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wow .. so this is "Liberation" ... the american terrorism (1 Viewer)

Loved the cheers too. I do try and emulate their zeal whenever an IED takes out a humvee or a Wank is captured. It's only fair after all.

And while your one-sentence retorts illustrate the typical neo-con response, the sheer ignorance goes to fuel my stash of popcorn.

There are so many examples of American brutality in Iraq, I could fill this forum for days with vids from my HD. Each would be met with the same measure of apathy you guys have demonstrated here.

So forgive my cheers when the next attack hits an American city. I hope it's a major one. One that convinces you that the path you've chosen is the wrong one... You wanted Bush and he produced the resistance. That is now spreading and growing in sophistication.

Chemical, biologiocal... It's just a matter of time and you deserve it for your stance and your soldier's/politician's methods.

Always disgusted by y'all. Bring it on... This vid answers all the questions.


Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I couldn't bear to have anyone think that the last post were my words look up two threads and you'll get it.

I WAS wondering that when I read it...

From wht I've seen from your previous posts, that one was throwing me for a loop...until I saw the "tiktoktiktok"...Then I knew who the ass was...

I suggest when you copy & paste someone else's comment, give them credit for it when placing their comments in your post...

If it's in the same thread, you can use the "Quote" button on the bottom right...:2wave:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
CN thanx for the tip I was going to put "quoted from" or something like that in the post but I went back to edit it and the edit option disappeared do you know why it does that?

You got 10 minutes to edit your post before the concrete has dried...After that, it's there for good...

PS - Unless the pictures mean something, try to keep them to a minimum...they take up space on the server and can slow some people's PC down...:2wave:
Originally posted by cnredd:
You got 10 minutes to edit your post before the concrete has dried...After that, it's there for good...

PS - Unless the pictures mean something, try to keep them to a minimum...they take up space on the server and can slow some people's PC down
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