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A new name for the libertarian party!!! (1 Viewer)


Mr. Professional
DP Veteran
Jul 12, 2010
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Northern Virginia
Political Leaning
The Coolidge Party!

We could call ourselves the Coolidgians! AWESOME!
Party that will never get elected because we don't elect third parties? I know it is a bit long but we could call it Not a chance in hell for short.
I've read some essays about the pros and cons of the name for the Libertarian Party.

The biggest problem that seems to be expressed a lot is there are libertarians who are classical liberals, libertarians who are minarchists who believe that supreme court that monopolizes ethics is not aggressive in nature if the constitution they're upholding is a constitution that enforces nonaggression, and anarcho-capitalists who believe in the nonaggression axiom and believe that the constitution is limited to court interpretation and therefore flawed and open to perversion no matter how good the intention of the constitution and legal monopoly is. Oh, and then you have objectivists who can support things like the initation of force as classical liberals might if the perceived threat is great but luckily objectivists are way too far up their own asses to consider themselves libertarian.

This is seen as a problem because it shows that the party isn't big tent and there's a lot of interparty disagreement. I don't think there is no need for there to be a name change because the minarchist is correct in saying that no aggression is made if the single legal authority is non aggressive and this SHOULD satisfy the anarcho-capitalists because classical liberals, minarchists, nonaggressive-anarchists and objectivists would agree on actions against this aggression, which is why we banner under the libertarian party in hopes that we can have this revolution democratically and civilly.

I believe there is nothing wrong with the party name. We are in need of a new mascot though. libertarian porcupine
I also think that our party color should be "gold".

There must be emphasis on Coolidge though in our party. The presidency of Coolidge can provide a lot of commentary about the political parties and the effectiveness of Coolidge's policies (or lack their off)
Whats wrong with the word libertarian?
Party that will never get elected because we don't elect third parties? I know it is a bit long but we could call it Not a chance in hell for short.

We're a single party system. The big government party. We have elected dark horses in the past, and small parties do tend to creep up every once in a while.
I've read some essays about the pros and cons of the name for the Libertarian Party.

The biggest problem that seems to be expressed a lot is there are libertarians who are classical liberals, libertarians who are minarchists who believe that supreme court that monopolizes ethics is not aggressive in nature if the constitution they're upholding is a constitution that enforces nonaggression, and anarcho-capitalists who believe in the nonaggression axiom and believe that the constitution is limited to court interpretation and therefore flawed and open to perversion no matter how good the intention of the constitution and legal monopoly is. Oh, and then you have objectivists who can support things like the initation of force as classical liberals might if the perceived threat is great but luckily objectivists are way too far up their own asses to consider themselves libertarian.

This is seen as a problem because it shows that the party isn't big tent and there's a lot of interparty disagreement. I don't think there is no need for there to be a name change because the minarchist is correct in saying that no aggression is made if the single legal authority is non aggressive and this SHOULD satisfy the anarcho-capitalists because classical liberals, minarchists, nonaggressive-anarchists and objectivists would agree on actions against this aggression, which is why we banner under the libertarian party in hopes that we can have this revolution democratically and civilly.

I believe there is nothing wrong with the party name. We are in need of a new mascot though. libertarian porcupine
I also think that our party color should be "gold".

There must be emphasis on Coolidge though in our party. The presidency of Coolidge can provide a lot of commentary about the political parties and the effectiveness of Coolidge's policies (or lack their off)

Wow. I never knew about the porcupine until now. It sounds like a great idea!
Whats wrong with the word libertarian?

Nothing is inherently wrong with the word. Strictly speaking, there are no major conservative economists. Conservatives do not have any major economists from their own branch of politics...they use ours. Liberals do have major economists, like Paul Krugman. But nearly all economists that conservatives look up to are not even conservatives, politically. They are libertarians like Friedman, Hayek, Mises, Rothbard, etc. Hayek expressed dislike for the term libertarian. He thought it was too manufactured. They, themselves, identified as classical liberal.

I find no contempt, on my part, with using the word to help define my ideas to others. The thread is a joke, meant to play out the discontent..
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We're a single party system. The big government party. We have elected dark horses in the past, and small parties do tend to creep up every once in a while.

Yes I know. I was more joking at the fact we as a country either see thinks in terms of Democrat or Republican. We have an inability to see anything else.

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