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502 bad gateway error (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning

getting constant 502 bad gateway error when going into threads during my mornings (10ish to 11ish Central European Time)... is the server in some sort of maintenance mode during the US late night period?
Had the same issue. Main page, What's New, Who Quoted Me etc. would load, but I couldn't get into any threads.

getting constant 502 bad gateway error when going into threads during my mornings (10ish to 11ish Central European Time)... is the server in some sort of maintenance mode during the US late night period?

I get it in the early mornings at times. It general stops after 10 minutes or so.
Not to derail this thread, but how do you find the "who quoted me".

Under "quick links" on the third navigation bar.

And yes I get these errors as well, probably due to the server going through maintenance.
IIRC, Between 3 and 3:15 AM US central time, there is a message that appears in red letters stating something like, The forum is re-indexing / server maintenance is happening for the next few minutes, expect delays.


Looks like 3AM us central time might be 10AM central europe time.
This happens at times, though it hasn't in several weeks. We are investigating.
IIRC, Between 3 and 3:15 AM US central time, there is a message that appears in red letters stating something like, The forum is re-indexing / server maintenance is happening for the next few minutes, expect delays.


Looks like 3AM us central time might be 10AM central europe time.

Yep, that's exactly when it happens. I assumed it was a daily software update or summink.

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