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8 minutes of shame: Reporters covering Hillary embarrass profession (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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For anyone who has been remarking how Hilary never does Press Conferences ... TAKE THAT !!!!!
A starved media threw 8 armor piercing high caliber questions at her and left her reeling.

“You’re on the cusp of being the first female nominee of a major party. What does that mean to you and how are you reflecting on that?”

“No matter what happens tomorrow, Bernie Sanders says the convention in Philadelphia will be contested. Do you think there is anything you can do to change that at this point?”

“Is it setting in that you might be making serious history tomorrow?”

“Some prominent Democrats have come out saying ‘we maybe need to reevaluate the super delegate system more broadly. irrespective of what happens in this primary, do you support looking into that and, perhaps, getting rid of that?”

“Do you think Sen. Sanders will concede as you did in 2008?”

“What role would you like the president to play in your campaign?”

“Last night when you took stage in Sacramento, there was a woman standing next to me who was absolutely sobbing. And she said, you know, ‘it’s time, it’s past time.’ And you see the women, you see people here. People just come up to you and, {gasp} they get tears in their eyes. Do you feel… do you feel the weight of what this means to people?”

“Do you expect the president’s endorsement some time this week?”

So there. She'll never recover.

8 minutes of shame: Reporters covering Hillary embarrass profession with softball questions « Hot Air
I also loved the fact that on the day before CA and NJ voters head to the polls the major media outlets all announced that she had already won the nomination. The coordination between the media and her campaign is like something we used to see out of Pravda or TASS.
For anyone who has been remarking how Hilary never does Press Conferences ... TAKE THAT !!!!!
A starved media threw 8 armor piercing high caliber questions at her and left her reeling.

“You’re on the cusp of being the first female nominee of a major party. What does that mean to you and how are you reflecting on that?”

“No matter what happens tomorrow, Bernie Sanders says the convention in Philadelphia will be contested. Do you think there is anything you can do to change that at this point?”

“Is it setting in that you might be making serious history tomorrow?”

“Some prominent Democrats have come out saying ‘we maybe need to reevaluate the super delegate system more broadly. irrespective of what happens in this primary, do you support looking into that and, perhaps, getting rid of that?”

“Do you think Sen. Sanders will concede as you did in 2008?”

“What role would you like the president to play in your campaign?”

“Last night when you took stage in Sacramento, there was a woman standing next to me who was absolutely sobbing. And she said, you know, ‘it’s time, it’s past time.’ And you see the women, you see people here. People just come up to you and, {gasp} they get tears in their eyes. Do you feel… do you feel the weight of what this means to people?”

“Do you expect the president’s endorsement some time this week?”

So there. She'll never recover.

8 minutes of shame: Reporters covering Hillary embarrass profession with softball questions « Hot Air

Peppering her with questions like that just isn't fair. For heaven's sake, give her some air, some room. She'll come out of her safe space when she's ready.
I also loved the fact that on the day before CA and NJ voters head to the polls the major media outlets all announced that she had already won the nomination. The coordination between the media and her campaign is like something we used to see out of Pravda or TASS.

Could backfire. If she's already won the whole enchilada, why bother voting for her now? So if Sanders takes California, I'll have a good laugh at the effort.
Now Hillary can go another few months without anyone being able to say she hasn't recently given access to the press. ;)
I'd like to see this question posed to her:

"How do you see the millions of dollars contributed to the Clinton Foundation from foreign leader's affect your presidency?" :shock:
For anyone who has been remarking how Hilary never does Press Conferences ... TAKE THAT !!!!!
A starved media threw 8 armor piercing high caliber questions at her and left her reeling.

“You’re on the cusp of being the first female nominee of a major party. What does that mean to you and how are you reflecting on that?”

“No matter what happens tomorrow, Bernie Sanders says the convention in Philadelphia will be contested. Do you think there is anything you can do to change that at this point?”

“Is it setting in that you might be making serious history tomorrow?”

“Some prominent Democrats have come out saying ‘we maybe need to reevaluate the super delegate system more broadly. irrespective of what happens in this primary, do you support looking into that and, perhaps, getting rid of that?”

“Do you think Sen. Sanders will concede as you did in 2008?”

“What role would you like the president to play in your campaign?”

“Last night when you took stage in Sacramento, there was a woman standing next to me who was absolutely sobbing. And she said, you know, ‘it’s time, it’s past time.’ And you see the women, you see people here. People just come up to you and, {gasp} they get tears in their eyes. Do you feel… do you feel the weight of what this means to people?”

“Do you expect the president’s endorsement some time this week?”

So there. She'll never recover.

8 minutes of shame: Reporters covering Hillary embarrass profession with softball questions « Hot Air

:shrug: exactly what we've come to expect from the main stream "media". Complete lack of professionalism in favor of ideological participation.
I also loved the fact that on the day before CA and NJ voters head to the polls the major media outlets all announced that she had already won the nomination. The coordination between the media and her campaign is like something we used to see out of Pravda or TASS.

What coordination? She has enough delegates to win the nomination
I also loved the fact that on the day before CA and NJ voters head to the polls the major media outlets all announced that she had already won the nomination. The coordination between the media and her campaign is like something we used to see out of Pravda or TASS.

Just curious.


You run a news agency. You're goal above all else is to get eyeballs on the screen.

Hillary had enough delegates plus super delegates to clench, and it is widely known that Bernie has no shot in hell to surpass her delegate lead even without supers. All the polls show that he has no chance. All the math shows he has no chance.

Hillary notifies news agencies that her campaign is going to announce she has enough delegates and is the defacto nominee.

Do you report that announcement and show the conference?

I don't think anyone wouldn't, and I can't think of a good reason not to. She isn't winning because Bernie is getting screwed. She's winning because shes getting by far the most votes. She has 3 million more votes than him.
Along with this, while they are announcing the whole "presumptive nominee" thing, they are constantly discussing that she isn't really and the realities of the entire super delegate thing. Any one paying attention understands that superdelegates can change their minds and alter the election. But anyone with half a brain knows this isn't going to happen because she has the most votes and the most delegates. There's no reason to outside of a felony indictment at the last minute.

How in the world you get "Pravda" out of this, I don't know. Pravda wouldn't be announcing "Well, if you count super delegates, even though they can change their mind, she has enough to clench the nomination." That's not that kind of **** that get's reported when the media is state owned and in someone's pocket.
Rah rah rah... We love you Hillary!
I also loved the fact that on the day before CA and NJ voters head to the polls the major media outlets all announced that she had already won the nomination. The coordination between the media and her campaign is like something we used to see out of Pravda or TASS.

I think Pravda and TASS could learn a thing or from our current media on campaign coordination.
Just curious.


You run a news agency. You're goal above all else is to get eyeballs on the screen.

Hillary had enough delegates plus super delegates to clench, and it is widely known that Bernie has no shot in hell to surpass her delegate lead even without supers. All the polls show that he has no chance. All the math shows he has no chance.

Hillary notifies news agencies that her campaign is going to announce she has enough delegates and is the defacto nominee.

Do you report that announcement and show the conference?

I don't think anyone wouldn't, and I can't think of a good reason not to. She isn't winning because Bernie is getting screwed. She's winning because shes getting by far the most votes. She has 3 million more votes than him.
Along with this, while they are announcing the whole "presumptive nominee" thing, they are constantly discussing that she isn't really and the realities of the entire super delegate thing. Any one paying attention understands that superdelegates can change their minds and alter the election. But anyone with half a brain knows this isn't going to happen because she has the most votes and the most delegates. There's no reason to outside of a felony indictment at the last minute.

How in the world you get "Pravda" out of this, I don't know. Pravda wouldn't be announcing "Well, if you count super delegates, even though they can change their mind, she has enough to clench the nomination." That's not that kind of **** that get's reported when the media is state owned and in someone's pocket.

Oh come on. The media has treated her like she was destined for the job since day one. Yeah, with 24 years of ground game behind her she has the campaign in the bag but the media is still giving her the red carpet treatment.
Oh come on. The media has treated her like she was destined for the job since day one. Yeah, with 24 years of ground game behind her she has the campaign in the bag but the media is still giving her the red carpet treatment.

How have they treated her so kindly? Have they not talked enough of the emails? Not enough about Benghazi? Have we not heard quite a bit about how she's having trouble with Bernie and that she shouldn't be having such a hard time? Her "shrill" voice? Her being so politically calculated? What have they not said about her that you feel is missing?

Anything short of reporters throwing tomatoes at her, and conservatives would be whining like the whiny bitches about how the press treats her. I'm fine with picking on the media, and there's many areas where they deserve it, including some in the media not being tough enough on politicians, but this whole "Pravda" **** just makes you look ridiculous.

Also I think it's fair to point out that announcing a democratic candidate is in generally called the presumptive nominee and is said to have clinched the nomination when they get enough delegates and super delegates.


Obama Clinches Nomination

A last-minute rush of Democratic superdelegates, as well as the results from the final primaries, in Montana and South Dakota, pushed Mr. Obama over the threshold of winning the 2,118 delegates needed to be nominated at the party’s convention in August.

This is nothing new, and this isn't something being done just to please Hillary. They are talking about what's going on in reality, and your upset because it goes against what you wish were reality I suppose...
How have they treated her so kindly? Have they not talked enough of the emails? Not enough about Benghazi? Have we not heard quite a bit about how she's having trouble with Bernie and that she shouldn't be having such a hard time? Her "shrill" voice? Her being so politically calculated? What have they not said about her that you feel is missing?

Anything short of reporters throwing tomatoes at her, and conservatives would be whining like the whiny bitches about how the press treats her. I'm fine with picking on the media, and there's many areas where they deserve it, including some in the media not being tough enough on politicians, but this whole "Pravda" **** just makes you look ridiculous.

Reporter - "So, Secretary Clinton, there has been quite a bit in the news about this email stuff. Would you like to reply?"

Clinton - "I didn't do nothing! It's all lies! It's a conspiracy I tell you, a dastardly conspiracy!"

Reporter - "Thank you for clearing that up. Now can we talk about puppies and rainbows?"

Also I think it's fair to point out that announcing a democratic candidate is in generally called the presumptive nominee and is said to have clinched the nomination when they get enough delegates and super delegates.


This is nothing new, and this isn't something being done just to please Hillary. They are talking about what's going on in reality, and your upset because it goes against what you wish were reality I suppose...

Hogwash. This announcement at this particular time is intended specifically to deflate Sanders supporters before the CA primary in hopes that they don't turn out. If Clinton loses CA and/or NY it would be a HUGE PR loss and might well turn some of those superdelegates to Sanders. This is, as I have said, a calculated and coordinated move between the Clinton campaign and the Associated Press.
What coordination? She has enough delegates to win the nomination

You didn't get the memo before the election started?

Hogwash. This announcement at this particular time is intended specifically to deflate Sanders supporters before the CA primary in hopes that they don't turn out. If Clinton loses CA and/or NY it would be a HUGE PR loss and might well turn some of those superdelegates to Sanders. This is, as I have said, a calculated and coordinated move between the Clinton campaign and the Associated Press.

Prove it. You made a claim, so show your evidence. Show that this was planned and coordinated and didn't happen simply because Hillary finally had enough delegates and super delegates.

Not only that. Your idea is stupid. You want to downplay expectations and over-perform in politics. That's why the Clinton campaign has not announced in any way shape or form that she has won the primary election. They are purposefully holding off til Tuesday when they'll be able to declare that they have enough pledged delegates to be the presumptive nominee.

Declaring before that that she is the nominee only hurts her if she then goes on to have a bad performance today and does nothing to help her if she gets an extra couple of votes. And to be clear, even if she has a pretty bad day today, she's still going to get enough pledged delegates. The AP calling it early does nothing to help her. Bernie fans aren't staying home because of this. And the polls already showed she needs no help.

So I don't know what you think is going on. If there was a big coordinated effort, it wouldn't be this.
I also loved the fact that on the day before CA and NJ voters head to the polls the major media outlets all announced that she had already won the nomination. The coordination between the media and her campaign is like something we used to see out of Pravda or TASS.

Reporter - "So, Secretary Clinton, there has been quite a bit in the news about this email stuff. Would you like to reply?"

Clinton - "I didn't do nothing! It's all lies! It's a conspiracy I tell you, a dastardly conspiracy!"

Reporter - "Thank you for clearing that up. Now can we talk about puppies and rainbows?"

Debates are terrible places to dig into issues. Sad but true. Didn't even watch that video. But the first video, did you really watch it and then type that out thinking it was an accurate representation of what was going on? What more exactly did you want from that interviewer? I'm not saying it was a scathing, super tough interview, but to act as though it was nothing but fluff is pretty crazy. I think he did a very good job given that it was a very short interview. He pushed back on her. When she said "it's been done before" he distinctly calls her out on it. I don't see how anyone has a problem with this.
Hogwash. This announcement at this particular time is intended specifically to deflate Sanders supporters before the CA primary in hopes that they don't turn out. If Clinton loses CA and/or NY it would be a HUGE PR loss and might well turn some of those superdelegates to Sanders. This is, as I have said, a calculated and coordinated move between the Clinton campaign and the Associated Press.

She also killed Vince Foster
I'd like to see this question posed to her:

"How do you see the millions of dollars contributed to the Clinton Foundation from foreign leader's affect your presidency?" :shock:

I'd like to know how to go about making $100,000 on a $1000 investment in cattle trading futures in a few short months. I expect a lot of people would want to know that.
For anyone who has been remarking how Hilary never does Press Conferences ... TAKE THAT !!!!!
A starved media threw 8 armor piercing high caliber questions at her and left her reeling.

“You’re on the cusp of being the first female nominee of a major party. What does that mean to you and how are you reflecting on that?”

“No matter what happens tomorrow, Bernie Sanders says the convention in Philadelphia will be contested. Do you think there is anything you can do to change that at this point?”

“Is it setting in that you might be making serious history tomorrow?”

“Some prominent Democrats have come out saying ‘we maybe need to reevaluate the super delegate system more broadly. irrespective of what happens in this primary, do you support looking into that and, perhaps, getting rid of that?”

“Do you think Sen. Sanders will concede as you did in 2008?”

“What role would you like the president to play in your campaign?”

“Last night when you took stage in Sacramento, there was a woman standing next to me who was absolutely sobbing. And she said, you know, ‘it’s time, it’s past time.’ And you see the women, you see people here. People just come up to you and, {gasp} they get tears in their eyes. Do you feel… do you feel the weight of what this means to people?”

“Do you expect the president’s endorsement some time this week?”

So there. She'll never recover.

8 minutes of shame: Reporters covering Hillary embarrass profession with softball questions « Hot Air

Each and every one of those questions would be valid...if she wasn't facing possible charges. They would be great questions if we were on the eve of the convention, but in the asking they make it a coronation.

And the only ammo you have to fight with is Trump

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