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Wouldn't this be a hoot? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2011
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Wouldn't this be a hoot?

The morning after the 2016 general election... Hillary wins by more than 30 points... gets to claim a "mandate by the people"... Hillary, Bill, and The Donald all appear on stage together and Trump announces that it had all been a scam to get the Rep Party to destroy itself over him and get Hillary elected President.

I don't think it really needs announced, it is glaringly obvious. I thought at one time Trump and the Clintons were buddies. The Donald and Bubba prolly came up with this idea over couple of Budwisers.
I think the vast majority of Americans suspect this very thing. It would be 100% in character for all of those involved.
Been saying for a while now that whoever takes the white house, they'll have zero political capital to spend.

I've heard the notion that Trump is a Clinton plant, and it sounds sickeningly plausible but it's way too unsubstantiated to repeat myself.
I'd love to see the look on Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter's faces.
Wouldn't this be a hoot?

The morning after the 2016 general election... Hillary wins by more than 30 points... gets to claim a "mandate by the people"... Hillary, Bill, and The Donald all appear on stage together and Trump announces that it had all been a scam to get the Rep Party to destroy itself over him and get Hillary elected President.


Ignorance is ok.

So long as it is not willful.

So long as you(figuratively) are not indulging your(F) fantasy life.

So long as you(F) are not being cruel towards your(F) fellow Americans.
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Wouldn't this be a hoot?

The morning after the 2016 general election... Hillary wins by more than 30 points... gets to claim a "mandate by the people"... Hillary, Bill, and The Donald all appear on stage together and Trump announces that it had all been a scam to get the Rep Party to destroy itself over him and get Hillary elected President.


Stranger things have happened. Can you think of 3 more likely creeps to come up with this?

Trump wants Hillary to be POTUS and he wants his own cable news network.
Wouldn't this be a hoot?

The morning after the 2016 general election... Hillary wins by more than 30 points... gets to claim a "mandate by the people"... Hillary, Bill, and The Donald all appear on stage together and Trump announces that it had all been a scam to get the Rep Party to destroy itself over him and get Hillary elected President.


that's quite far fetched, I think. While it could be made to "fit", as it were, the data (essentially anyone but Trump on the GOP ticket would have a much easier shot of beating Hillary), it is far too conspiracy theory to be true.

However, if we are to indulge ourselves in such unlikely scenarios, having the DNC so perfectly rig the entire election for our Presidency wouldn't be a hoot...it would be call for violence.
that's quite far fetched, I think. While it could be made to "fit", as it were, the data (essentially anyone but Trump on the GOP ticket would have a much easier shot of beating Hillary), it is far too conspiracy theory to be true.
It's not far too conspiracy theory to be true. Large conspiracies are less likely to be true only by virtue of them having to involve more people, which isn't the case here--it's only three. Three very rich and very powerful [at least former] friends.

It's still unsubstantiated, but politics is not an arena in which a theory simply being grossly unconscionable makes it unlikely. Especially not with these three.
Maybe this should be in the CT forum.
It's not far too conspiracy theory to be true. Large conspiracies are less likely to be true only by virtue of them having to involve more people, which isn't the case here--it's only three. Three very rich and very powerful [at least former] friends.

It's still unsubstantiated, but politics is not an arena in which a theory simply being grossly unconscionable makes it unlikely. Especially not with these three.

If it is true (in my opinion, it is painfully and obviously so) ...that has to be illegal (right)?
I mean, it's basically a ****ing coup.
If it is true (in my opinion, it is painfully and obviously so) ...that has to be illegal (right)?
I mean, it's basically a ****ing coup.
If a cabal grabs power and shuts down their opposition by physical force of arms, it's a coup; if they do so with money, it's US politics.
If a cabal grabs power and shuts down their opposition by physical force of arms, it's a coup; if they do so with money, it's US politics.

They could have mafia connections. They could be. We don't know.
Wouldn't this be a hoot?

The morning after the 2016 general election... Hillary wins by more than 30 points... gets to claim a "mandate by the people"... Hillary, Bill, and The Donald all appear on stage together and Trump announces that it had all been a scam to get the Rep Party to destroy itself over him and get Hillary elected President.


That idea has been kicked around as a possibility since the beginning by those that grasp the fact that Trump is and always has been a Democrat. Is it possible, absolutely, will we ever know, doubtful.
Wouldn't this be a hoot?

The morning after the 2016 general election... Hillary wins by more than 30 points... gets to claim a "mandate by the people"... Hillary, Bill, and The Donald all appear on stage together and Trump announces that it had all been a scam to get the Rep Party to destroy itself over him and get Hillary elected President.


And then Trump rips off a mask and it turns out he was Andy Kaufman all along! And then a UFO lands on stage. Ashton Kutcher emerges and yells, "You Just Got Punked!" as the real Elvis Presley comes on stage dancing to "Hail to the Chief".

It's possible. :)
That idea has been kicked around as a possibility since the beginning by those that grasp the fact that Trump is and always has been a Democrat. Is it possible, absolutely, will we ever know, doubtful.

Trump did this as a lark and to promote his $3 billion name because of his success with the birther movement. He loves to get applause. He had no clue that he could win the nomination but he underestimated the mess that the GOP was in. They have spent the last 7 years proving they are unable to govern and the base believed them. Trump does not want to win in Nov. because it would expose him as clueless to the world. He will get his wish.
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Trump did this as a lark and to promote his $3 billion name because of his success with the birther movement. He loves to get applause. He had no clue that he could win the nomination but he underestimated the mess that the GOP was in. They have spent the last 7 years proving they are unable to govern and the base believed them. Trump does not want to win in Nov. because it would expose him as clueless to the world. He will get his wish.
Nice assessment, problem is with it is that it is easy to say what you think is the truth it is much more difficult to prove it.
They could have mafia connections. They could be. We don't know.
My point was that with enough money, you don't need mafia or anything. Control via money is US politics.

Trump and the Clintons are experiencing the very farthest edge of where money can take them where pure voter support for their policies can't.

The problem is that it's probably enough to control our government.

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