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40 yrs ago vs today (1 Viewer)


Phonetic Mnemonic ©
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2011
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Look to your right... I'm that guy.
Political Leaning
I'm watching an episode of Adam-12. There was a bomb planted in a factory by a disgruntled employee. Bomb is diffused. When they go to question the employee he's gone home early for the day.

This is the part that gets me: They send one patrol car with two officers (Malloy & Reed, obviously) to apprehend the bomber at his home. If it were today, it would have been 65 SWAT members, armored vehicles, probably a helicopter, and so on.

Yeah, it's only a tv show, but it does demonstrate how things change. :lol:
Well 40 years ago in Canada they would arrest him take him to the police station and beat him till he admits guilt. Ah the days before Charter rights.
I'm watching an episode of Adam-12. There was a bomb planted in a factory by a disgruntled employee. Bomb is diffused. When they go to question the employee he's gone home early for the day.

This is the part that gets me: They send one patrol car with two officers (Malloy & Reed, obviously) to apprehend the bomber at his home. If it were today, it would have been 65 SWAT members, armored vehicles, probably a helicopter, and so on.

Yeah, it's only a tv show, but it does demonstrate how things change. :lol:

Not only one car but one where one of the guys is a rookie!!

I loved that show.
In 1973, I traveled to America from city to city to decide where I was going to live after moving from Korea. I left the states in 1963 and officially moved to Las Vgas in 1974.

Where is he going with this you wonder?

Ha. It was the first time I saw a color TV and the show I saw was 1 Adam 12 and I stared fixated at the screen (all 19" of it) in amazement. Later I would ask myself WTF.

Color TV. How things do change.

Vegas cops were assholes then and assholes now. Some things never change:roll:

I'm watching an episode of Adam-12. There was a bomb planted in a factory by a disgruntled employee. Bomb is diffused. When they go to question the employee he's gone home early for the day.

This is the part that gets me: They send one patrol car with two officers (Malloy & Reed, obviously) to apprehend the bomber at his home. If it were today, it would have been 65 SWAT members, armored vehicles, probably a helicopter, and so on.

Yeah, it's only a tv show, but it does demonstrate how things change. :lol:
I'm watching an episode of Adam-12. There was a bomb planted in a factory by a disgruntled employee. Bomb is diffused. When they go to question the employee he's gone home early for the day.

This is the part that gets me: They send one patrol car with two officers (Malloy & Reed, obviously) to apprehend the bomber at his home. If it were today, it would have been 65 SWAT members, armored vehicles, probably a helicopter, and so on.

Yeah, it's only a tv show, but it does demonstrate how things change. :lol:

Today we would lock down a major city.

I'm watching an episode of Adam-12. There was a bomb planted in a factory by a disgruntled employee. Bomb is diffused. When they go to question the employee he's gone home early for the day.

This is the part that gets me: They send one patrol car with two officers (Malloy & Reed, obviously) to apprehend the bomber at his home. If it were today, it would have been 65 SWAT members, armored vehicles, probably a helicopter, and so on.

Yeah, it's only a tv show, but it does demonstrate how things change. :lol:

Adam 12 Theme Song

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