used to be.

George its one thing to maybe name that piece of crap the best rap song of the year but come on.......The best song overall...........................If that is the case music must really suck these days.........
Navy Pride said:
George its one thing to maybe name that piece of crap the best rap song of the year but come on.......The best song overall...........................If that is the case music must really suck these days.........

lol I know. It's so frightening, actually, to think what our society is headed towards. I guess next year a song about torturing small animals will get the reward.
George_Washington said:
lol I know. It's so frightening, actually, to think what our society is headed towards. I guess next year a song about torturing small animals will get the reward.

Or having sex with animals for its artistic value...........When you think things have hit rock bottom well your fooled again............
Navy Pride said:
There are several members in this forum sho claim to be Conservative but a lot of times their posts here betray them.......
Often I portray this, but I am *very* conservative. For what its worth, most of my friends think I am so conservative I am bordering back on lib! But alas, I rarely blame "everything" on liberals. It is silly to do so IMO.

Sure there are more liberals in Hollywood, but I prefer to take the less traveled and don't go to movies nor buy Levis jeans or Ben & Jerry's ice cream. (If you don't know what I am refering, you may not be a *true* conservative.) Practice what I preach type thing. Capitolism is where its at - don't like, don't buy - they will not make. :mrgreen:

Is this song pathetic? Absolutely. Does anyone care? Maybe the producer who gave/got the bj.

The boys/girls in charge realized if Brokeback were to have sweeped like it seemed, even less than the 30% of viewers would watch next year. Bad call. Superbowl, prime example.

But, the more yah scream, the more free advertising it is for them. When I bitch, I try not to make it lucrative for the folks I'm complaining about.
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Navy Pride said:
I am sorry, your embarrassed but you have been drinking the liberal koolaid to much lately my friend...............If you don't think that Hollywierd is by far hugely liberal then you had better change your handle to KCCLiberal my friend..........

Its seems that you and I have locked horns a couple of times where you might have shown your liberal colors..;)

KC is a Liberal. You heard it from Navy Pride.

Navy Pride said:
That song degrades women........It is disgusting.........It has no artistic value........T compare it to Moon River a classic is outrageous.Moon River won the Oscar in 1964 that was 42 years ago and its still popular......I can guareentee no one will remember this trash 42 years from now.......They probably won't remember it in 2007.....
I agree with all of that. But that still doesn't answer why you make it a partisan issue.
danarhea said:
KC is a Liberal. You heard it from Navy Pride.

I saw Brokeback Mountain and choose to defend an Oscar going to a rap artist and NP thinks that alone makes me a liberal. I suppose that is funny. But not nearly as funny as when you call yourself a conservative.
The song sux--plain and simple. Even black people are embarrassed by it.

Oscar Winner Hits Angry Chord
'Pimp' Song Denounced for Exploiting Negative Stereotypes

By Avis Thomas-Lester
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 7, 2006; B03

When Christine Smith heard the song "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" announced as the Oscar winner for best original song on Sunday night's telecast, she almost fell off the sofa in her Arlington living room.

Deborah Veney Robinson of Silver Spring had pretty much the same reaction. So did Juaquin Jessup of Northwest Washington.

"It was just like during the time when all the blaxploitation films were coming out with African Americans being portrayed as pimps and hos and gangsters," said Jessup, 51.

"It was another example of how they pick the worst aspects of black life and reward that. There are more important things in our culture that need focus more than the hardships of a pimp," he said. "The only place many people see our culture is through movies and on television, and at the same time, this country is experiencing an influx of people coming over here from all over the world, and the only thing they see of black America through the media is . . . pimps and gangsters and all of that. It's always some low-down brother or some welfare mother." . . .


I loved what George Clooney said when discussing how Hollywood might be out of the mainstream. He pointed out that Hollywood was talking about AIDS when people were whispering about it.

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