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10 G20 Nations Join US in Blaming Assad for Attack..... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 26, 2012
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Chicago Illinois
Political Leaning
Ten members of the Group of 20 international economies joined the United States in accusing the Syrian government of carrying a chemical weapons attack on civilians last month and called for a strong international response against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

A joint statement by the ten countries and the United States stopped short of explicitly calling for military action against the Syrian government, as President Obama is advocating.

The countries are Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom.....snip~

10 G20 nations join US in blaming Assad for attack

As usual they stop short of calling for action......but then do support us in going ahead and taking some aggression out on Assad. Since he was kicking the **** of the Rebels this last two months.

So 10 for and 10 against. How's that looking that Obama cant pull anymore than that?
Countries abstaining: Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Russia

That's only one developed country. None except Germany probably received extensive US intel.

Countries abstaining: Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Russia

That's only one developed country. None except Germany probably received extensive US intel.


Yeah, and how does that change anything from those that stopped short of explicitly calling for action with those that supported France and Obama. Did you catch that part yet?
Yeah, and how does that change anything from those that stopped short of explicitly calling for action with those that supported France and Obama. Did you catch that part yet?

What kind of an idiot country would demand military action without an absolute guarantee that the US would do such?
Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom should be able to handle this themselves and we can contribute .909% of the money and firepower.

Or dies "support" mean their blessing for us to do 100% of this?
What kind of an idiot country would demand military action without an absolute guarantee that the US would do such?

Uhm, where have you been? France was the first to come out and state Assad had to be punished. Even before Obama tooted his horn.
Uhm, where have you been? France was the first to come out and state Assad had to be punished. Even before Obama tooted his horn.

You know, France is a nuclear nation with an army. They make fighter planes and missiles. Why don't they just take care of this, what with it being a targeted strike and all?
Uhm, where have you been? France was the first to come out and state Assad had to be punished. Even before Obama tooted his horn.

My point stands.
Ten members of the Group of 20 international economies joined the United States in accusing the Syrian government of carrying a chemical weapons attack on civilians last month and called for a strong international response against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

A joint statement by the ten countries and the United States stopped short of explicitly calling for military action against the Syrian government, as President Obama is advocating.

The countries are Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom.....snip~

10 G20 nations join US in blaming Assad for attack

As usual they stop short of calling for action......but then do support us in going ahead and taking some aggression out on Assad. Since he was kicking the **** of the Rebels this last two months.

So 10 for and 10 against. How's that looking that Obama cant pull anymore than that?

Well that's a lot of developed nations, they got this **** this time; we don't need to get involved.
Well that's a lot of developed nations, they got this **** this time; we don't need to get involved.

Sure they do.....along with all the good people in Syria. :lamo
Sure they do.....along with all the good people in Syria. :lamo

Yup, they're on top of it. They can go and take all the kudos.

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