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You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument (1 Viewer)

Compare the skin color of an average African American to say..a native Nigerian or Kenyan. It's not too hard to figure out what happened.
Another racist demonizing a truth speaker

You like crappy writing. BFD. That is why newspapers contain comics---so democrats will have something to read. Not like they are interested in the Help Wanted section.
You like crappy writing. BFD. That is why newspapers contain comics---so democrats will have something to read. Not like they are interested in the Help Wanted section.

People still look for jobs in help wanted ads in the newspaper? Where have you been the last 15 years? Other than that, good job of cramming in those old right wing talking points.
People still look for jobs in help wanted ads in the newspaper? Where have you been the last 15 years? Other than that, good job of cramming in those old right wing talking points.

Nope democrats don't look for jobs at all.

In the meantime, I am Native American. I am the Casino. I am the Smallpox blanket!!!!! Derivative Drivel :doh

Now if she said "I am a statue to the losers in a tribal war" then maybe she would be onto something different.
Nope democrats don't look for jobs at all.

In the meantime, I am Native American. I am the Casino. I am the Smallpox blanket!!!!! Derivative Drivel :doh

Now if she said "I am a statue to the losers in a tribal war" then maybe she would be onto something different.

No Democrats have jobs? Really?
I think I'm missing something. If her parents, grandparents and great-grandparents are all black then how did she end up being half white?

She can do and think whatever she wants...as long as she doesnt let the govt install her on govt property.

Does she understand how this stuff works? People can still display whatever they want, believe whatever they want, demonstrate whatever they want, present whatever they want, etc on their own property. Or of themselves. Did anyone ask her to hide? Remove herself?

(Yeah ok, some restrictions on obscenity)

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa

Yeah. I'm totally lost on that. If her great, great-grandmother was raped by a white guy and the rape resulted in this woman's direct ancestor then I'm coming up with 1/16th white or a little more than 6%.

If I read this right, this gal is saying she is more than half white with the cause being a white slave owner having sex with a black female slave sometime during or prior to the civil war. A generation is usually considered between 20-25 years. If 25 years from civil war that would be 6/7 generations, if 20 years 8/9 generations. Granted there will be deviations, sometimes large deviations, but usually one would lose half of whiteness every generation. So this black female slave's off spring would be more or less 50-50 black-white. their off spring would be approximately 75-25 black-white. The third generation 12.5 white 87.5 black considering the off spring continued marrying or having sex with other blacks, no whites. So by the time we get to the 6th generation it would be 1.5625% white, 98.4375 black. That is if I did my math right. Now I mentioned deviations. Now some of this black female off spring could be 60% white depending on the strength of the genes passed on or they could be lower. So by the 6th or 7th generation, somewhere between 1-10% white I would say is feasible. Certainly not more than half. That is unless her mother, grandmother had sex with a white guy and she was the result.

I know, this is a tangent. Probably seen as some as taking the moral of her story and trashing it over the percentage of whiteness vs. blackness. I'm about as far from being a DNA expect as one can get. But it seems to me the whiteness trait would be deluded with each passing generation as long as the sex was among blacks and only blacks. Certainly not over 50% white from a sex act committed during or prior to the civil war.
Not all slaves were unhappy.

Says whom? You? Your ancestors?

Stupid thing to say, "trouble13".

I understand that people like you feel compelled to rationalize the racism and depravity of your forefathers. But they really were a bunch of depraved racists, and deserved to be remembered that way.
Whats silly about proposing the possibility that she is wrong that she is a descendant of rape. She hasnt offered any evidence to support her supposition. Its just as likely that she is the product of a consequential affair.

In the minds of a lot of bigoted white men, perhaps.

Or, clearly.

But your opinions don't count.
If I read this right, this gal is saying she is more than half white with the cause being a white slave owner having sex with a black female slave sometime during or prior to the civil war. A generation is usually considered between 20-25 years. If 25 years from civil war that would be 6/7 generations, if 20 years 8/9 generations. Granted there will be deviations, sometimes large deviations, but usually one would lose half of whiteness every generation. So this black female slave's off spring would be more or less 50-50 black-white. their off spring would be approximately 75-25 black-white. The third generation 12.5 white 87.5 black considering the off spring continued marrying or having sex with other blacks, no whites. So by the time we get to the 6th generation it would be 1.5625% white, 98.4375 black. That is if I did my math right. Now I mentioned deviations. Now some of this black female off spring could be 60% white depending on the strength of the genes passed on or they could be lower. So by the 6th or 7th generation, somewhere between 1-10% white I would say is feasible. Certainly not more than half. That is unless her mother, grandmother had sex with a white guy and she was the result.

I know, this is a tangent. Probably seen as some as taking the moral of her story and trashing it over the percentage of whiteness vs. blackness. I'm about as far from being a DNA expect as one can get. But it seems to me the whiteness trait would be deluded with each passing generation as long as the sex was among blacks and only blacks. Certainly not over 50% white from a sex act committed during or prior to the civil war.

Whiteness does not fade away from generation to generation. You need to understand that her families from both sides were more white than black.
Says whom? You? Your ancestors?

Stupid thing to say, "trouble13".

I understand that people like you feel compelled to rationalize the racism and depravity of your forefathers. But they really were a bunch of depraved racists, and deserved to be remembered that way.
Im not rationalizing anything nor do I have feelings of guilt over my ancestry. Its a matter of historical record. Many slaves holders were beloved by their servants. Some masters were horrible people, others were not. Thats just a fact.

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In the minds of a lot of bigoted white men, perhaps.

Or, clearly.

But your opinions don't count.
Ok present what evidence you have that she is a descendant of a nonconsensual act. If you have any.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
In the minds of a lot of bigoted white men, perhaps.

Or, clearly.

But your opinions don't count.

Didn’t one moron republican senator’ once use the term. “consensual rape”
Im not rationalizing anything nor do I have feelings of guilt over my ancestry.
Of course you're rationalizing.

And of course people like you don't have any guilt about your ancestry. You're proud of it. No one expects anything else from you.

Apologists for slavery and Jim Crow are very much like apologists for the Holocaust and Nazism. In fact, the former are even more reprehensible because they lack the balls to just own up to their prejudices. At least Nazi sympathizers display the courage of their convictions.

Its a matter of historical record. Many slaves holders were beloved by their servants.
"Historical record"? Only in Confederate revisionist history. This is a fantasy of the "Lost Cause", and the losers who subscribe to it.

Enslaved Americans "loved" slave owners the way a scarred, beaten, humiliated, completely subjugated captive "loves" his/her captor.

What a moronic...yet unsurprising...thing for someone like you to say.:roll:

masters were horrible people, others were not. Thats just a fact.
If it's a "fact", prove it. Show examples of "not horrible" slave owners...and then show me how they treated a slave who sought his/her freedom...or who refused unwanted advances...or who suffered an injury and couldn't work...or who couldn't bear children....etc.

You CLEARLY are historically IGNORANT about this issue.

And "horrible" vs "not horrible"? By what standard? Yours?

Again, remember that your opinions don't count.

Ok present what evidence you have that she is a descendant of a nonconsensual act. If you have any.
You've got it twisted, which is typical of entitled-yet-clueless conservative white dudes.

You are the one questioning Williams' account of her own personal family history. It is YOUR duty to provide ANY evidence that she's wrong about her own history...and you, an anonymous pro-Confederate, white nationalist know more about her family history than she.

So, get to it...or hush up.
Didn’t one moron republican senator’ once use the term. “consensual rape”


Yes, I believe it was some redneck yahoo from the Missouri state legislature.

He was re-elected, I believe, because....well.....he reflects the values and morals of average Goper's.

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