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2010 Midterm Results Discussion (1 Viewer)

and Toomey pulls ahead...

8337 of 9241 Precincts Reporting

Party Candidate V% Votes
R Pat Toomey 50% 1,673,240
D Joe Sestak 50% 1,657,298
It's going down to the wire, recounts, and probably the courts.
Toomey pulls ahead of Sestak in PA, as expected. Kirk pulls ahead of Giannoulis in IL as well.
House and governor numbers updated. You an guess how those went.
D - 45
R - 43

R - 156
D - 108

R - 29
D - 2
Kirk has pulled ahead in Illinois.
Senate is 47/42 now by CBS.
CNN finally calls Johnson over Feingold
Wow... Just heard that the NC state legislature is now controlled by republicans for the first time in 112 years!
Very ominous news for the Democrats from Illinois. Kirk has pulled ahead of Giannoulis. With 74% of the votes counted, this is a very bad sign for the Democrats.
Toomey by 17k with ~700 precincts to report yet.
Kirk has pulled ahead in Illinois.

If Kirk wins, than the Democrat (whose name is too freaking hard to spell) can look to the third parties to take votes from her. Those few votes are right now making the difference.
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Just noticed that.
Senator Elect (and long time friend) Rob Portman just gave his speech-Lee Fisher conceded within the last hour

IF and I say IF-Obama wins in 2012 I expect Portman (as does David Broder) will be one of the 2-4 leading GOP contenders to be the GOP nominee.

He's got the whole package
Boxer has just been named the winner in CA. Jerry Brown has also been named as the CA governor.
Jerry Brown wins... California has gotten exactly what they deserve,

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