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2020 decrease in gasoline consumption, prices and refineries. Trump asleep at the switch (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
In 2020 Covid led do very low gasoline consumption. Which led to low prices, which led to low refinement of oil to gasoline.

As we see now the lack of refinement of oil and refineries closed we are experiencing low gasoline supply and a return to high consumption.

In 2020 Trump was POTUS, shouldn't he have done something to fend off the consequences we are experiencing now.

I mean all he did was gloat about the temporary low prices with no for thought.
In 2020 Covid led do very low gasoline consumption. Which led to low prices, which led to low refinement of oil to gasoline.

As we see now the lack of refinement of oil and refineries closed we are experiencing low gasoline supply and a return to high consumption.

In 2020 Trump was POTUS, shouldn't he have done something to fend off the consequences we are experiencing now.

I mean all he did was gloat about the temporary low prices with no for thought.

No, its not the govts responsibility to control the production of oil or refinement of. Trump got out of the way. If the current govt did that, the problem would resolve itself.
No, its not the govts responsibility to control the production of oil or refinement of. Trump got out of the way. If the current govt did that, the problem would resolve itself.
Explain out of the way, not seeing any in the way
In 2020 Covid led do very low gasoline consumption. Which led to low prices, which led to low refinement of oil to gasoline.

As we see now the lack of refinement of oil and refineries closed we are experiencing low gasoline supply and a return to high consumption.

In 2020 Trump was POTUS, shouldn't he have done something to fend off the consequences we are experiencing now.

I mean all he did was gloat about the temporary low prices with no for thought.
Trump was a useless POS, he didn't do anything but golf, grift and tweet. And oil companies only care about one thing like pretty much all greedy scumsucking corporations, profit. THey are raking it in, they don't care about the harm prices have.

You would think that would be a good time to fill reserves.
Yet another, in a long, wearying series of "It's Trump's Fault!!!" threads.
I think you missed the irony of blaming a President for the actions of oil companies.
When one's entire world view is tied to hating Trump and hating those that voted for Trump then every day MUST be an anti-Trump day.
Greatest realtor in the world - it's amazing how one person could occupy so much real estate in so many people's minds for so long... for literally no cost at all - save the usual dealing with the whiny bitching against the landlord. ;)
When one's entire world view is tied to hating Trump and hating those that voted for Trump then every day MUST be an anti-Trump day.
Are we not talking daily about what a President could or could have done to prevent these high gasoline prices.

Wasn't trump POTUs when oil refinement tanked.

And now that consumption had marketly increased, the lost oil refinement is killing us in the pocket book.
No, its not the govts responsibility to control the production of oil or refinement of. Trump got out of the way. If the current govt did that, the problem would resolve itself.
That night be what RW may be saying but it's not what the oil execs are saying.

For the most part, these newly consolidated companies are heeding Wall Street’s calls to reinvest less money in expanding production and instead increase returns for shareholders.Civitas, which will release its end-of-year results and 2022 guidance next week, pitched itself to investors in a December presentation as a company “delivering on the new (exploration and production) business model,” touting its cash flows, low leverage and “disciplined capital allocation.”

"But in financial statements and earnings calls — venues in which companies are legally barred from misleading investors — executives have been consistently sanguine about the impacts of the state’s new regulatory regime under SB-181.

PDC’s end-of-year report Monday noted its extensive stockpile of hundreds of approved permits and drilled but uncompleted wells, which it said “represents an inventory life of more than ten years at the current development pace” — and plenty of additional drilling permits for approved surface locations are on their way, including for the locations that the company plans to acquire from Great Western.

In response to a question from an investor, David Lillo, PDC’s senior vice president of operations, said during the company’s earnings call that obtaining subsurface permits from the state “hasn’t really been a big problem "

Are we not talking daily about what a President could or could have done to prevent these high gasoline prices.

Wasn't trump POTUs when oil refinement tanked.

And now that consumption had marketly increased, the lost oil refinement is killing us in the pocket book.
Why should refining have increased or stayed the same when air traffic, shipping traffic and trucking traffic was all cut town to bare bones because of Covid? Do you not remember all the mayors and governors telling us to stay home? Do you not remember restaurants and other businesses being closed due to "public health emergencies"? Do you not remember half the ****ing world castigating Trump for saying stuff like, "We've got to figure out how to live with this"? It wasn't Trump that shut everything down. It was the panic porn politicians and their acolytes in society and the media that DEMANDED we shut everything down.
Why should refining have increased or stayed the same when air traffic, shipping traffic and trucking traffic was all cut town to bare bones because of Covid? Do you not remember all the mayors and governors telling us to stay home? Do you not remember restaurants and other businesses being closed due to "public health emergencies"? Do you not remember half the ****ing world castigating Trump for saying stuff like, "We've got to figure out how to live with this"? It wasn't Trump that shut everything down. It was the panic porn politicians and their acolytes in society and the media that DEMANDED we shut everything down.
Like the calls for Biden to do something about the oil industry, why wasn't the same calls made to the man a the start of the gasoline issue, trump
Why should refining have increased or stayed the same when air traffic, shipping traffic and trucking traffic was all cut town to bare bones because of Covid? Do you not remember all the mayors and governors telling us to stay home? Do you not remember restaurants and other businesses being closed due to "public health emergencies"? Do you not remember half the ****ing world castigating Trump for saying stuff like, "We've got to figure out how to live with this"? It wasn't Trump that shut everything down. It was the panic porn politicians and their acolytes in society and the media that DEMANDED we shut everything down.
I think trump was in charge when everything shutdown. Isn't the man at the top responsible for everything,?

After all the Right now claims Biden is responsible for everything.
Yet another, in a long, wearying series of "It's Trump's Fault!!!" threads.
Well there has never been a bigger failure in history, so he deserves it.::
In 2020 Covid led do very low gasoline consumption. Which led to low prices, which led to low refinement of oil to gasoline.

As we see now the lack of refinement of oil and refineries closed we are experiencing low gasoline supply and a return to high consumption.

In 2020 Trump was POTUS, shouldn't he have done something to fend off the consequences we are experiencing now.

I mean all he did was gloat about the temporary low prices with no for thought.
Trump's fault - Outstanding. Kudos
LOL about the replies in this thread.

Someone insulted my hero so I have to jump in even though I don't really understand it and maybe if I deflect it will be okay.
In 2020 Covid led do very low gasoline consumption. Which led to low prices, which led to low refinement of oil to gasoline.

As we see now the lack of refinement of oil and refineries closed we are experiencing low gasoline supply and a return to high consumption.

In 2020 Trump was POTUS, shouldn't he have done something to fend off the consequences we are experiencing now.

I mean all he did was gloat about the temporary low prices with no for thought.
I hope Biden is rectifying that oversight.
Like the calls for Biden to do something about the oil industry, why wasn't the same calls made to the man a the start of the gasoline issue, trump
One of Biden’s first acts on taking office was to kill the Keystone XL pipeline. That was at the very top of his “to do” list and you’re on her blaming Trump for not refining. Just…
LOL about the replies in this thread.

Someone insulted my hero so I have to jump in even though I don't really understand it and maybe if I deflect it will be okay.
Yeah, its so pathetic these troll responses
One of Biden’s first acts on taking office was to kill the Keystone XL pipeline. That was at the very top of his “to do” list and you’re on her blaming Trump for not refining. Just…
What was the XL pipeline going to do and when?

New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

Thousands of Permits OK’d Despite President’s Authority to End Drilling by 2035

WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

Trump Bans Oil Drilling Off Florida, Georgia, South Carolina

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