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Your trans-exclusive dating and sexual practices are transphobic. (1 Viewer)

"If a person believes that they are the opposite biological sex then it is delusional by the strictest possible definition....."

Please cite professional references to this. I've been pretty involved in this and have never seen a professional assessment that came anywhere near your own. Nor, despite knowing more than a few trans people, and never seen a glimpse of delusion. In fact they tend to be far more realistic and accepting than a certain obese, idiot-child, accused rapist, real estate developer, who is addicted to fawning adoration.

So either you have a doctorate in this and this is either a peer-reviewed professional opinion, or complete raging bullshit.

You need to be seriously careful raising mental health issues defending MAGA & Meat Head......they're a cesspool of irrationality, self easy to erupt without provocation, violent and habitual liars. And each of them case studies on who should donate the brains they claim to have for sience

Live a little and dare to think for yourself for once and exercise common sense.

You would benefit from entertaining the idea and, if you're doing things right, accept the reality that a lot of professionals and career academics are complete ****tards and their credentials are worthless. Is this really new to you?

What else?

You've got a problem with the word "delusional"?

My statement fits like a glove: "If a person believes that they are the opposite biological sex then it is delusional by the strictest possible definition....."


adjective: delusional
  1. characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
    "hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"

  2. Based on or having faulty judgement; mistaken.
    "their delusional belief in the project's merits never wavers"
What planet is this.............?

Don't try to be cute.

Name me one current nation state, culture or civilization outside of the Western Hemisphere this is pulling this sick shit -

Overprivileged straight men are attempting to have their individual and arbitrary perversions forcibly accepted by society.

Since they've been doing it, the byproduct has the next generation of kids being taught completely unscientific garbage and dismantling what actually makes society... society. One particularly upsetting example is the current trend of children being encouraged to have their healthy breasts sliced off, young men having their their genitals permanently mutilated, chemical castration pills being prescribed to children in single digits, puberty blockers etc before these kids have any idea about their way in the world.

It's sick, twisted and history will not be kind to us for endorsing and celebrating it under the veil of "respect and compassion." It's complete bullshit.

Think for yourself - don't join the current trend of brainwashed idiots groveling to some of the most sexually perverted men who have ever walked the earth.
Trans people aren't the aggressors in the vast majority of the cases. they are instead the victims.

You can't trust that data at all.

The issue of sexual assault is too broad and complex to rely on whatever garbage you've been fed about the issue.

People generally are reluctant to report sexual assault to anyone rendering

If a trans person decides to try to trick someone into having a sexual encounter that they otherwise would not if they weren't misled, the offending trans person deserves whatever happens to them next. It's akin to rape - and our culture is now so progressive that we're allowing them to literally get away with behaviour that is akin to rape.
You can't trust that data at all.

The issue of sexual assault is too broad and complex to rely on whatever garbage you've been fed about the issue.

People generally are reluctant to report sexual assault to anyone rendering

If a trans person decides to try to trick someone into having a sexual encounter that they otherwise would not if they weren't misled, the offending trans person deserves whatever happens to them next. It's akin to rape - and our culture is now so progressive that we're allowing them to literally get away with behaviour that is akin to rape.

You just condoned violence against trans people.
You can't trust that data at all.

The issue of sexual assault is too broad and complex to rely on whatever garbage you've been fed about the issue.

People generally are reluctant to report sexual assault to anyone rendering

If a trans person decides to try to trick someone into having a sexual encounter that they otherwise would not if they weren't misled, the offending trans person deserves whatever happens to them next. It's akin to rape - and our culture is now so progressive that we're allowing them to literally get away with behaviour that is akin to rape.
This claim is absurd. Having consensual sex with someone is not rape. Who told you that this happens?

Do I need to explain what the gay/trans panic defense is or do you already understand it?

You can't trust that data at all.

The issue of sexual assault is too broad and complex to rely on whatever garbage you've been fed about the issue.

People generally are reluctant to report sexual assault to anyone rendering

If a trans person decides to try to trick someone into having a sexual encounter that they otherwise would not if they weren't misled, the offending trans person deserves whatever happens to them next. It's akin to rape - and our culture is now so progressive that we're allowing them to literally get away with behaviour that is akin to rape.
So, if a man misleads a woman that he is in love with her and will leave his wife to marry her, tricking her into having a sexual encounter that she would not have had if she wasn't misled, is that rape?
So, if a man misleads a woman that he is in love with her and will leave his wife to marry her, tricking her into having a sexual encounter that she would not have had if she wasn't misled, is that rape?

Absolutely not.

Totally false equivalence here.

Very typical of people who try to either defend the recent transexual phenomenon - muddy the waters with bullshit anecdotes, hollow metaphors, junk science under the veil of love and compassion until no one knows which way is up.
You just condoned violence against trans people.

No I didn't.

I described the likely scenario to unfold should misguided people think that behaving the way that they do is in any way acceptable.

Sex is a powerful thing - doesn't matter who you are - if you actively mess with someone along those lines then you are always asking for trouble.

And sadly the above line is the perennial MO for the T community which explains exactly why they suffer the violence that they do.

The answer isn't to celebrate sick, damaged people for being sick and damaged - our culture has gotten this issue so terribly wrong over the last decade that it's not even remotely funny.

And the Ts suffer the most from the way our society has approached the issue.
No I didn't.

I described the likely scenario to unfold should misguided people think that behaving the way that they do is in any way acceptable.

Sex is a powerful thing - doesn't matter who you are - if you actively mess with someone along those lines then you are always asking for trouble.

And sadly the above line is the perennial MO for the T community which explains exactly why they suffer the violence that they do.

The answer isn't to celebrate sick, damaged people for being sick and damaged - our culture has gotten this issue so terribly wrong over the last decade that it's not even remotely funny.

And the Ts suffer the most from the way our society has approached the issue.

You said:

If a trans person decides to try to trick someone into having a sexual encounter that they otherwise would not if they weren't misled, the offending trans person deserves whatever happens to them next.

That is support for the trans panic defense, which has been used by anti-transgender-person killers.
This claim is absurd. Having consensual sex with someone is not rape. Who told you that this happens?

Do I need to explain what the gay/trans panic defense is or do you already understand it?

I already understand it and it makes perfect sense.

Part of being a grown up is accepting the ways in which the world is likely to respond and react to you as a person and your behaviour rather than insisting that the world grovel to whatever arbitrary individual feelings a that they may have.
You said:

That is support for the trans panic defense, which has been used by anti-transgender-person killers.


And I don't condone violence against anyone.

Can you wrap your little walnut around that?
So you admit it.

And then deny it.

Pick a side already.


Just because I accept the likely consequences of a person's actions doesn't mean that I approve or sanction those consequences.

Here we go again - yet another angle on why this trans issue is a big, festering lump - for some reason, people think it can't be discussed without people falling into the category of a hateful "transphobic" person or someone who must accept, celebrate and endorse this current phenomenon.

Complete bs.

Remember that we're attracted to genders and not genitals. We must affirm trans women are women and trans men are trans men in all aspect of life including our romantic and sexual relationships or we don't really affirm trans people.

Of course I'm sure all the weirdo straight guys who wouldn't do a hot trans chick because she has an icky peepee won't agree.
Seriously? This is surprising to some of you?
If you are not binary but not bisexual............. I've never really considered that.
This is where labels like gynosexual and androsexual (I think I got those prefixes correct) would be immensely better, as they do not rely on the attracted for reference. The only problem might be in someone who is only attracted only to non-binaries, and then I have questions on how they would know, without being demisexual at the least.
My statement fits like a glove: "If a person believes that they are the opposite biological sex then it is delusional by the strictest possible definition....."

You are obviously delusional on what is being claimed since that is not the claim.

Besides it is often the delusional who call others delusional. Look at the crap the church pulled when Galileo tried to push the heliocentric model.
Absolutely not.

Totally false equivalence here.

Prove the false equivalence. Show how it is not the same.
Your words:
If a person decides to try to trick someone into having a sexual encounter that they otherwise would not if they weren't misled, the offending person deserves whatever happens to them next. It's akin to rape

I took out the trans adjective because it shouldn't matter what the person is, if they are trying to trick someone. So how is that different from:
So, if a man misleads a woman that he is in love with her and will leave his wife to marry her, tricking her into having a sexual encounter that she would not have had if she wasn't misled, is that rape?
And I don't condone violence against anyone.

When you say:
...the offending trans person deserves whatever happens to them next.
Since that whatever includes violence, then you are condoning violence. It's your own words. If you meant, "...(they) deserve whatever happens to them short of violence", then you should have used those words.
This is where labels like gynosexual and androsexual (I think I got those prefixes correct) would be immensely better, as they do not rely on the attracted for reference. The only problem might be in someone who is only attracted only to non-binaries, and then I have questions on how they would know, without being demisexual at the least.
I had to google those terms. Those are new for me.

I am very definitely sapiosexual. I doubt that would surprised anyone who has read my 1500 word typo-laced missives. And if anyone is wondering; I've kissed a girl, but I unlike Katy Perry, didn't like it. Guys are intimately more fun.
Live a little and dare to think for yourself for once and exercise common sense.

You would benefit from entertaining the idea and, if you're doing things right, accept the reality that a lot of professionals and career academics are complete ****tards and their credentials are worthless. Is this really new to you?

What else?

You've got a problem with the word "delusional"?

My statement fits like a glove: "If a person believes that they are the opposite biological sex then it is delusional by the strictest possible definition....."


adjective: delusional
  1. characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
    "hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"

  2. Based on or having faulty judgement; mistaken.
    "their delusional belief in the project's merits never wavers"

Insults get you nowhere.

For the record? You don't exist in my universe.

How's that for delusional.

Don't bother replying. I won't even know let alone care.
Insults get you nowhere.

For the record? You don't exist in my universe.

How's that for delusional.

Don't bother replying. I won't even know let alone care.

I didn't insult you at all.

Are you one of those people who thinks being offended constitutes an argument? Sounds like it.

LOL :ROFLMAO: This is a funny post of yours though -


This post of yours reminds me of the scared little kids in high school who would run away screaming from bullies; hands clasped over their ears, eye winced shut. Off to the principal's office so they can be told that "little people put big people down to make themselves feel better, "true beauty is on the inside" or some other bullshit teachers tell their students so that they can time their suicides for after graduation so there's mitigated liability.

If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have replied in a weak attempt to save face.
I had to google those terms. Those are new for me.

I am very definitely sapiosexual. I doubt that would surprised anyone who has read my 1500 word typo-laced missives. And if anyone is wondering; I've kissed a girl, but I unlike Katy Perry, didn't like it. Guys are intimately more fun.

Out of sheer, morbid curiosity: what is your biological sex?

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