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63 House Republicans vote against resolution affirming support for NATO.. (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
Political Leaning
Wow. What the hell......

Many not surprisingly are Trump supporters.

Nearly one-third of the House Republican Caucus on Tuesday night voted against a resolution that vowed support for both democratic values and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — the alliance of countries that seeks to keep peace and prevent threats from illiberal countries.

The resolution passed by a vote of 362 - 63, with all 63 "no" votes coming from Republican members — many of whom are allies of former President Donald Trump.

The resolution states that the House is voicing its "unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," and tells President Biden to declare his "support for shared democratic values" and his commitment "to enhancing NATO's capacity to strengthen democratic institutions within NATO member, partner, and aspirant countries."

The 63 Republicans who voted against reaffirming support for NATO included Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Chip Roy (R-TX).

"NATO is a relic of the Cold War. Why should Americans pay for Europe's defense?" Massie tweeted in defense of his "no" vote Tuesday.

Even some House Republicans expressed confusion about why their colleagues voted against the resolution. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) chastised his fellow Republicans for "showing Putin sympathy."

"I don't even have a clue why ... I mean every no vote should be asked repeatedly by their local papers why," Kinzinger tweeted on Tuesday night.

"I hope my party can finally remember where our foundations are and actually say that we're not going to be Putin-sympathetic anymore," he added in a video posted to Twitter, adding that his hope was likely "wishful thinking."

Wow. What the hell......

Many not surprisingly are Trump supporters.

Nearly one-third of the House Republican Caucus on Tuesday night voted against a resolution that vowed support for both democratic values and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — the alliance of countries that seeks to keep peace and prevent threats from illiberal countries.

The resolution passed by a vote of 362 - 63, with all 63 "no" votes coming from Republican members — many of whom are allies of former President Donald Trump.

The resolution states that the House is voicing its "unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," and tells President Biden to declare his "support for shared democratic values" and his commitment "to enhancing NATO's capacity to strengthen democratic institutions within NATO member, partner, and aspirant countries."

The 63 Republicans who voted against reaffirming support for NATO included Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Chip Roy (R-TX).

"NATO is a relic of the Cold War. Why should Americans pay for Europe's defense?" Massie tweeted in defense of his "no" vote Tuesday.

Even some House Republicans expressed confusion about why their colleagues voted against the resolution. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) chastised his fellow Republicans for "showing Putin sympathy."

"I don't even have a clue why ... I mean every no vote should be asked repeatedly by their local papers why," Kinzinger tweeted on Tuesday night.

"I hope my party can finally remember where our foundations are and actually say that we're not going to be Putin-sympathetic anymore," he added in a video posted to Twitter, adding that his hope was likely "wishful thinking."

The republican party can vecere bracis meis. Idiots. NATO works.

I am now going to find out if my Cathy McMorris Rogers voted against this. Pretty sure she did as she was head Campaign Chair for Trump in the last election. She can expect a not very nice letter.....this is just another glowing example of how some in the GOP have veered completely off a cliff.
Nearly one-third of the House Republican Caucus on Tuesday night voted against a resolution that vowed support for both democratic values and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — the alliance of countries that seeks to keep peace and prevent threats from illiberal countries.

The resolution passed by a vote of 362 - 63, with all 63 "no" votes coming from Republican members — many of whom are allies of former President Donald Trump.

The resolution states that the House is voicing its "unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," and tells President Biden to declare his "support for shared democratic values" and his commitment "to enhancing NATO's capacity to strengthen democratic institutions within NATO member, partner, and aspirant countries."

The 63 Republicans who voted against reaffirming support for NATO included Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Chip Roy (R-TX).

"I don't even have a clue why ... I mean every no vote should be asked repeatedly by their local papers why," Kinzinger tweeted on Tuesday night.

"I hope my party can finally remember where our foundations are and actually say that we're not going to be Putin-sympathetic anymore," he added in a video posted to Twitter, adding that his hope was likely "wishful thinking."
I'm beginning to suspect that I may not live long enough to see the Republican Party put its train back on the rails. They seem to have collectively embraced no discernible policy, other than to try to undo any initiative that doesn't come directly from the guano licking wing of their party.
Did you actually read the resolution before making that breathless exclamation?
It doesn't enshrine CRT or promote transgendererd men in women's sports, so there's isn't anything in the resolution you would expect Republicans to get wound up about. It's as simple as the fact that the Republican Party is transforming into Putin's Party.
Wow. What the hell......

Many not surprisingly are Trump supporters.

Nearly one-third of the House Republican Caucus on Tuesday night voted against a resolution that vowed support for both democratic values and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — the alliance of countries that seeks to keep peace and prevent threats from illiberal countries.

The resolution passed by a vote of 362 - 63, with all 63 "no" votes coming from Republican members — many of whom are allies of former President Donald Trump.

The resolution states that the House is voicing its "unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," and tells President Biden to declare his "support for shared democratic values" and his commitment "to enhancing NATO's capacity to strengthen democratic institutions within NATO member, partner, and aspirant countries."

The 63 Republicans who voted against reaffirming support for NATO included Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Chip Roy (R-TX).

"NATO is a relic of the Cold War. Why should Americans pay for Europe's defense?" Massie tweeted in defense of his "no" vote Tuesday.

Even some House Republicans expressed confusion about why their colleagues voted against the resolution. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) chastised his fellow Republicans for "showing Putin sympathy."

"I don't even have a clue why ... I mean every no vote should be asked repeatedly by their local papers why," Kinzinger tweeted on Tuesday night.

"I hope my party can finally remember where our foundations are and actually say that we're not going to be Putin-sympathetic anymore," he added in a video posted to Twitter, adding that his hope was likely "wishful thinking."

What surprises me is that there are actually people...63 of them evidently...in the House who see through the spin and nonsense.

They talk about "democratic values", yet the Biden pukes and their supporters across the country spent two years using every authoritarian means they could find to force Americans to do their bidding.

For example...

Shutdowns, mandates, business closures, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports. Nobody voted for these things. There were no "democratic values" in play. These were all authoritarian measures.

I am happy to see that as least 63 people in the House won't stand for this "1984" style redefining of terms.

btw, EVERY NATO country engaged in similar authoritarian actions and not a word from NATO. So much for NATO “founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law”.
It doesn't enshrine CRT or promote transgendererd men in women's sports, so there's isn't anything in the resolution you would expect Republicans to get wound up about. It's as simple as the fact that the Republican Party is transforming into Putin's Party.

Yawn. Whether or not you agree with it, any sensible person can see that there are plenty of rational reasons not to vote for this resolution. You're just too brainwashed to understand them.
Yawn. Whether you agree with it or any, any sensible person can see that there are plenty of rational reasons not to vote for this resolution. You're just too brainwashed to understand them.
I'm perfectly aware of why they voted against the resolution: because it was the wrong thing to do and it would get headlines.

Wait, let me guess. You still think you guys have a policy platform, don't you?
Yawn. Whether or not you agree with it, any sensible person can see that there are plenty of rational reasons not to vote for this resolution. You're just too brainwashed to understand them.

Like what?
Like what?

1. House Resolutions are generally useless and a waste of time.
2. NATO was formed as a defensive alliance, not as a vehicle for members to meddle in the internal politics of other members.
3. The US, while arguably getting the least security benefit from being part of NATO, bears a dramatically oversized burden from it, and so perhaps if the House is going to issue a resolution related to NATO, it at least ought to include something about encouraging the other members to pull their own weight.
4. The resolution, as written, is comically vague.

Is that enough?
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What surprises me is that there are actually people...63 of them evidently...in the House who see through the spin and nonsense.

They talk about "democratic values", yet the Biden pukes and their supporters across the country spent two years using every authoritarian means they could find to force Americans to do their bidding.

For example...

Shutdowns, mandates, business closures, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports. Nobody voted for these things. There were no "democratic values" in play. These were all authoritarian measures.

I am happy to see that as least 63 people in the House won't stand for this "1984" style redefining of terms.

btw, EVERY NATO country engaged in similar authoritarian actions and not a word from NATO. So much for NATO “founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law”.
What a shame that some folks think others trying to look out for their health during a pandemic is authoritarian? NATO bad, we get it.
I didn't say I disagree with the resolution.
Then you agree with it?

You said there were plenty of reasons not to vote for it.
What are some of them.
What surprises me is that there are actually people...63 of them evidently...in the House who see through the spin and nonsense.

They talk about "democratic values", yet the Biden pukes and their supporters across the country spent two years using every authoritarian means they could find to force Americans to do their bidding.

For example...

Shutdowns, mandates, business closures, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports. Nobody voted for these things. There were no "democratic values" in play. These were all authoritarian measures.

I am happy to see that as least 63 people in the House won't stand for this "1984" style redefining of terms.

btw, EVERY NATO country engaged in similar authoritarian actions and not a word from NATO. So much for NATO “founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law”.
what spin and nonsense?
What surprises me is that there are actually people...63 of them evidently...in the House who see through the spin and nonsense.

They talk about "democratic values", yet the Biden pukes and their supporters across the country spent two years using every authoritarian means they could find to force Americans to do their bidding.

For example...

Shutdowns, mandates, business closures, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports. Nobody voted for these things. There were no "democratic values" in play. These were all authoritarian measures.

I am happy to see that as least 63 people in the House won't stand for this "1984" style redefining of terms.

btw, EVERY NATO country engaged in similar authoritarian actions and not a word from NATO. So much for NATO “founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law”.
1. House Resolutions are generally useless and a waste of time.
2. NATO was formed as a defensive alliance, not as a vehicle for members to meddle in the internal politics of other members.
3. The US, while arguably getting the least security benefit from being part of NATO, bears a dramatically oversized burden from it, and so perhaps if the House is going to issue a resolution related to NATO, it at least ought to include something about encouraging the other members to pull their own weight.
4. The resolution, as written, is comically vague.

Is that enough?

Thats pleanty! 🤡

You support a party of deplorables is the bottom line.
I didn't say that either.

I listed several.
Sorry. Then you are neither for or against the Resolution, but you did post
"Whether or not you agree with it, any sensible person can see that there are plenty of rational reasons not to vote for this resolution. You're just too brainwashed to understand them." in post 9.

Interesting how you want to walk the fence.
Your post 14 give generic reason.

I want to know what you find objectionable to the Resolution. Give a specific quote. I provided you with a link to the Resolution.

As far as NATO: From its website it states it is both a political and military allience.

"Security in our daily lives is key to our well-being. NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.

POLITICAL - NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.

MILITARY - NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military power to undertake crisis-management operations. These are carried out under the collective defence clause of NATO's founding treaty - Article 5 of the Washington Treaty or under a United Nations mandate, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organisations."

Wow. What the hell......

Many not surprisingly are Trump supporters.

Nearly one-third of the House Republican Caucus on Tuesday night voted against a resolution that vowed support for both democratic values and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — the alliance of countries that seeks to keep peace and prevent threats from illiberal countries.

The resolution passed by a vote of 362 - 63, with all 63 "no" votes coming from Republican members — many of whom are allies of former President Donald Trump.

The resolution states that the House is voicing its "unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization," and tells President Biden to declare his "support for shared democratic values" and his commitment "to enhancing NATO's capacity to strengthen democratic institutions within NATO member, partner, and aspirant countries."

The 63 Republicans who voted against reaffirming support for NATO included Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Chip Roy (R-TX).

"NATO is a relic of the Cold War. Why should Americans pay for Europe's defense?" Massie tweeted in defense of his "no" vote Tuesday.

Even some House Republicans expressed confusion about why their colleagues voted against the resolution. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) chastised his fellow Republicans for "showing Putin sympathy."

"I don't even have a clue why ... I mean every no vote should be asked repeatedly by their local papers why," Kinzinger tweeted on Tuesday night.

"I hope my party can finally remember where our foundations are and actually say that we're not going to be Putin-sympathetic anymore," he added in a video posted to Twitter, adding that his hope was likely "wishful thinking."

Mine did. Ron Estes, R Kansas.

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