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A cool letter to pres. obama (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 7, 2012
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Denio Junction
Political Leaning
Dear President Obama-

I am fighting an oppressive regime that stifles freedoms and is oppressing it's citizens. We continue to have a boot to our throat, and there is nowhere left to turn as this regime has drained my livelihood and enslaved me to its' will. I have no way to fight back.

Please, send me a few rifles like you sent the people of Syria.

California resident.

This came from the CalGun forum; thought it was prudent.
Dear President Obama-

I am fighting an oppressive regime that stifles freedoms and is oppressing it's citizens. We continue to have a boot to our throat, and there is nowhere left to turn as this regime has drained my livelihood and enslaved me to its' will. I have no way to fight back.

Please, send me a few rifles like you sent the people of Syria.

California resident.

This came from the CalGun forum; thought it was prudent.
Obama will lament that he is, sadly, unable to do so, since the rifles he sent to Syria are not legal in CA. ;)
Dear President Obama-

I am fighting an oppressive regime that stifles freedoms and is oppressing it's citizens. We continue to have a boot to our throat, and there is nowhere left to turn as this regime has drained my livelihood and enslaved me to its' will. I have no way to fight back.

Please, send me a few rifles like you sent the people of Syria.

California resident.

This came from the CalGun forum; thought it was prudent.

If the president won't act I will fund the oppressed citizen's fight.

Article V is our last real chance to fix what ails the nation short of a revolution.
"....Please, send me a few rifles like you sent the people of Syria...."


The author(mooch)wants a government handout ?

Why not just ask for cash like Iraq received.

...The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent

The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve.....


An armed guard poses beside pallets of $100 bills in Baghdad. Almost $12bn in cash was spent by the US-led authority

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian
Dear President Obama-

I am fighting an oppressive regime that stifles freedoms and is oppressing it's citizens. We continue to have a boot to our throat, and there is nowhere left to turn as this regime has drained my livelihood and enslaved me to its' will. I have no way to fight back.

Please, send me a few rifles like you sent the people of Syria.

California resident.

This came from the CalGun forum; thought it was prudent.

Don't forget to include a package of thick red magic markers with the letter. I think his ran dry.
Cause his repressive out of control govt would take it from him.

"....Please, send me a few rifles like you sent the people of Syria...."


The author(mooch)wants a government handout ?

Why not just ask for cash like Iraq received.

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