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You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilders!! (1 Viewer)

Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Europe has never been an example to follow. They started two world wars. Have had failed fascist and socialist governments. America is what Euope never was and never will be.

Now their new hobby is cultural suicide and their new religion is political correctness.

Well, where did democracy start? Europe has been the lives blood of the US. A large majority of your population is of European heritage.

And yes, we have had failed governments and wars but we were not in the position like the US with only 2 neighbors, both weak militarily and not much need to start waging war when the US was big enough to grow to 300 million inhabitants.

Europe had monarchs and they fought wars. We had several countries that were military equals to each other and they would have regular wars.

But Europe also gave the world liberty with the French revolution. Where do you think your Christian faith comes from? The beautiful art that hangs in US museums?

And our hobby is trying to create a free and safe society where European neighbors never raise their weapons against their fellow European neighbors. We are trying to build a society that is prosperous and just.

And I like our freedom of speech laws just fine, they may not be absolute but I see no reason for them to be absolute.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Well, where did democracy start? Europe has been the lives blood of the US. A large majority of your population is of European heritage.

And yes, we have had failed governments and wars but we were not in the position like the US with only 2 neighbors, both weak militarily and not much need to start waging war when the US was big enough to grow to 300 million inhabitants.

Europe had monarchs and they fought wars. We had several countries that were military equals to each other and they would have regular wars.

But Europe also gave the world liberty with the French revolution. Where do you think your Christian faith comes from? The beautiful art that hangs in US museums?

And our hobby is trying to create a free and safe society where European neighbors never raise their weapons against their fellow European neighbors. We are trying to build a society that is prosperous and just.

And I like our freedom of speech laws just fine, they may not be absolute but I see no reason for them to be absolute.

The American revolution predates the French Revolution, and the American Revolution did not devolve into a bloodbath like France did shortly after and then end up with an emperor. Who was a tyrant.
Europe has stumbled its way through history and is now on its knees to Islam. Nothing whatsoever to emulate.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

The American revolution predates the French Revolution, and the American Revolution did not devolve into a bloodbath like France did shortly after and then end up with an emperor. Who was a tyrant.
Europe has stumbled its way through history and is now on its knees to Islam. Nothing whatsoever to emulate.

You are right, the American revolution predates the French revolution.

But your views on Europe are not correct, it has not stumbled it's way through history. And on it's knees to Islam, pure :bs and nonsense.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

You are right, the American revolution predates the French revolution.

But your views on Europe are not correct, it has not stumbled it's way through history. And on it's knees to Islam, pure :bs and nonsense.

Wilders thinks so. Right wing parties gaining populaity think so. And the Muslims that refuse to assimilate think so.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Wilders thinks so. Right wing parties gaining populaity think so. And the Muslims that refuse to assimilate think so.

As said Wilders is a hate mongering bigot how is not right at all. And why on earth do they have to assimilate? That is nonsense, the have to integrate.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

As said Wilders is a hate mongering bigot how is not right at all. And why on earth do they have to assimilate? That is nonsense, the have to integrate.

Wilders is fighting a hate mongering religion. It is in their texts, their history, and in terror that happens daily.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Wilders is fighting a hate mongering religion. It is in their texts, their history, and in terror that happens daily.

Wrong again, he is not fighting a religion he is fighting every single person who believes in that religion, not just the bigots or the terrorists. And with other bigots (Le Pen for example) he does not seem to have an issue with. So again, just hatred towards Muslims.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Wrong again, he is not fighting a religion he is fighting every single person who believes in that religion, not just the bigots or the terrorists. And with other bigots (Le Pen for example) he does not seem to have an issue with. So again, just hatred towards Muslims.

Easiest way for you to explain away all the reasons other people have is calling it hate. Do you really think all those people who want Islam gone are haters, they aren't. They want what Islam doesn't, freedom of choice and free speech, equal laws and equality.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Easiest way for you to explain away all the reasons other people have is calling it hate. Do you really think all those people who want Islam gone are haters, they aren't. They want what Islam doesn't, freedom of choice and free speech, equal laws and equality.

No, you see the issues is a society are not easy to fix but idiot Wilders believes that is how it is, as long as there are no Muslims in the country or coming in, all the problems are solved.

That there are more problems than Muslims is something Wilders is not willing to see or accept.

And yes, if you say you want "Islam gone" than yes, you are a hater. If I were to say I want "Jewish gone" than I would be called a hater too (not that I am saying that the Jewish faith has to go).

And no, they do not want freedom, they want to take away a persons right to freedom of religion, freedom of education, freedom of speech, etc. etc. etc.

Wilders is not about creating more freedom but taking away a lot of freedoms, most of them guaranteed by way of our constitution.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

No, you see the issues is a society are not easy to fix but idiot Wilders believes that is how it is, as long as there are no Muslims in the country or coming in, all the problems are solved.

That there are more problems than Muslims is something Wilders is not willing to see or accept.

And yes, if you say you want "Islam gone" than yes, you are a hater. If I were to say I want "Jewish gone" than I would be called a hater too (not that I am saying that the Jewish faith has to go).

And no, they do not want freedom, they want to take away a persons right to freedom of religion, freedom of education, freedom of speech, etc. etc. etc.

Wilders is not about creating more freedom but taking away a lot of freedoms, most of them guaranteed by way of our constitution.

Do you understand what freedom of religion means to a devout Muslim? It means his religion is superior, and he is superior to you. His religious means your loss of freedom and submission to Islam or death. Do you think that should be allowed? Wilders does not.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Do you understand what freedom of religion means to a devout Muslim? It means his religion is superior, and he is superior to you. His religious means your loss of freedom and submission to Islam or death. Do you think that should be allowed? Wilders does not.

I know what it means to moderate Muslims, moderate Christians and moderate Jews.

I also know how devout conservative Muslims in back ward Muslim nations think but I do not live in that country and to denounce a person in Amsterdam who drinks beer, parties and even eats pork based on how some moronic backward extremist thinks in Isil country or in Saudi Arabia is bogus, nonsense, bull crap, wrong wronger and wrongest.

I am an atheist, most religious people think they are better than anybody else who is not part of their "group".

And in the Netherlands very few (bar a few cases on one million Muslims) Muslims kill people because they want to denounce.

And of course I do not think it should be allowed anywhere on the planet but again, I am an atheist and don't understand the obsession with faith of people anyway.

And Wilders does not just want that not to happen because every single politician in the Netherlands does not want that to happen so that is a non-argument.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Well, the Islam hater of the Netherlands just released his concept election program to the Netherlands, here are the things he plans to do:

De-Islamisation of the Netherlands:
- zero asylum seekers of Muslim religions and no immigration from Muslims countries/Muslims, total closure of the borders
- invalidate all approved permissions of asylum seekers to stay in the Netherlands, close all asylum seeker centers
- ban on Islamic scarfs in public functions
- ban all other Islamic expressions of opinion/etc. that are at odds with public order
- locking up with no court approval of all radical Islamic people as a matter of prevention
- criminals with two passports have to be stripped of their Dutch nationality and deported
- no person who went to Syria will be allowed back into the Netherlands
- closure of all mosques, closure of all schools of Islamic background, total ban on the Qu'ran.

And this idiot actually thinks doing these few things is going to end up saving the Netherlands more than 7.2 billion Euro's.

Here are a few things that are idiotic of his plans:

1. we have made agreements with other countries about asylum seekers, one cannot stop allowing them just because Wilders hates Islam
2. there is still something call freedom of opinion, he makes constant use of it but does not want Islamic Dutch persons to do the same
3. locking up people with no court order is unconstitutional
4. taking of someone's nationality is bound by treaties and our constitution, both ban what Wilders wants
5. freedom of religion means nothing for Wilders, that is crystal clear.

He may want to rid the Netherlands of every Muslim, but he is behaving like a man who is a much bigger danger to our society than normal Muslims in the Netherlands.

In short, the man is an idiot and if he thinks other political parties are going to aid him in this hate fest, then he has going another thing coming. Wilders may not want to respect our constitution and our freedoms, other parties do respect and protect the Netherlands.

I'm a great admirer of Geert Wilders. I don't pretend to know Dutch law, but his proposals sound sensible to me. In this country, I would favor a federal law denying all Muslim aliens entry onto U.S. territory, possibly with a provision that it expired after one year unless reaffirmed by Congress. I would also deny asylum to aliens from most Muslim nations. I would make that headgear illegal to wear in public. I would not prohibit speech promoting Islamist ideas. I support temporary detention of dangerous Islamists, so that the Attorney General could determine if evidence they were planning violence against Americans was strong enough to warrant detaining them longer. I like the idea of revoking the U.S. citizenship and deporting persons who hold dual citizenship and have been convicted of a felony.

I would also like to see the FBI create a list containing files on Islamists and their abettors whose detention the President might consider if there were a national emergency involving jihadist attacks.
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Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

I know what it means to moderate Muslims, moderate Christians and moderate Jews.

I also know how devout conservative Muslims in back ward Muslim nations think but I do not live in that country and to denounce a person in Amsterdam who drinks beer, parties and even eats pork based on how some moronic backward extremist thinks in Isil country or in Saudi Arabia is bogus, nonsense, bull crap, wrong wronger and wrongest.

I am an atheist, most religious people think they are better than anybody else who is not part of their "group".

And in the Netherlands very few (bar a few cases on one million Muslims) Muslims kill people because they want to denounce.

And of course I do not think it should be allowed anywhere on the planet but again, I am an atheist and don't understand the obsession with faith of people anyway.

And Wilders does not just want that not to happen because every single politician in the Netherlands does not want that to happen so that is a non-argument.

You have to remember a lot of moderate Muslims support terror in their own ways. I agree there are Muslims who want nothing to do with it and give it 0 support. But guess what? There is no moderate Islam, there is Islam. And when they become the majority or your country submits moderates won't be running a thing. To think anything else is ludicrous.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

And yes, if you say you want "Islam gone" than yes, you are a hater. If I were to say I want "Jewish gone" than I would be called a hater too (not that I am saying that the Jewish faith has to go).
Would you call haters those who, in 1933, said "Nazism gone"?

Otherwise why would you differentiate Nazism from Islam since both ideologies call to discrimination (against koufars and women) and slaughters (apostates, atheists, etc)? And given that French Jews are leaving France again, because of Muslims this time?

Also, what exactly justifies the use of "hate speech" laws and jail sentences for you? Currently in France those laws are more and more abused to sanction those who criticize Islam. Should they also apply against those who say the left has created all of our economic difficulties? Or against those who compare the far-right to Nazis? Are those not hate speeches against socialists or far-rightists?

Maybe we should just prohibit opinions? Or maybe we should just accept that we are all haters at some point, and that hate is fine after all.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

I'm a great admirer of Geert Wilders. I don't pretend to know Dutch law, but his proposals sound sensible to me. In this country, I would favor a federal law denying all Muslim aliens entry onto U.S. territory, possibly with a provision that it expired after one year unless reaffirmed by Congress. I would also deny asylum to aliens from most Muslim nations. I would make that headgear illegal to wear in public. I would not prohibit speech promoting Islamist ideas. I support temporary detention of dangerous Islamists, so that the Attorney General could determine if evidence they were planning violence against Americans was strong enough to warrant detaining them longer. I like the idea of revoking the U.S. citizenship and deporting persons who hold dual citizenship and have been convicted of a felony.

I would also like to see the FBI create a list containing files on Islamists and their abettors whose detention the President might consider if there were a national emergency involving jihadist attacks.

I am Dutch and I think the man is the worst kind of demagogue possible.

And there is not a lot you need to learn about Dutch law except these articles of law:

You start with the most important one to most:

Article 1
All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted.

Article 3
All Dutch nationals shall be equally eligible for appointment to public service.

Article 4
every Dutch national shall have an equal right to elect the members of the general representative bodies and to stand for election as a member of those bodies, subject to the limitations and exceptions prescribed by Act of Parliament.

Article 6
1. everyone shall have the right to profess freely his religion or belief, either individually or in community with others, without prejudice to his responsibility under the law.

Article 8
The right of association shall be recognized. This right may be restricted by Act of Parliament in the interest of public order.

Article 9
1. The right of assembly and demonstration shall be recognized, without prejudice to the responsibility of everyone under the law.
2. Rules to protect health, in the interest of traffic and to combat or prevent disorders may be laid down by Act of Parliament.

Article 11
everyone shall have the right to inviolability of his person, without prejudice to restrictions laid down by or pursuant to Act of Parliament.

Article 15
1. Other than in the cases laid down by or pursuant to Act of Parliament, no one may be deprived of his liberty.
2. Anyone who has been deprived of his liberty other than by order of a court may request a court to order his release. In such a case he shall be heard by the court within a period to be laid down by Act of Parliament.
The court shall order his immediate release if it considers the deprivation of liberty to be unlawful.
3. The trial of a person who has been deprived of his liberty pending trial shall take place within a reasonable period.
4. A person who has been lawfully deprived of his liberty may be restricted in the exercise of fundamental rights in so far as the exercise of such rights is not compatible with the deprivation of liberty.

and last but not least article 23 in which religious education is organized.

These are the big ones when we are talking about Wilders wants to do.

- With regard to the refugee situation, we have entered into international agreements and European agreements. We have rules as to when a person can be given status holder (refugee status) and when not. It is not possible to just stop living up to our international agreements.

- With regard to the head scarf, that violates the 1st article and the 6th article. Also, Wilders has no problems with Jewish men wearing a yarmulka, this is purely meant to disparage Muslims

- Locking up with no court approval violates the 1st article and the 15th article that says that anybody can petition a court.

- taking a passport/nationality away is only possible in case of war crimes in the Dutch legal system. Also it seriously violates the 1st article because it would violate the first "amendment of our law" that people in the Netherlands get treated the same way under the same circumstances (equal).

- closures of all mosques etc. violates the 1st, 6th and 23rd article of our constitution.

Wilders is an intolerant power hungry populist who goes after the poorest to get the votes he wants in almost national socialist (NAZI) style by forming an electorate formed by ignorant haters and anti-Islam people who fall for his very socialist economic plans (which he would drop in a second if it would get him into power as he has proved previously). He talks left and hatemongers to the right. That is Wilders.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

You have to remember a lot of moderate Muslims support terror in their own ways. I agree there are Muslims who want nothing to do with it and give it 0 support. But guess what? There is no moderate Islam, there is Islam. And when they become the majority or your country submits moderates won't be running a thing. To think anything else is ludicrous.

That would be the large majority of Muslims who do not support terrorism. And guess what, there is plenty of moderate Islamic/Muslim people. No faith is moderate, all religions are equally disturbingly medieval (and earlier) in their darkness and violence.

And there is the idiotic idea that they are going to become a majority in my country, that is just stupid rumor mongering based on nothing, nada, absolutely zilch. To think Muslims are going to be becoming a majority in the Netherlands is not just ludicrous, it is :cuckoo: and any politician like Wilders or PVV members who are suggesting it are nothing more than a :liar2
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

That would be the large majority of Muslims who do not support terrorism. And guess what, there is plenty of moderate Islamic/Muslim people. No faith is moderate, all religions are equally disturbingly medieval (and earlier) in their darkness and violence.

And there is the idiotic idea that they are going to become a majority in my country, that is just stupid rumor mongering based on nothing, nada, absolutely zilch. To think Muslims are going to be becoming a majority in the Netherlands is not just ludicrous, it is :cuckoo: and any politician like Wilders or PVV members who are suggesting it are nothing more than a :liar2

You have to stop thinking other religions are like Islam. There are no positives in Islam, especially for non-Muslims. If you can think of one positive let me know.

The doctrine of Islam calls for never ending war. No other religion says that. Peace is only achieved when the only religion is Islam and all have submitted. Until then there is a hiouse of peace(where Islam rules) and a house of war(where you live, any nation not ruled by Islam).

As far as Muslims who support those ideas look at the Pew polls the numbers are not as small as you think.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Would you call haters those who, in 1933, said "Nazism gone"?

Otherwise why would you differentiate Nazism from Islam since both ideologies call to discrimination (against koufars and women) and slaughters (apostates, atheists, etc)? And given that French Jews are leaving France again, because of Muslims this time?

Also, what exactly justifies the use of "hate speech" laws and jail sentences for you? Currently in France those laws are more and more abused to sanction those who criticize Islam. Should they also apply against those who say the left has created all of our economic difficulties? Or against those who compare the far-right to Nazis? Are those not hate speeches against socialists or far-rightists?

Maybe we should just prohibit opinions? Or maybe we should just accept that we are all haters at some point, and that hate is fine after all.

I was not aware that Nazism is a religion? Or do little "facts" like that do not matter anymore?

Islam is a faith, just like Christianity is and the Jewish faith is. There is no good NAZI, there are plenty of good Muslims so nice try but your comparison and argument is a big fat :failpail:

And what justifies the use of hate speech laws? Well sometimes someone says things that can be interpreted as hate-speech. For example one person who was convicted of breach of article 137 of our penal code of law, was convicted to 1,000 euro's of which 500 euro suspended with 2 years of probation. His crime? Calling all Turkish Dutch people Barbary monkeys (macaque). cockroaches and rats. He also said that all Turkish men/Muslims would rape blonde women and that Turkish men fornicate camels. That went above what is simple freedom of speech. Now if he had done that in the privacy of his home or in a pub he would never be convicted of anything but he made this the topic of his websites and thus went beyond simple abusing freedom of speech and went into the illegal hate speech law article 137.

And the most you can get for inciting violence against a group of people is 2 years (and then only if violence has occurred) but usually people get a fine or they have to work for some hours as punishment. But those are extreme cases that rarely happen.

Also, I do not live in France where they cannot even let women go to the beach in peace.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

I am Dutch and I think the man is the worst kind of demagogue possible.

And there is not a lot you need to learn about Dutch law except these articles of law:

You start with the most important one to most:

These are the big ones when we are talking about Wilders wants to do.

- With regard to the refugee situation, we have entered into international agreements and European agreements. We have rules as to when a person can be given status holder (refugee status) and when not. It is not possible to just stop living up to our international agreements.

- With regard to the head scarf, that violates the 1st article and the 6th article. Also, Wilders has no problems with Jewish men wearing a yarmulka, this is purely meant to disparage Muslims

- Locking up with no court approval violates the 1st article and the 15th article that says that anybody can petition a court.

- taking a passport/nationality away is only possible in case of war crimes in the Dutch legal system. Also it seriously violates the 1st article because it would violate the first "amendment of our law" that people in the Netherlands get treated the same way under the same circumstances (equal).

- closures of all mosques etc. violates the 1st, 6th and 23rd article of our constitution.

Wilders is an intolerant power hungry populist who goes after the poorest to get the votes he wants in almost national socialist (NAZI) style by forming an electorate formed by ignorant haters and anti-Islam people who fall for his very socialist economic plans (which he would drop in a second if it would get him into power as he has proved previously). He talks left and hatemongers to the right. That is Wilders.

Of course your country is free to do whatever it sees fit about this matter. As I said, I like most of the proposals by Mr. Wilders that you listed, and I think they could be made laws and policies that complied with the Constitution of the U.S. It would probably surprise many lay people to learn just how sternly the U.S. can deal with alien enemies when national security requires it. The Supreme Court has found no constitutional violations in several harsh measures taken against people who either were or might be acting as agents of a foreign enemy. The forced relocation of about 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry away from the West Coast in 1942 may be the best-known example. I've studied that subject in detail, and I believe the relocation was justified.

Herbert Haupt offers another example. Haupt was one of eight Nazi saboteurs who landed here by U-boat in 1942, and the only one who was a U.S. citizen. But that did not help him one iota. He never got the indictment by grand jury the Fifth Amendment guarantees Americans charged by the U.S. with serious crimes. Never got a jury trial, either, even though the Sixth Amendment guarantees that to any American even in the most petty misdemeanor case. Haupt was tried before a military tribunal, convicted of several war crimes, had his habeas petition denied by the Supreme Court, and much to the satisfaction of President Franklin Roosevelt, only two months after landing here was electrocuted right along with five of the others. Slightly quicker than the thirteen years or so between being charged with a capital crime and being executed for it that is typical in the U.S. today.

Islamists in this country who involve themselves in hostile acts which are inspired by or carried out in cooperation with hostile foreign entities may be committing ordinary crimes. But they may also be committing war crimes, and this country does not treat war criminals with kid gloves. After World War Two, many members of the Japanese military were convicted of serious war crimes by the Far East Tribunals and sentenced to death for them. The U.S. Navy carried out the sentences, hanging almost 1,000 of the bastards. And it would probably not have gone any easier for any who had been U.S. citizens. As the Supreme Court made clear in the Nazi Saboteurs Case, Ex Parte Quirin, U.S. citizenship does not save a war criminal from the consequences of his crimes. A U.S. citizen who engages in jihadist violence may find he does not enjoy all the constitutional rights after he is apprehended that an ordinary American criminal would.
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Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

I was not aware that Nazism is a religion? Or do little "facts" like that do not matter anymore?
Why should we differentiate religions from ideologies? Why should we grant religions superior rights to opinions coming from old books than to political opinions? The UN declaration of human rights does not differentiate them, encompassing both under an unique freedom of opinion.

And there were actually tons of good Nazi people: people who grew up with those ideas without really thinking about them, or simply enjoyed the party's social life. Like many Muslims. People who were not antisemite but appreciated what the party did for the village life and the youth activities. Like many Muslims. Nazism did grow from the base, from the community, from ordinary people, like modern Islamic radicalism. Gas chambers were not in the program.

His crime? Calling all Turkish Dutch people Barbary monkeys (macaque). cockroaches and rats. He also said that all Turkish men/Muslims would rape blonde women and that Turkish men fornicate camels. That went above what is simple freedom of speech.
Was it really worse than comparing far-righters to Nazis, who butchered millions of people and are associated with the epitome of evilness today?
Was it really worse than saying that leftists destroyed the country?
I do not think so.

Was it really "above simple freedom of speech" as you think? I do not think so, unless you only tolerate inoffensive speeches, which means you do not tolerate speech. In my eyes your laws are nothing more than political repression against dissidents.

Also, I do not live in France where they cannot even let women go to the beach in peace.
Be reassured: Muslim women can once again wear the burkini in France, to the great pleasure of all fanatics who make French women's rights further recess everyday. I am glad to know that you fight on the "good side", the side of the fanatics who threaten, punch and rape all women around them who refuse to shut up and submit.

I can't wait to see you defend polygamy next, and propose jailing blasphemers because "it's like hate speech" ("offensive", a terribly bad thing to the eyes of our coward world).

A few years later you will support female genital mutilation because their parents only want to shield their poor children from demons and we have to respect their educational choices, and because you saw a documentary saying it is not that bad actually, and because a Muslim politician says it is racist to prevent them to perpetuate their culture in the places where they dominate while we are supposed to live in a multicultural and liberal country.
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Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

The many faces of Islamo-Nazism

Nowadays, Islamo-Nazism has a different meaning than before and during the Second World War, when there were Muslims, who were at the same time Nazis. The major Palestinian leader at the time, the mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was instrumental in the establishment of SS units in Bosnia and Kosovo. After the war, various German Nazis fled to Egypt. Some converted to Islam, such as the propagandist Johannes van Leers, and the physician and psychopathic murderer Aribert Ferdinand Heim.

Contemporary Islamo-Nazism is of a different nature. It consists of murderous Muslims whose ideology overlaps with core genocidal elements of Nazism, without belonging to any organizational Nazi framework. Current Islamo-Nazism can be described as the ideology of those Muslims who meet one of the two following characteristics: first, they are believers who want to achieve world rule of Islam by any means, including violence. In other words, for Islamo-Nazis, the goal justifies the means. The second characteristic that defines Islamo-Nazism is the promotion of genocidal programs. That includes, for instance, the mass murder of Jews and of others, including Muslims of different denominations.

Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Mein Kampf:677 "Since our view of life will never share power with another, it cannot co-operate with the existing doctrines it condemns. It is obliged to fight by all available means until the entire world of hostile ideas collapses."
Throughout the entirety of the Islamic era we have heard a singular battle cry:

Bukhari:4.386 "Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone."

Hmm. Mohammad was Hitlers mentor.

In The Name Of Allah - Hitler & Muhammad
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

“Jews are vampires who must die sooner or later.” (Mein Kampf. P. 450)

“Witness the ‘Juda verrecke’ (Jews must be destroyed) outcry in which our youth organizations have taken up.” (Mein Kampf, p. 414)

“Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country.” (Bukhari:1.1.6)

Terrorism was an integral part of Nazism so in Islam. Both Mein Kampf and Qur’an glorified terrorism. Both the tyrants connected butchery with their cults.

“With religious conviction…the bearers of the new doctrine must declare themselves ready and willing to fight.” (Mein Kampf, p. 127)

“I [Allah] shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Strike them above the necks, smite their finger tips”. (Qur’an 8.12)

“Always before god and the world the stronger has the right to carry through what he wills.” (Hitler’s speech: April 13, 1923. Munich).

“These [terror] tactics are based on an exact calculation of all human weaknesses. They will lead to success with mathematical certainty unless the other side learns to fight poison gas with poison gas.” (Mein Kampf. P. 58)

“Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers smite their necks…” (Qur’an, 47.4)

“The importance of physical terror against the individual and the masses also became clear to me.” (Mein Kampf. P. 58)

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror.’” (Bukhari: 4.52.220)

“I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is 'Destroy him [enemy] by all and any means.' I am the one who will wage the war!” (cited Snyder, 1961, p. 66).

“The battle cry of Muhammad’s Companions was, ‘Kill! Kill! Kill!’” (Tabari VIII: 141)

Islam Watch - "Heil Hitler, Heil Muhammad" by Sujit Das
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

without reading through the entire debate I have to wholeheartedly agree with Wilders. Islam needs to be stopped in its tracks and curtailed. Those immigrants who are a problem need to be expelled from Europe.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Just replace Islam/Muslim with Judaism/Jew and you have Hilters plan in the 1930s..

yeah except that the Jews were not going all over the world in the 1930's and murdering innocent people by the thousands.

There's that little difference.

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