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Yet another remnant of the Clinton legacy (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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Yet another remnant of the Clinton legacy
By: Mike Bates
RightConservative.com 06-02-05

It began in New York. An official there found that almost 200 of his state’s most dangerous sexual predators got Viagra at no expense. Like Blanche DuBois, the paroled felons had depended on the kindness of strangers.

The strangers in this case were taxpayers, who picked up the tab for the little blue pills thorough Medicaid. Yes, Medicaid, that superlative social welfare program from Lyndon Johnson and his War on Poverty. Medicaid is a federal law and mostly funded with dollars from Washington, but is administered individually by each state.

When he was president, Clinton said he hoped that, "the American people will come to understand that Medicaid is not simply a program for poor people."

He was right. Obviously, it’s more than that, as least in some jurisdictions. Thanks to him, it’s also a program for poor perverts.

We can imagine how the New York story sent elected officials elsewhere and their minions scurrying. Reimbursing convicted sex assailants for their performance enhancement drugs with public funds is one thing. Getting busted for it in the media is quite another.

Other shoes dropped. A quick check by the Associated Press found that more than 800 convicted sex predators in 14 states received Medicaid money for Viagra and similar drugs. One governor issued an emergency order barring Medicaid payments for registered sex offenders. How much of an emergency would it have been if not for the bad press these cases are getting?

Read the full article
Nothing worse than a predator on erection enhancers. :eek: what in the hell were people thinking? :Oopsie
RightConservative said:
Yet another remnant of the Clinton legacy
By: Mike Bates
RightConservative.com 06-02-05

It began in New York. An official there found that almost 200 of his state’s most dangerous sexual predators got Viagra at no expense. Like Blanche DuBois, the paroled felons had depended on the kindness of strangers.

The strangers in this case were taxpayers, who picked up the tab for the little blue pills thorough Medicaid. Yes, Medicaid, that superlative social welfare program from Lyndon Johnson and his War on Poverty. Medicaid is a federal law and mostly funded with dollars from Washington, but is administered individually by each state.

When he was president, Clinton said he hoped that, "the American people will come to understand that Medicaid is not simply a program for poor people."

He was right. Obviously, it’s more than that, as least in some jurisdictions. Thanks to him, it’s also a program for poor perverts.

We can imagine how the New York story sent elected officials elsewhere and their minions scurrying. Reimbursing convicted sex assailants for their performance enhancement drugs with public funds is one thing. Getting busted for it in the media is quite another.

Other shoes dropped. A quick check by the Associated Press found that more than 800 convicted sex predators in 14 states received Medicaid money for Viagra and similar drugs. One governor issued an emergency order barring Medicaid payments for registered sex offenders. How much of an emergency would it have been if not for the bad press these cases are getting?

Read the full article

Yeah, OK, I understand your frustration, but how exactly was this Clinton's fault? You said yourself that Medicaid is "mostly funded with dollars from Washington, but is administered individually by each state".

By the way, I'm sure you've heard over the last couple of days that there is a link between viagra use and blindness in some men.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Make all the perverts blind!
Well, I've heard if you do it enough....

Back to the subject, maybe we should be looking at this problem a little deeper. Since one needs a prescription to get products like Viagra, should we have the Doctors who are RXing these drugs to check with a sexual offender database before the 'script is made? Because, even without Medicare, these people could still get the drugs if they've got a Dr's Rx.
So you take one extreme example to prove something is wrong. Gotcha. Credible. The program helps so many people, and I personally know three people who would be without necessary drugs without it, specifically my friend's mother, sister and aunt. IF you want to bar them from getting those drugs, do it. It is your power to regulate, but don't bar them from getting all drugs because some of those might be very necessary (unlike viagra).
Personally, I am a little bothered that performance enhancement drugs are offered at all, regardless of whether one is a sex offender or not. I wonder if birth control is covered for women.
Good point.

As far as the blindness caused by Viagra, I've also heard the palm the pill was in may get hairy.. :censored

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