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3,000 Americans volunteer to fight invading Russian forces in Ukraine, says report (1 Viewer)

On one hand I can respect their desire to help. On the other having US citizens killed will push the country into another war
Didn't happen in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930's. Americans showed up in the thousands and America stayed out of it.
Didn't happen in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930's. Americans showed up in the thousands and America stayed out of it.
There are many diffrences from 1930’s America and 2020’s America.
There are many diffrences from 1930’s America and 2020’s America.
The United States is not going to war with Russia, World War 3, over some Americans joining the Ukrainian Army.
Is there a precedent for this?

This is feeling kind of world war-ish, if only on a miniature scale. It’s a variant of “What if we held a war and no one came?” except if it was “What if we held a world war and it was fought entirely in Ukraine?”
The United States is not going to war with Russia, World War 3, over some Americans joining the Ukrainian Army.
Of course not it will be labeled as a fact finding peace keeping mission not WW3
The lady happens to be the 2i/c of an Infantry company.

PS - Different countries have different dress codes. Did you know that it wasn't until 2021 that Sikhs in the US military were allowed to wear turbans (where anyone outside the US military could see them)? Sikh members of the Canadian military have been allowed to wear turbans since 1986.

PPS - Whether or not the shooter is wearing lipstick doesn't affect where the bullet goes.

Shouldn't be any turbans in the military IMO, just like there shouldn't be a yarmulke or a priest collar worn on the uniform unless you are a military Chaplain. IMO.

Thats just my personal belief, I dont lose any sleep over it though. When I was in there were no beards allowed either without a doctors order for a skin condition.
Shouldn't be any turbans in the military IMO, just like there shouldn't be a yarmulke or a priest collar worn on the uniform unless you are a military Chaplain. IMO.

Thats just my personal belief, I dont lose any sleep over it though. When I was in there were no beards allowed either without a doctors order for a skin condition.
Then you don't want to tangle with these two fellows.


You might find "Assault pioneers make a comeback in Canada" to be of some historical interest.
There are direct travel bans, but ultimately that's true and we probably can't.

The issue isn't what we officially designate them; it's what Russian authorities perceive.

Absolutely true, but this explanation will fall short if it's given to somebody who's paranoia is dialed to 11.

If I were to post a complete list of abominable actions by Russia here, the impact on this site would be tantamount to a DDOS attack. But that's not the point.

Which country?
I talked to may dad today at lunch about the African mercenary thing. Two things he told me:

1. They actually asked him to lead the team. (This was after he retired from the military after 20 years). In my dad's career he was 100 percent successful with the teams he put together so was regarded as the man to use. In fact he made some enemies in the ranks because the teams he put together were picked repeatedly over others. This may have been why I was treated very poorly on a Green Beret web site when I was looking for kids I grew up with whose fathers served with my dad. The ol' man told me that may have been one reason, and he also said as far as we know they many have not even been Special Forces. My dad has run into several people over the years that claimed to be Special Forces and when asked some specific information it was obvious they were lying.

2. He doesn't remember what country in Africa. Keep in mind he is going on 87 and that was almost 50 years ago.

BTW he's pretty sure some retired SF are headed to Ukraine.
I talked to may dad today at lunch about the African mercenary thing. Two things he told me:

1. They actually asked him to lead the team. (This was after he retired from the military after 20 years). In my dad's career he was 100 percent successful with the teams he put together so was regarded as the man to use. In fact he made some enemies in the ranks because the teams he put together were picked repeatedly over others. This may have been why I was treated very poorly on a Green Beret web site when I was looking for kids I grew up with whose fathers served with my dad. The ol' man told me that may have been one reason, and he also said as far as we know they many have not even been Special Forces. My dad has run into several people over the years that claimed to be Special Forces and when asked some specific information it was obvious they were lying.

2. He doesn't remember what country in Africa. Keep in mind he is going on 87 and that was almost 50 years ago.

BTW he's pretty sure some retired SF are headed to Ukraine.
Cool story!
Interesting question.

You do realize that it may NOT be possible without a full-scale war, don't you?

On the other hand, you do realize that it is just possible that Mr. Putin actually means what he says (unlike American politicians during the 1,461 day long American election period), don't you?
<shrug> yeah - you sound real smart - now how about an answer?
Strangely enough, it was the "Leftists" that left the US to fight fascism while it was the "Conservatives" that were advocating staying out of "that European war".

What I find amusing is that it is the same people who are crying "America should not be the world's policeman." who appear to be the most vocally in favour of American military intervention in Ukraine and who think that

shouldn't apply (provided that no Americans are put in a situation where they might get injured or killed).
Amazing how attitudes change on a dime and how fast principles go out the window isn't it? Heck even political parties have been known to change 180 degrees over time! E.G. todays Republican Party is not the part of Lincoln and todays democratic party is not the same party of the Deep South of several decades ago.
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Strangely enough, it was the "Leftists" that left the US to fight fascism while it was the "Conservatives" that were advocating staying out of "that European war".

What I find amusing is that it is the same people who are crying "America should not be the world's policeman." who appear to be the most vocally in favour of American military intervention in Ukraine and who think that

shouldn't apply (provided that no Americans are put in a situation where they might get injured or killed).

Back then Democrats were not leaning left of communism
<shrug> yeah - you sound real smart - now how about an answer?
The fact that you don't LIKE the answer doesn't mean that it wasn't one.

How could this situation be avoided?

Easy, turn back the clock and don't make the same mistakes that were made in the 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's.

If you can't do that, then accept the fact that the forces of pig-headed stupidity, ignorant "nationalism", and arrogant egotism are sometimes more than a rational person can overcome.
Amazing how attitudes change on a dime and how fast principles go out the window isn't it? Heck even political parties have been known to change 180 degrees over time! E.G. todays Republican Party is not the part of Lincoln and todays democratic party is not the same party of the Deep South of several decades ago.
Given the way that politics work in the US today, if the Democrats were taking a "soft line" with Russia the Republicans would be advocating taking a "hard line" and if the Democrats were taking a "hard line" with Russia the Republicans would be taking a "soft line".

This is based on the political philosophy "The other guy is always 100% wrong - even if they are saying we should be doing what we were saying we should do last week.".
Back then Democrats were not leaning left of communism
Now there is a statement that totally boggles the mind with its total ignorance of what "communism" is and what the Democrats stand for.

What you have in the US today is "The MORE Reactionary Wing of the American Oligarchic Capitalist Party (DBA ‘The Republican Party’)" and "The LESS Reactionary Wing of the American Oligarchic Capitalist Party (DBA ‘The Democratic Party’)" - NEITHER of which is "left-wing".
Now there is a statement that totally boggles the mind with its total ignorance of what "communism" is and what the Democrats stand for.

What you have in the US today is "The MORE Reactionary Wing of the American Oligarchic Capitalist Party (DBA ‘The Republican Party’)" and "The LESS Reactionary Wing of the American Oligarchic Capitalist Party (DBA ‘The Democratic Party’)" - NEITHER of which is "left-wing".

Roflmao yeah okay
Roflmao yeah okay
The main stream members of the US Democratic Party are about as "left-wing" as the main stream members of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Please note, I am not talking about the few egotistical and self-serving wackos in the Democratic Party that do a whole lot of posturing, shouting, and headline grabbing.
The fact that you don't LIKE the answer doesn't mean that it wasn't one.

How could this situation be avoided?

Easy, turn back the clock and don't make the same mistakes that were made in the 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's.

If you can't do that, then accept the fact that the forces of pig-headed stupidity, ignorant "nationalism", and arrogant egotism are sometimes more than a rational person can overcome.
The main stream members of the US Democratic Party are about as "left-wing" as the main stream members of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Please note, I am not talking about the few egotistical and self-serving wackos in the Democratic Party that do a whole lot of posturing, shouting, and headline grabbing.
Cool story but FYI the rest of the world sees the Dems as a bunch of communist whack jobs

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