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A Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27) Joke (1 Viewer)

Throughout the bitter days of the existence of the Warsaw Ghetto a clandestine group of researchers there compiled a vast archive detailing every aspect of life in that prison city. After the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was predictably defeated the Nazis razed the Ghetto culminating with the demolition of the Great Synagogue of Warsaw on May 16, 1943.
But not everything was destroyed. In September 1946 after weeks of planning and calculation 3 survivors of the Oyneg Shabbes (Joy of the Sabbath) group which had amassed the huge archive and hid it in the brick foundation of an old school dug it up so that the world could know what had happened in the Warsaw Ghetto.
The bitter jokes in the archive still work: "Hitler comes to the other world. Sees Jesus in Paradise. 'Hey, what's a Jew doing without an armband.' He says. 'Let Him be," answers St. Peter. 'He's the bosses son.'"

Read more here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-21178079

What a different world we would live in today if religious/racial hatred/bigotry had not been such a huge force in human history.
It doesn't cost any of us a penny to be tolerant of other people. I am not suggesting that anyone try to love everyone, just that we all try to be as tolerant of others as we would like them to be of us - including the people on this forum. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Think about it.

"Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself." ~ Robert Green Ingersoll
Wasn't very funny.
"Hitler comes to the other world. Sees Jesus in Paradise. 'Hey, what's a Jew doing without an armband.' He says. 'Let Him be," answers St. Peter. 'He's the bosses son.'"

Then Hitler looks beyond the gates and notices something and turns to St. Peter and ask "Why are the streets of heaven guarded by U.S. Marines" ?
spanky;bt2232 said:
Wasn't very funny.

Religious and/or racial prejudice is never funny for those harmed by it.

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