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Abortion is here to stay . . . . thank Prochoice Bush . . . (1 Viewer)


Jun 18, 2005
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Abortion is here to stay . . . . thank Prochoice Bush . . .


Shamgar said:
Abortion is here to stay . . . . thank Prochoice Bush . . .

Huh? Bush is whatever the Christian Coalition want him to be. And, that's pro-life. Now, Kerry - Kerry was pro-choice...
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1SGRet said:
Huh? Bush is whatever the Christian Coalition want him to be. And, that's pro-life. Now, Kerry - Kerry was pro-choice...

Well since the "Christian Coalition" are a bunch of wolves, then abortion will never be abolished under the control of wolves. . . .
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Welcome to Debate Politics.

I just wonder if you are able to express your thoughts without them being pre-canned?

BTW, I agree. ;)
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics.

I just wonder if you are able to express your thoughts without them being pre-canned?

BTW, I agree. ;)

"pre-canned"? A bunch of "christian" swallowed Bush's pre-canned lies and had no problem swallowing them. So what is the problem with "pre-canned" truth?


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I'm not sure I get the point of what you are trying to say. President Bush is against abortion. Any legislation put forward without the above exceptions will be defeated, period. I am against abortion also but agree with the exceptions, contraceptions and the morning after pill. Do you have a problem with that?
Squawker said:
I'm not sure I get the point of what you are trying to say. President Bush is against abortion.

Of course that is a lie, since he is 100% behind abortions for rape , incest and to save the life of the mother. . . so that makes him pro-choice. . . . he listed his prefered methods of abortions.

Squawker said:
Any legislation put forward without the above exceptions will be defeated, period. I am against abortion also but agree with the exceptions, contraceptions and the morning after pill. Do you have a problem with that?

No more of problem then I have with any other pseudo-christian/wolf . . .

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Shamgar said:
Abortion is here to stay . . . . thank Prochoice Bush . . .

[snip snip snip snip]

Huh? Hey, I've got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn and some prime real estate in Florida and I just know you'd enjoy building your retirement dream home there...leave me a message as soon as you come up with the ca$h and we'll arrange a transfer...
geekgrrl said:
Huh? Hey, I've got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn and some prime real estate in Florida and I just know you'd enjoy building your retirement dream home there...leave me a message as soon as you come up with the ca$h and we'll arrange a transfer...

Looks like you are someone who "bought" into George Bush's lie that he was "Pro-life" . . . . now you are trying to sell me the bridge he sold you? Hahahahahaha!

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Would you reduce your graphics please. They take a long time to load with dial up. Is there anyone left that hasn't piled on our President about something? The problem is people want everything to suit them, and the world doesn't work that way. Why have we become so self centered and self indulgent?
Squawker said:
Would you reduce your graphics please. They take a long time to load with dial up.

Sure no problem. . . however I can't go back and edit them. I will just put a big one at the begiining of a new thread and the rest hotlinks . . .

Squawker said:
Is there anyone left that hasn't piled on our President about something? The problem is people want everything to suit them, and the world doesn't work that way. Why have we become so self centered and self indulgent?

"Yes" that is bad that Bush is so "picked on" . . . let's be "good christians" and let him sin and teach others to sin . . . . I wonder if the babies aborted for rape incest and to save the life of the other are "picked on" . . . all 43 million of them . . .

I fixed the images for you, thank you.
let's be "good christians" and let him sin and teach others to sin . . . .
Since the Supreme Court has already ruled on abortion, I don't see what President Bush can do about it even if he wanted to.
Squawker said:
I fixed the images for you, thank you.
Since the Supreme Court has already ruled on abortion, I don't see what President Bush can do about it even if he wanted to.

Well hey that settles it . . . Christians are to bow down to laws that violate the laws of God . . . funny I don't see that in the Scriptures I have. . . . . Oh I noticed you completey sidestepped George Bush sinning . . . makes sense since that doesn't match the Scriptures either . . . .

Christians are to bow down to laws that violate the laws of God . . . funny I don't see that in the Scriptures I have
I guess you should if you don't want to end up in jail. I am getting a very suspicious nature lately. Reasonable people would understand the difference between what President Bush personally favors and the law. What is that word that Rush uses? Semino caller or something like that. Are you a liberal pretending to be an outraged Christian? I must admit I have been in the toddies today, but that doesn't make sense. Pac is never around when I need him. :shock: :party
Squawker said:
Are you a liberal pretending to be an outraged Christian? I must admit I have been in the toddies today, but that doesn't make sense.
Why do some people on this board blame Liberals for anything they disagree with, even when it's the rapture right?
Why do some people on this board blame Liberals for anything they disagree with, even when it's the rapture right?
Conservatives are usually more fact oriented, that is why. Liberals are know for outrageous claims and accusations.
It truly is a wicked world when people rally and picket for the abortion and killing of innocent unborn babies and then turn around and rally and picket for the protection against killing guilty terrorists. This is the liberals path. This is their hypocracy and their celebration of immorality.
Squawker said:
I guess you should if you don't want to end up in jail. I am getting a very suspicious nature lately. Reasonable people would understand the difference between what President Bush personally favors and the law. What is that word that Rush uses? Semino caller or something like that. Are you a liberal pretending to be an outraged Christian? I must admit I have been in the toddies today, but that doesn't make sense. Pac is never around when I need him. :shock: :party

You are really funny . . . Christ and the apostles had no problem going to jail . . . oh yeah they were righteous. No I have just a much contempt for the "liberal" wolves as I do for the "conservative" wolves . . . .

Oh yeah....I forgot. It's more politically correct to say "A woman's right to choose" rather than "abortion". I love how they always change the terminology to mask what it is. I shy away from having an opinion on the matter. I just get a kick out of what liberals say from crusade to crusade.
My only arguement with abortion is that it is one sided. While the woman is the one who has to carry and bear the pain, there is a father who has made that "fetus", but has absolutely no rights to life or death. Nothing changes after birth. The courts will make him take monetary responsibility whether the father wanted the baby or not. How about that for "Pro Choice".
GySgt said:
Oh yeah....I forgot. It's more politically correct to say "A woman's right to choose" rather than "abortion". I love how they always change the terminology to mask what it is. I shy away from having an opinion on the matter. I just get a kick out of what liberals say from crusade to crusade.

Yeah, pro-choice Bush is definitely for "A woman's right to choose abortion for rape, incest and to save the life of themother."

I offer no solution. The whole thing is a mess and opening doors will only result in the opening of more contriversal doors. No....other men in suits and ties have the burden of sorting things like this out and taking the abuse from the masses. It certainly doesn't help to see your face on the Internet with an animal snout pasted on it. GROOOOWL.....Relax shamgar....you won't go to hell based on someone else's action.
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GySgt said:
Relax shamgar....you won't go to hell based on someone else's action.

Hey thanks for the unsubstatiated claims . . . It appears you think following a blind guide will get you into the kingdom? You are another victim of doublethink.

Matt 15: 14 Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leadeth the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Wow. If the laws say's that I can have an abortion, then I have a choice whether or not to have an abortion. The consequences of it will be between me and God. I promise you that if God asks me if there were any accomplices, I won't mention you.

My point is, "Everyone will pay for his own sin, no matter what the laws of man say is legal. I tend to concern myself with my own soul. I don't worry about others. That's Gods job."

GySgt 13:13
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