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50 States Ranked for their covid Response (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
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As we all already knew, the the lock downs, the shut downs, the close downs, the face diapers, the panic, the lies and the propaganda were all intended to deceive and distract.

Cuomo was given an Emmy and adulation for his handling of the virus that produced the worst outcomes for any state nationwide.

I'd like to say that you can't make this stuff up, but, obviously, they did.

As we all already knew, the the lock downs, the shut downs, the close downs, the face diapers, the panic, the lies and the propaganda were all intended to deceive and distract.

Cuomo was given an Emmy and adulation for his handling of the virus that produced the worst outcomes for any state nationwide.

I'd like to say that you can't make this stuff up, but, obviously, they did.

Why the **** did you post an article dated August 12, 2020?

It isn't even an article. It's an opinion piece from former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey (R).
As we all already knew, the the lock downs, the shut downs, the close downs, the face diapers, the panic, the lies and the propaganda were all intended to deceive and distract.

Cuomo was given an Emmy and adulation for his handling of the virus that produced the worst outcomes for any state nationwide.

I'd like to say that you can't make this stuff up, but, obviously, they did.

So what we already knew, is restated in this article. The dems did a lousy job of controlling Covid, and they not only lied about it they had their propaganda wing run interference for them. As usual. LOL.
Why the **** did you post an article dated August 12, 2020?

It isn't even an article. It's an opinion piece from former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey (R).
Yeah, things have changed since then.... Here's the current rankings for deaths per million. Note which states now dominate that list. I'm very disappointed in Tennessee. First of all, losing to Mississippi in ANYTHING is damn embarrassing. And Alabama kicks UT's ass in football every single year, and now we're losing to them again in deaths per million, but we're moving up with a bullet! Now #4 baby!!! Our libertarian governor is doing a great job trying to get us to the top!

Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 4.17.17 PM.png
So what we already knew, is restated in this article. The dems did a lousy job of controlling Covid, and they not only lied about it they had their propaganda wing run interference for them. As usual. LOL.
If you want to argue that, maybe you will cite current data, not dredge up a crap opinion piece by a well known right wing hack dated more than 18 months ago..... Things have changed since then. See, above.
Here you go. Recent FACTS.

Looks like deaths went closely with population. TX ended up out pacing Covid over NY.

Let's see by percentage of population vs cases. I'd be interested in that one.
Yeah, things have changed since then.... Here's the current rankings for deaths per million. Note which states now dominate that list. I'm very disappointed in Tennessee. First of all, losing to Mississippi in ANYTHING is damn embarrassing. And Alabama kicks UT's ass in football every single year, and now we're losing to them again in deaths per million, but we're moving up with a bullet! Now #4 baby!!! Our libertarian governor is doing a great job trying to get us to the top!

View attachment 67385455

If you want to argue that, maybe you will cite current data, not dredge up a crap opinion piece by a well known right wing hack dated more than 18 months ago..... Things have changed since then. See, above.

Oh boy, well look at that. So McCaughey's opinion from August of 2020 proved out entirely differently.

Color me shocked.
So what we already knew, is restated in this article. The dems did a lousy job of controlling Covid, and they not only lied about it they had their propaganda wing run interference for them. As usual. LOL.

It isn't an article. It's an opinion piece by a Republican that is 2 years old, and turned out to be wrong.

Next time read and know your facts. Just because the OP didn't doesn't mean you should double down on the dumb.
So what we already knew, is restated in this article. The dems did a lousy job of controlling Covid, and they not only lied about it they had their propaganda wing run interference for them. As usual. LOL.
LMAO current data flips this to red states and you haven't even figured that out yet
Yeah, things have changed since then.... Here's the current rankings for deaths per million. Note which states now dominate that list. I'm very disappointed in Tennessee. First of all, losing to Mississippi in ANYTHING is damn embarrassing. And Alabama kicks UT's ass in football every single year, and now we're losing to them again in deaths per million, but we're moving up with a bullet! Now #4 baby!!! Our libertarian governor is doing a great job trying to get us to the top!

View attachment 67385455

If you want to argue that, maybe you will cite current data, not dredge up a crap opinion piece by a well known right wing hack dated more than 18 months ago..... Things have changed since then. See, above.

Oh and I forgot to add. Roll Tide!
NY and California got hit first and hit bad because of the travel situation. NY/NJ have 3 international airports and a high population density. California attracts tourists from all over the world. So the early numbers for NY and CA are bad.
Using same condition (Deaths per million) as OP article. Here is a current update from RCP.
Any time anyone posts something like this you can link this current tabular source.

Top 10 are colored by party affiliation and sorted here for convenience (ranked by Deaths/1M as in OP link).
Almost a clean sweep for Republicans. Can you imagine the FOX headlines if the colors were inverted?
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Yeah, things have changed since then.... Here's the current rankings for deaths per million. Note which states now dominate that list. I'm very disappointed in Tennessee. First of all, losing to Mississippi in ANYTHING is damn embarrassing. And Alabama kicks UT's ass in football every single year, and now we're losing to them again in deaths per million, but we're moving up with a bullet! Now #4 baby!!! Our libertarian governor is doing a great job trying to get us to the top!

View attachment 67385455

If you want to argue that, maybe you will cite current data, not dredge up a crap opinion piece by a well known right wing hack dated more than 18 months ago..... Things have changed since then. See, above.
Could I have the link on that, @JasperL ? I'd like to see the rest.
As we all already knew, the the lock downs, the shut downs, the close downs, the face diapers, the panic, the lies and the propaganda were all intended to deceive and distract.

Cuomo was given an Emmy and adulation for his handling of the virus that produced the worst outcomes for any state nationwide.

I'd like to say that you can't make this stuff up, but, obviously, they did.

The RWNJ post thinks the red states did it better?

Why am I not surprised.
Oh and I forgot to add. Roll Tide!
Yeah.....Roll Tide..... 🥴

UT and Alabama used to have a real rivalry, but lately I don't even bother to watch most years, much less go to the game. We go hiking or something - fewer people on the trails. It's never in doubt and that's what is hard to accept. Losing is bad, but tolerable, but KNOWING there is a 0% chance of winning takes all the fun out, and that's what it's been for more than a decade - basically the Saban era. I mostly just quit caring about football, period. We dropped our tickets, and just look forward to basketball, although UT's baseball team is on a record start and ranked #1.

Anyway, UT finally after several whiffs has a very good coach, and a good AD, so I'm optimistic for the first time in ages. We'll see if he can recruit SEC talent. The offense is at least fun to watch!
Nope, not surprised at all.





Over one million dead Americans now, and the cult desperately wants to blame someone else for their malfeasance.

Republicans, protecting America since, well, never.

"Think about that" ;)
Nope, not surprised at all.





Over one million dead Americans now, and the cult desperately wants to blame someone else for their malfeasance.

Republicans, protecting America since, well, never.

"Think about that" ;)

Just think! millions would vote for this turd if he ran in 2024.
What I want to know is, how Hawaii, which is one huge international tourist destination, came in dead last--and dead last by a mile. Wonder what they did right that the rest of us didn't?
Using same condition (Deaths per million) as OP article. Here is a current update from RCP.
Any time anyone posts something like this you can link this current tabular source.

Top 10 are colored by party affiliation and sorted here for convenience (ranked by Deaths/1M as in OP link).
Almost a clean sweep for Republicans. Can you imagine the FOX headlines if the colors were inverted?
View attachment 67385464

Worth pointing out that in Louisiana many "Democrats" actually vote Republican, and Democratic politicians know to campaign like one.
What I want to know is, how Hawaii, which is one huge international tourist destination, came in dead last--and dead last by a mile. Wonder what they did right that the rest of us didn't?
I think it's a combination of multiple lockdowns, less travel during covid (higher isolation), and strictly quarantining tourists upon arrival. Very few states have those multiple factors going for them.

What I want to know is, how Hawaii, which is one huge international tourist destination, came in dead last--and dead last by a mile. Wonder what they did right that the rest of us didn't?
The big advantage is it's an island and they all but shut down travel for many months. Every person with few exceptions arriving in Hawaii was subject to a mandatory 14 day quarantine. Travelers had to quarantine in a hotel, and it was a true quarantine. Not a - go walk the beach in the morning, then return for a room service lunch - but a "remain in your room for 14 straight days" thing.

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