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Wyatt Chesney 2008 (1 Viewer)

Would you vote for Wyatt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Maybe?

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
Based solely on what was on the sites you posted, no.

States shouldn't, I don't think, decide what the law will say about abortion and gay rights and suchlike; imagine if that had been the case with segregation. That by itself is a deal-breaker, I think, but not taxing corporations that use hydrogen in lieu of fossil fuels seals his fate, to my mind. I'm all for moving to alternative energy sources and I'm all for tax incentives if they'll get us there, but I get the feeling that if ever we let corporations stop paying taxes altogether, we'd never get them to start again.

Too, consider this sentence from his website: "We need to be fair and give all American's the same advantage that the upper class has been given." My family and I are not exactly rich, but unfortunately we still wouldn't benefit from his idea. We're Americans, not American's. Bad punctuation is a turn-off.
Good theories, his ideas are completely impractical and problem-riddled though.

Just another shmuck.
He is a true centrist in the mold of Ross Perot, not some globalist centrist like McCaine or Bill Clinton.:spin:
"The No :spin: Zone"
RightatNYU said:
Good theories, his ideas are completely impractical and problem-riddled though.

Just another shmuck.

Ditto that.

He does play the guitar that's always a plus in book. Not necessarily a skill I would base my vote upon.
Whoever this guy is, I find his political agenda to be too opposed to mine. Also it is non-innovative; appealing to those with limited intellect...
I would not support him if he were running as dogcatcher.
Maybe he is a good guitar player...
Wyatt is a regular on the forum, so you can join it to debate him or ask him any question.:spin:
Pacridge said:
Ditto that.

He does play the guitar that's always a plus in book. Not necessarily a skill I would base my vote upon.



Robert Stark said:
Wyatt is a regular on the forum, so you can join it to debate him or ask him any question.:spin:

He has a myspace, that automatically disqualifies him from life.
Chesney is far too soft on gun control for me and I don't like that he leaves abortion and gay-rights issues to the states. So that's a no for me.
The purpose of the RP is to be nutral on those divisive social issues, which are used by politicians to divide us. Instead it focuses on important issues that affect us all, like campaign finance reform, out-sourcing, illegal immigration, and alternative energy.:spin:
He is the only candidate that is pro-environment and for limited immigration. Most anti-illegal immigration candidates like Tom Tancred oppose more environmental regulations, while most pro-environmnent liberals, are pro-immigration, and usually oppose border security. By the way Wyatt is not a liberal, he is an independent centrist, if you visited the forum, and saw his posts you would no where he stands.:spin:

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