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52 more days of reading my crap (1 Viewer)


Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
3000 miles east of you
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Hello fellow citizens!

I stumbled across this site when I ran out of things to do during a 12 hour shift. I thought I would make a few comments and blow off the responses that disagreed with me. Now more than 100 comments later, I realized that the people who disagree with me have a personality disorder and arent doing it of ther own control. Or its me. One of the two.
This place has kept me active during my second deployment and as of today, I have 52 days left or 1248 hours. Then, its beer, broads, and driving over imports in my Jeep like a proud American.


I'm jealous of your sign Tasha!

ddoyle00, I think your wrong. We agree with you, just taking the opposite approach. :p
49 more days of reading my crap and then its a freedom bird all the way back to the U. S. of A. No more Muslim yodeling at all times of the day
16 days left.
16 days of putting up with all these uppity bathing-optional Eurotrash mo-fos and these tiny wind up little cars.
380 more hours of listening to all the goobly-gook A-rab clicks and whistles they call a language.
Going back to the land of the big PX.
Hopefully, a new ambiance will have a positive affect ;)


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