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You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilders!! (1 Viewer)

Peter King

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Feb 19, 2012
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Well, the Islam hater of the Netherlands just released his concept election program to the Netherlands, here are the things he plans to do:

De-Islamisation of the Netherlands:
- zero asylum seekers of Muslim religions and no immigration from Muslims countries/Muslims, total closure of the borders
- invalidate all approved permissions of asylum seekers to stay in the Netherlands, close all asylum seeker centers
- ban on Islamic scarfs in public functions
- ban all other Islamic expressions of opinion/etc. that are at odds with public order
- locking up with no court approval of all radical Islamic people as a matter of prevention
- criminals with two passports have to be stripped of their Dutch nationality and deported
- no person who went to Syria will be allowed back into the Netherlands
- closure of all mosques, closure of all schools of Islamic background, total ban on the Qu'ran.

And this idiot actually thinks doing these few things is going to end up saving the Netherlands more than 7.2 billion Euro's.

Here are a few things that are idiotic of his plans:

1. we have made agreements with other countries about asylum seekers, one cannot stop allowing them just because Wilders hates Islam
2. there is still something call freedom of opinion, he makes constant use of it but does not want Islamic Dutch persons to do the same
3. locking up people with no court order is unconstitutional
4. taking of someone's nationality is bound by treaties and our constitution, both ban what Wilders wants
5. freedom of religion means nothing for Wilders, that is crystal clear.

He may want to rid the Netherlands of every Muslim, but he is behaving like a man who is a much bigger danger to our society than normal Muslims in the Netherlands.

In short, the man is an idiot and if he thinks other political parties are going to aid him in this hate fest, then he has going another thing coming. Wilders may not want to respect our constitution and our freedoms, other parties do respect and protect the Netherlands.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Yeah, Trump does seem like a moderate on Islam compared to this dude!
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Just replace Islam/Muslim with Judaism/Jew and you have Hilters plan in the 1930s..
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Just replace Islam/Muslim with Judaism/Jew and you have Hilters plan in the 1930s..
No, Hitler proposed to strip all Jews of their nationality and confiscate their goods. Even the closing of Mosques is not even remotely close to this.

But the most shocking imo is the jailing of people who may commit crimes. Yet we heard the same things from mainstream politicians in the USA and the EU. On the other hand the total ban on Muslim immigration is common sense (refugees excluded since they are a different and difficult problem for legal and ethical reasons).
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Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

No, Hitler proposed to strip all Jews of their nationality and confiscate their goods. Even the closing of Mosques is not even remotely close to this.

But the most shocking imo is the jailing of people who may commit crimes. Yet we heard the same things from mainstream politicians in the USA and the EU. On the other hand the total ban on Muslim immigration is common sense (refugees excluded since they are a different and difficult problem for legal and ethical reasons).
He proposes to strip people of their citizenship. He knows that stripping all Muslims of their citizenship won't be remotely legal or fly with the population, so he has limited himself ....for now. Hitler policies did not come over night either.

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Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

No, Hitler proposed to strip all Jews of their nationality and confiscate their goods. Even the closing of Mosques is not even remotely close to this.

But the most shocking imo is the jailing of people who may commit crimes. Yet we heard the same things from mainstream politicians in the USA and the EU. On the other hand the total ban on Muslim immigration is common sense (refugees excluded since they are a different and difficult problem for legal and ethical reasons).

But he proposes even not allowing refugees in. And it would also exclude people with high education coming in for work purposes, wives joining their husbands, children joining parents (of refugees). It is an opinion that just does not work.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Wilders is indeed going full Nazi party IMHO, or at least that is the road his party seems to be taking. First it was really aggressive towards Muslims but now he has gone full extremist on the Dutch part of the population that is Muslim.

That is one group of people who is not going to vote for any party that says they will entertain the notion of cooperating with Wilders in his quest to become prime-minister and make his ideas into laws.

But that is one thing that is not going to work. Several of his ideas go against our constitution and will not be happening at all because he is never going to have enough power to change the constitution.

And let's be honest, most of what he proposes fully goes against our first amendment.

Article 1
All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted.
Article 6
1. everyone shall have the right to profess freely his religion or belief,
either individually or in community with others, without prejudice to his
responsibility under the law.

Our constitution also prevent people being locked up without a court approval, or without them having committed a criminal offense and the constitution also bans closing of schools purely based on their religious origins.

Wilders is a hate mongering intolerant asshole.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Well, at least he doesn't have an ice-cube's chance in hell of becoming Dutch PM, unlike Trump (becoming POTUS).
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Well, the Islam hater of the Netherlands just released his concept election program to the Netherlands, here are the things he plans to do:

De-Islamisation of the Netherlands:
- zero asylum seekers of Muslim religions and no immigration from Muslims countries/Muslims, total closure of the borders
- invalidate all approved permissions of asylum seekers to stay in the Netherlands, close all asylum seeker centers
- ban on Islamic scarfs in public functions
- ban all other Islamic expressions of opinion/etc. that are at odds with public order
- locking up with no court approval of all radical Islamic people as a matter of prevention
- criminals with two passports have to be stripped of their Dutch nationality and deported
- no person who went to Syria will be allowed back into the Netherlands
- closure of all mosques, closure of all schools of Islamic background, total ban on the Qu'ran.

And this idiot actually thinks doing these few things is going to end up saving the Netherlands more than 7.2 billion Euro's.

Here are a few things that are idiotic of his plans:

1. we have made agreements with other countries about asylum seekers, one cannot stop allowing them just because Wilders hates Islam
2. there is still something call freedom of opinion, he makes constant use of it but does not want Islamic Dutch persons to do the same
3. locking up people with no court order is unconstitutional
4. taking of someone's nationality is bound by treaties and our constitution, both ban what Wilders wants
5. freedom of religion means nothing for Wilders, that is crystal clear.

He may want to rid the Netherlands of every Muslim, but he is behaving like a man who is a much bigger danger to our society than normal Muslims in the Netherlands.

In short, the man is an idiot and if he thinks other political parties are going to aid him in this hate fest, then he has going another thing coming. Wilders may not want to respect our constitution and our freedoms, other parties do respect and protect the Netherlands.

It is a good start. Would you like me to list what Islam hates?
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

It is a good start. Would you like me to list what Islam hates?

Well, look who it is. You PM Excon yet?

Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Well, look who it is. You PM Excon yet?


Never have PMed him. And it would be none of your business anyway.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

It is a good start. Would you like me to list what Islam hates?

Of course YOU think it's a good start.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

It is a good start. Would you like me to list what Islam hates?

It is idiotic, unconstitutional and immoral.

And there we go again, claiming that just because a small group of Muslims hates loads of things, it is the opinion of all Muslims and thus all Muslims have to be targeted/hated/discriminated against because of the ideas of a small minority.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

It is idiotic, unconstitutional and immoral.

And there we go again, claiming that just because a small group of Muslims hates loads of things, it is the opinion of all Muslims and thus all Muslims have to be targeted/hated/discriminated against because of the ideas of a small minority.

You have no room to talk about what is immoral when defending Islam.

And it is not a small minority of Muslims. Look at the Pew polls.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

You have no room to talk about what is immoral when defending Islam.

And it is not a small minority of Muslims. Look at the Pew polls.

I already proved you and Excon wrong in your hate-thread. Actually, Fledermaus proved ya'll wrong before I even posted in that thread. Of course, you two have a track record of ignoring anything that contradicts your fallacious world-view.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

I already proved you and Excon wrong in your hate-thread. Actually, Fledermaus proved ya'll wrong before I even posted in that thread. Of course, you two have a track record of ignoring anything that contradicts your fallacious world-view.

It was not a hate thread. You saying that demeans the messenger. Nobody proved anything wrong on that thread wrong because they never discussed the topic.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

It was not a hate thread. You saying that demeans the messenger. Nobody proved anything wrong on that thread wrong because they never discussed the topic.

You said Islam defends extremists in the OP. :shrug: We proved you wrong. :shrug:
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

You said Islam defends extremists in the OP. :shrug: We proved you wrong. :shrug:

Islam does support extremists. Show me how it does not. One verse(not abrogated) that says terror or jihad is not condoned would be nice. No one was able to do that. Therefore you proved 0.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Islam does support extremists. Show me how it does not. One verse(not abrogated) that says terror or jihad is not condoned would be nice. No one was able to do that. Therefore you proved 0.

I've already posted the links. Stop trying to derail the topic.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

I've already posted the links. Stop trying to derail the topic.

You started this, not me. I never saw the verse, or verses, and do not expect to.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

You have no room to talk about what is immoral when defending Islam.

And it is not a small minority of Muslims. Look at the Pew polls.

That is bull **** of course, it is my country so I have every right to talk about what is immoral when denouncing Wilders and his idiotic unconstitutional ideas.

You do know what that means don't you? Unconstitutional? Because that is exactly what Wilders wants to do, breaking the law, our most sacred and important laws. But does Wilders care? No, of course no, he hates Islam that much that he would rather destroy the constitution to get what he wants than work with all the good willing Muslims to oust and expose the bad apples among the Muslims.

And it is a small minority of Muslims because you cannot transpose the views of backwards countries towards those held in Western democracies (one on one that is). What a Muslim in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia thinks is almost certainly very different than the views held among Muslims in the Netherlands/US.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Islam does support extremists. Show me how it does not. One verse(not abrogated) that says terror or jihad is not condoned would be nice. No one was able to do that. Therefore you proved 0.

1. Jihad can also be internal struggle, not always violent struggle/wars.

2. you want to know how many "kill em all" verses are in the bible?

Just because something is written in a religious book does not mean every verse has to be followed literally and religiously.

And also, the views of a Saudi or hard core Iranian Muslim will be very different from the vast (and I mean YUUGGEEE!!!!) majority of Western Muslims. Something that the idiot Wilders also does not seem to comprehend.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

1. Jihad can also be internal struggle, not always violent struggle/wars.

2. you want to know how many "kill em all" verses are in the bible?

Just because something is written in a religious book does not mean every verse has to be followed literally and religiously.

And also, the views of a Saudi or hard core Iranian Muslim will be very different from the vast (and I mean YUUGGEEE!!!!) majority of Western Muslims. Something that the idiot Wilders also does not seem to comprehend.

96% of verses about jihad contain or suggest violence.

Irrelevant, since no one quotes those verses when they kill people, and brag about it.
Re: You think Trump is anti-Islam, he is a nice and moderate person compared to Wilde

Something a white nationalist would say.

I consider that name calling. Stop at white(though, no fault of my own).

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