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A good theory on why the black people in america DONT know there true heritage.... (1 Viewer)

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Jun 6, 2005
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I was running threw some sites and found a great website about where the "so-called" african slaves are REALLY from and how africa is named after a roman named Leo Africanus (here's a site for it http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9378005 ) Though I don't fully agree with the author about some of these things, it does make alot of sense http://www.hebrewisraelites.org/messblknat.htm

The message by this author makes sense seeing how throughtout history how brown skinned people have been treated over the centuries by europe
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torch said:
I was running threw some sites and found a great website about where the "so-called" african slaves are REALLY from and how africa is named after a roman named Leo Africanus (here's a site for it http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9378005 ) Though I don't fully agree with the author about some of these things, it does make alot of sense http://www.hebrewisraelites.org/messblknat.htm

The message by this author makes sense seeing how throughtout history how brown skinned people have been treated over the centuries by europe

Some Hebrews likely ended up in Africa and mixed with the Black Africans there over centuries, while keeping th Hebrew Culture.

I dont think Africans should be too concerned with trying to prove some "great historical findings."

What is wrong with a history as a primitive people?

Nothing really.

I am White Anglo-Saxon European.

I love Europe's rich history, as well as that of Babylon, Egypt, India, China has a very old Civilization too, likely the oldest next to India.

The thing is however, there is nothing wrong with having a primitive culture, like the Aboriginal Americans, Brazilians, the African tribes, the Aboriginal Australians, the people of Polynesia.

Actually, it rather exotic to live in such a culture.

You have everything you need: Food, sex, friends, family, work.

I believe in reincarnation, I think it would be nice to spend some time in the wilderness in a primitive society.

In fact it would be an absolute blast!
torch said:
I was running threw some sites and found a great website about where the "so-called" african slaves are REALLY from and how africa is named after a roman named Leo Africanus (here's a site for it http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9378005 ) Though I don't fully agree with the author about some of these things, it does make alot of sense http://www.hebrewisraelites.org/messblknat.htm

The message by this author makes sense seeing how throughtout history how brown skinned people have been treated over the centuries by europe

A) Who gives a ****.
B) Who is this so called enemy that the author speaks of? White people? Well thanks a god damn lot buddy way to lump people into groups lol.
C) Sounds like nation of Islam reverse racism Farakon conspiracy theorist psychosis to me.
D) What's wrong with being called an American, 20 million Mexicans can't be wrong.:smile:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
A) Who gives a ****.
B) Who is this so called enemy that the author speaks of? White people? Well thanks a god damn lot buddy way to lump people into groups lol.

yeah, i kind of hate it when people do that!
C) Sounds like nation of Islam reverse racism Farakon conspiracy theorist psychosis to me.
D) What's wrong with being called an American, 20 million Mexicans can't be wrong.:smile:

that joke was so wrong...lol, but a bit funny!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
C) Sounds like nation of Islam reverse racism Farakon conspiracy theorist psychosis to me.

Isn't it spelled "Farrakhan"?
Black Americans don't know their past heritage because whites destroyed it.
Unfair said:
Black Americans don't know their past heritage because whites destroyed it.

How come the Jews never lost their culture?
Lucidthots said:
How come the Jews never lost their culture?

the jewish tragedy lasted only 6 years and they were compensated. they had a chance to bounce back and they did.
slavery lasted 400 years with NO compensation whatsoever. And Black Americans DO have culture. We just can't trace back our roots due to the whites who erased it.
Unfair said:
the jewish tragedy lasted only 6 years and they were compensated. they had a chance to bounce back and they did.
slavery lasted 400 years with NO compensation whatsoever. And Black Americans DO have culture. We just can't trace back our roots due to the whites who erased it.

The Jews were beaten up in Europe for 2000 years....what planet are you on?

Ever heard of Greece?



In fact we can go back to the begining of recorded history....ever heard of Egypt?

Damn....6 years??

That is the dumbest thing Ive ever heard in my life..

People have been trying to kill the Jews for 4000 years!
I was referring to the holocaust. and get real. jews are NOT angels. they did their dirt too. do your history before you try to play victim.
Unfair said:
I was referring to the holocaust. and get real. jews are NOT angels. they did their dirt too. do your history before you try to play victim.

You are changing the subject because you lost the argument...I dont even like Jews.

I think Jews have done plenty of dirty ****.

That is not the point.

You said that the reason ******s lost their culture was because of white people...

Explain how the Jews kept their culture when there have been laws againt their existence on the books for over 4000 years?
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did you just say the N word?
far from it and if you can't debate rationally then you need to step on out. you're way too emotional.
Lucidthots said:
The Jews were beaten up in Europe for 2000 years....what planet are you on?

Ever heard of Greece?



In fact we can go back to the begining of recorded history....ever heard of Egypt?

Damn....6 years??

That is the dumbest thing Ive ever heard in my life..

People have been trying to kill the Jews for 4000 years!

**** I got to agree with the conspiratorialist bigoted little nazi:

Seleucids under Alexander, Assyrians, Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, the Diaspora, Rome under Pompey, etc. etc.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
**** I got to agree with the conspiratorialist bigoted little nazi:

Seleucids under Alexander, Assyrians, Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, the Diaspora, Rome under Pompey, etc. etc.

I am not really a NAZi...it is a ploy I use to call NeoCons traitors.

Something they specialize at.
Re: A good theory on why the black people in america DONT know there true heritage...

Lucidthots said:
You are changing the subject because you lost the argument...I dont even like Jews.

I think Jews have done plenty of dirty ****.

That is not the point.

You said that the reason ******s lost their culture was because of white people...

Explain how the Jews kept their culture when there have been laws againt their existence on the books for over 4000 years?

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