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Would you take a Trump™ brand vaccine? (1 Viewer)

Would you take a Trump-brand vaccine?

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is it from Trump U, his charity or one of his casinos?
I would sooner drink Kool-Aid out of a steel tub.......
I would take the vaccine and hope other do the same just to get out of this lock down and get the economy moving again.
I would take the vaccine and hope other do the same just to get out of this lock down and get the economy moving again.

Yeah because Trump is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Trustworthy. Trump's supporters are so dumb that if Trump took a **** and called it a vaccine, his supporters would lap it up and even thank him for it.
No, but that's not what's coming out. I'm reading that one of them is AstraZeneca. I don't have any reason to doubt their quality system.
If the vaccine followed and passed all the procedures, testing, trails, and is approved. Most likely will take it.
No, but that's not what's coming out. I'm reading that one of them is AstraZeneca. I don't have any reason to doubt their quality system.

Understood, and the question does differ from reality, but lets be clear: vaccines take a long time to develop for a reason. There's no way to really know the effects of the vaccine, beyond its efficacy, within a span of time below that of a standard, non-warp speed process.

AstraZeneca vaccine trial: NIH 'very concerned' about serious side effect in vaccine trial - CNN
If the vaccine followed and passed all the procedures, testing, trails, and is approved. Most likely will take it.

That's not what the polls are saying, and with good reason. Speed comes at a cost, and so does Trump's disregard for human life, interjection of politics into medicine, and his unprecedented dishonest nature.
As someone who's had two vaccine shots (flu and pneumonia) in the last few weeks let me say be cautious. I'd wait a few months at least after anything becomes available.
Would you take a Trump-brand vaccine?

1. Let me know when the Trump Organization decides to branch off from real estate to pharmaceuticals.

2. Then let me know when they decide to try to develop a COVID vaccine.

3. Then let me know is their vaccine is approved by the FDA.

4. Then let me know how much it costs and how it compares to competing vaccines.

After you do all that, I'll consider your question. Until then, your hypothetical question is dismissed. (see my sig)
Would you take a Trump-brand vaccine?

NOPE !!!!

Anyone within the reality of self respect for their own health... would not rush up and take anything that is put out before the end of this year, because NONE of the companies working on it and making it have had enough 'trials" to gather enough data and none know the long term impact and affects and effects that is involved.

Trump would not care if it crippled the people who would rush up and take it, he only cares about trying to get publicity with a hope to hang on to power... We know that by the way he bring people in masses to hear his belligerent spewing madness, to appease his vain and haughty mentality...

When Medical Professionals have completed their Trials, compiled their data and their data has been confirmed and supported by multiple organization in the Medical Profession and Top Virologist... then we can consider the Vaccine.

People don't know anything at this point of what it may have impact on for unborn, how it affects the sperm, or the egg, or anything else...

But with Testing Data and Time... they can discern these things...

In the mean time, I wear my mask, do my sanitizing, and stay away from crowds.. I don't seen to sit in crowded eateries or go to public events where there is high volumes of people.... and I don't need a bunch of people over to celebrate anything...
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Understood, and the question does differ from reality, but lets be clear: vaccines take a long time to develop for a reason. There's no way to really know the effects of the vaccine, beyond its efficacy, within a span of time below that of a standard, non-warp speed process.

AstraZeneca vaccine trial: NIH 'very concerned' about serious side effect in vaccine trial - CNN

The process can be shortened if you're building on an established vaccine. Shortened to this November, though? I doubt it. Either way, even a low percentage adverse reaction could soil their brand. A fly by night company might cash in and not care as much, but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about a major company with a catalog of products. From what I've read, looks like their quality system works, too. I'm not concerned about the safety of it very much.
1. Let me know when the Trump Organization decides to branch off from real estate to pharmaceuticals.

They branched out into colleges, steak, beverages, vodka, airplanes, games, reality TV, newsprint, mortgages, politics... are you saying they wouldn't if they could?

After you do all that, I'll consider your question. Until then, your hypothetical question is dismissed. (see my sig)

It's a nice sig, undermined only slightly by the quote above it.
They branched out into colleges, steak, beverages, vodka, airplanes, games, reality TV, newsprint, mortgages, politics... are you saying they wouldn't if they could?

I'm not saying that at all. Let me know when they do.
They branched out into colleges, steak, beverages, vodka, airplanes, games, reality TV, newsprint, mortgages, politics... are you saying they wouldn't if they could?

It's a nice sig, undermined only slightly by the quote above it.

Ivanka already got approval for "Voting Machine" Trademark from China... ( That should worry anyone!!!!!!!)

Stay Away from Anything that comes from Trump Family!!!
If you plan on taking a pre-November 3rd vaccine, then allow me to pre-emptively congratulate you on your Darwin Award.
Would you take a Trump-brand vaccine?

You should start a poll on how many lives will be lost because you've conflated Trump with the covid vaccine and are convincing people to distrust the science and pharma companies who have banded together and sworn to not cut any corners in order to deliver a safe vaccine.
This latest move on the Democrats' part is going to cost lives. It's exceedingly depraved.
Congrats in advance.
Yeah because Trump is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Trustworthy. Trump's supporters are so dumb that if Trump took a **** and called it a vaccine, his supporters would lap it up and even thank him for it.

Trump isn't making the vaccine. Dear God, how insane has the Left become?
What you are really saying is that you don't trust the scientists, because Trump isn't taking anything and calling it a vaccine.
Scientists and researchers are doing that.

But keep talking about how sciency Democrats are:roll:
You should start a poll on how many lives will be lost because you've conflated Trump with the covid vaccine and are convincing people to distrust the science and pharma companies who have banded together and sworn to not cut any corners in order to deliver a safe vaccine.
This latest move on the Democrats' part is going to cost lives. It's exceedingly depraved.
Congrats in advance.

Rejoice, because it will only be Republicans who'll take the vaccine, joyful in the belief that Democrats will die.
Trump isn't making the vaccine. Dear God, how insane has the Left become?
What you are really saying is that you don't trust the scientists, because Trump isn't taking anything and calling it a vaccine.
Scientists and researchers are doing that.

But keep talking about how sciency Democrats are:roll:

You realize Trump is pushing the vaccine even asking for short cuts. Again Trump supporters showing how retarded they are and how they will relive anything Trump tells them. ****ing idiots Trump supporters are. May they burn in hell like they deserve.
Trump isn't making the vaccine. Dear God, how insane has the Left become?
What you are really saying is that you don't trust the scientists, because Trump isn't taking anything and calling it a vaccine.
Scientists and researchers are doing that.

But keep talking about how sciency Democrats are:roll:

Yep, there is no reason to think that Trump and his goons are doing ANYTHING dishonest:

A controversial guideline saying people without Covid-19 symptoms didn’t need to get tested for the virus came from H.H.S. officials and skipped the C.D.C.’s scientific review process.

C.D.C. Coronavirus Testing Guidance Was Posted Against Scientists’ Objections - The New York Times

So tell us why we should trust anything Trump says when he does **** like this?
I would take the vaccine and hope other do the same just to get out of this lock down and get the economy moving again.

Can you tell us where exactly you are in Lock Down? There are some partial measures around the country, but none would qualify as a lock down.
You should start a poll on how many lives will be lost because you've conflated Trump with the covid vaccine

Hasn't Trump already done that?

and are convincing people to distrust the science and pharma companies who have banded together and sworn to not cut any corners in order to deliver a safe vaccine.

Would you take a vaccine that was 'Warp Speeded' and ready by October?
Hell no I wouldn't. He sells snake oil.

But it's highly hypothetical. Any real vaccine when it comes will be from a large pharma company and backed by research labs from major universities or the CDC. It may not even be American when it comes.

However any Trump-endorsed vaccine, especially if it is rushed out, could also be suspicious regardless, because it could be a political ploy. I'd also be hesitant to trust Russia or China for the same reason.

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