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ABC repeats don't say gay lie (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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It's "The Parental Rights in Education bill" ABC and nowhere in it is the word "gay" banned. ABC using the oppositions lie name for the bill as their headline shows their liberal bias.
After that their brief summary is misleading.

Don't Say Gay' bill passes Florida Senate​

"The bill would ban curricula concerning LGBTQ issues in some Florida classrooms."

It's "The Parental Rights in Education bill" ABC and nowhere in it is the word "gay" banned. ABC using the oppositions lie name for the bill as their headline shows their liberal bias.
After that their brief summary is misleading.

Don't Say Gay' bill passes Florida Senate​

"The bill would ban curricula concerning LGBTQ issues in some Florida classrooms."

I thought the FRW liked the practice of marginalizing complex issues by reducing them to bumper sticker slogans.
Right-wing jackasses mad about the other side using the same propaganda tactics they've been using for a decade+ lmao chill with the fake outrage.

I'm old enough to remember "death panels" and "terrorist fist bumps" and "killing grandma with socialist healthcare" and "don't say gay" is ten times more benign than any of those.

In any case the legislation is stupid and absurd, and yet another dumb chapter in the bigots' culture wars (from the side that laments book burning and the death of "free speech" no less), why don't you focus on that?
"The bill would ban curricula concerning LGBTQ issues in some Florida classrooms."

In light of that quote, what exactly do you find so confusing about it being called the "'don't say gay' bill"?

It's not like they falsely accused DeSantis of being a kenyan muslim plotting to murder Americans with death panels. You know. Like you people did to the black guy.
In light of that quote, what exactly do you find so confusing about it being called the "'don't say gay' bill"?

It's not like they falsely accused DeSantis of being a kenyan muslim plotting to murder Americans with death panels. You know. Like you people did to the black guy.
Feel free to point out where in the bill it says don't say gay.
In light of that quote, what exactly do you find so confusing about it being called the "'don't say gay' bill"?

It's not like they falsely accused DeSantis of being a kenyan muslim plotting to murder Americans with death panels. You know. Like you people did to the black guy.
And the Black guy belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood and before he killed people with deaths panels threw them FEMA concentration camps...
Right-wing jackasses mad about the other side using the same propaganda tactics they've been using for a decade+ lmao chill with the fake outrage.

I'm old enough to remember "death panels" and "terrorist fist bumps" and "killing grandma with socialist healthcare" and "don't say gay" is ten times more benign than any of those.

In any case the legislation is stupid and absurd, and yet another dumb chapter in the bigots' culture wars (from the side that laments book burning and the death of "free speech" no less), why don't you focus on that?
So you admit ABC is "the other side" which is the point of the OP. Very good and carry on.
Feel free to continue to make disingenuous observations about the intent of the legislation.
"What we're preventing is a school district deciding they're going to create a curriculum to insert themselves,"
"What we're preventing is a school district deciding they're going to create a curriculum to insert themselves,"
Damn. That's exactly opposite of what republicans were previously arguing regarding letting local communities decide what's best for them.
Damn. That's exactly opposite of what republicans were previously arguing regarding letting local communities decide what's best for them.
I know right... The 'small government, keep the government out of our lives' Republicans now all of a sudden love the government...

What a bunch of hypocrites...
Damn. That's exactly opposite of what republicans were previously arguing regarding letting local communities decide what's best for them.
What community in this case? The gay community?
This is a common sense parental rights bill that stops a school from teaching K-3 children about stuff they are way too you to understand. Schools inserting themselves where they don't belong is exactly what Republicans are against.
I know right... The 'small government, keep the government out of our lives' Republicans now all of a sudden love the government...

What a bunch of hypocrites...
It's also transparent.

Just like the tactics of the conservatives and what they were doing in the 1950s and 1960s.
I know right... The 'small government, keep the government out of our lives' Republicans now all of a sudden love the government...

What a bunch of hypocrites...
This bill does exactly that. Keeps government out of our lives.
What community in this case? The gay community?
The local community. The local school districts. The school districts that you guys have been screaming that the parents should have control over.

So you're just gonna go totally flippity flop on this one.
Perhaps those who support the idea of teaching a six year old about sexual orientation should identify themselves.
The local community. The local school districts. The school districts that you guys have been screaming that the parents should have control over.

So you're just gonna go totally flippity flop on this one.
Republicans have been against schools teaching kids inappropriate subject matter. This bill is about that.
Republicans have been against schools teaching kids inappropriate subject matter. This bill is about that.
And previously republicans were all about allowing the parents of the local school districts making decisions about what's right for their children and their education.

So now you're doing the big flippery flop and didn't even realize that you were doing the big flippity flop until somebody pointed out that you were doing the big flippity flop.
So what IYO is the intent of the bill? No answer?
Why would you ask a question and then finger-wag about the lack of reply before I actually get a chance to reply?
Republicans have been against schools teaching kids inappropriate subject matter. This bill is about that.
So it keeps government out of their lives by…having the State determine what subject matter is and is not appropriate?

Do you actually think about this stuff before you post?

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