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Would you let your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19,1642] (1 Viewer)

Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members?

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Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Actually, if you break it down "homo" means same and "phobia" is fear, so "homophobia" actually literally means fear of the same.


SOMETIMES that is the reason for homophobia ;)

closet gays bashing open gays because of fear of finding out
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Just because her beliefs are irrational does not make them homophobic.

THat is your opinion aand most people do not agree with you.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Of COURSE I would let my kids go to camp. And I wouldn't care if anyone there was gay or not....because I wouldn't know about it. But if there are kids at the camp that are advertising they're gay? I have a problem with that. Political correctness takes an easy last to cautious parenting. My views are not factually homophobic. It may be fun to say...but it's untrue. My views are completely and totally based on the behavior of every teenager on planet earth.

Maggie I knew this would happen that the so called tolerant one would attack you for your opinion........Hang in there and fight the good fight......
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Would you let your son go camping with a heterosexual man?

Because that is the norm and he does not expect him to come on to him.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

THat is your opinion aand most people do not agree with you.

No, that is fact. I understand having a hard time telling the two apart.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

THat is your opinion and most people do not agree with you.

no its a fact, his statement is 100% true and who are these most people?
From all evidence i see most people agree
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

thats not an answer to the question, please answer
what do you call a person who thinks a person is more dangerous or more likely to commit sexual assault simply because they are gay?

and if you cant trust yourself in a room with girls its YOU that has serious deviant and evil issues, its has nothing to do with your sexuality.

SO maybe its not your fault you view gays as dangerous, YOU are evil and dangerous so you think all people are like you, they are not.

Its the position they are put into......I would be fine in a room with girls but not in a small tent in their underwear.

You are a real piece of work......
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

no its a fact, his statement is 100% true and who are these most people?
From all evidence i see most people agree

are those people in the 32 states who have banned gay marriage? Now lets get back on topic and stop trying to hijack the thread.........I believe I have answered enough questions about myself they are answers you just can't stand to hear...........
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Its the position they are put into......I would be fine in a room with girls but not in a small tent in their underwear.

You are a real piece of work......

It is very against the rules for adults and children to be in a tent together. But its against the rules for adults to molest them also, I guess you will not let your kids go to school either since teachers molest kids also, you silent be around your kids being that parents are most likely to molest children than anyone else.

I Think the reason you don't respond to me is because you can't.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Its the position they are put into......I would be fine in a room with girls but not in a small tent in their underwear.

You are a real piece of work......

uhm you STILL didnt answer the question
what do you call a person who thinks a person is more dangerous or more likely to commit sexual assault simply because they are gay?

also again just because you are untrustworthy and have evil, harmful thoughts and your not sure you could stop yourself from sexually abusing people doesnt mean everyone else is like you
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

are those people in the 32 states who have banned gay marriage? Now lets get back on topic and stop trying to hijack the thread.........I believe I have answered enough questions about myself they are answers you just can't stand to hear...........

why do i care if states dont have equal rights? whats thay have to do with all the evidence supporting the majority of people agree with him.
I actually LOVE hearing them because they expose you, you however dont like saying them because they can easily be used to shoot holes in your false opinions and logic
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

It is very against the rules for adults and children to be in a tent together. But its against the rules for adults to molest them also, I guess you will not let your kids go to school either since teachers molest kids also, you silent be around your kids being that parents are most likely to molest children than anyone else.

I Think the reason you don't respond to me is because you can't.

Who said anything about and adult.....I am talking about openly gay boys..............
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I wouldn't worry about drugs. I wouldn't worry about regular sexual experimentation. If you don't see a difference between heterosexual and homosexual experimentation, we'll just have to disagree. Homosexuality is an anomaly. Heterosexuality is not.

I did not expect this crap to come from you Maggie. Do you really understand how hurtful that is?
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Who said anything about and adult.....I am talking about openly gay boys..............

My boyfriend was not openly gay in scouts, but he was gay, not sure what difference openly has to do with it, but he did share tents and shower rooms with other boys, as did I. Not sure what was bad about that, true I did find several of the boys I wad in scouts with sexually attractive but I want uncontrollable. I never said anything to them except for the one other gay kid I knew in scouts, he wasn't open either.

Believe it or not, I didn't make everyone around me gay or bi.

Again navy, proximity to gay men and boys doesn't make straight boys gay. If it does, then the boy that became gay wasn't really that straight in the first place. Further more if the only reason you think you are straight is because you weren't around gay people growing up, you aren't straight.

I was in the program as a youth because I didn't realize that my sexual attraction to my gender was really gay or bi. I spoke to my parents about it, but they said that there was nothing different about me, everybody feels that way sometimes. Then as an older teenager I had a friend that we messed around with each other sexually my mom caught me pulling on his naughty bits, and she and my dad explained that its normal and heterosexual to sexually " experiment" with in my own gender, that most boys do that. Being bi I still liked women, so I figured they were right. Then after breaking up with the last woman I dated I feel in love with a bus boy at this restaurant, I was 27 before I realized I was bi all along.

The funny part is that is not that abnormal of a story, and other boys that are similar to me are and always have been in the program. And sexual interactions occur between the boys all the time, they occur at school, on the football teams in the Navy.

Basically put if a boy is gay, he is gay, I won't claim that it is necessarily something you are born with, but it is something that happens very early in life, in my prepubescent, in fact every gay man or boy I have ever met first realized they were gay in their prepubescents.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I did not expect this crap to come from you Maggie. Do you really understand how hurtful that is?

I think that she means that it is not common. which is true, but hi wouldn't say that out is wrong or bad because it isn't common, that is heard mentality
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I did not expect this crap to come from you Maggie. Do you really understand how hurtful that is?

I have to admit i was also very caught off card too, that and she said Navy is, and i quote "navy is a good egg"
maybe somebody hi-jacked her account
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

Of COURSE I would let my kids go to camp. And I wouldn't care if anyone there was gay or not....because I wouldn't know about it. But if there are kids at the camp that are advertising they're gay? I have a problem with that. Political correctness takes an easy last to cautious parenting. My views are not factually homophobic. It may be fun to say...but it's untrue. My views are completely and totally based on the behavior of every teenager on planet earth.

I agree with you here, I would let my boy join a gay program because he is gay. But boy scouts should not be about sexuality, they are kids, they will have plenty of adult hood to talk about sexuality. But banning homosexuals made boy scouts about sexuality.

Really it either matters or it doesn't. It seems so hypocritical to say "we are not an organization that is about sexuality, only if you are heterosexual". Now I understand that they don't want the BSA turning into a gay pride parade, but isn't it currently a heterosexual pride parade? The way I am with my sexuality is I don't mention it to people I am not screwing or discussing my sexuality with. Being that it isn't proper for me to discuss my sexuality with eleven year olds I don't, nobody else should either.

So it either doesn't matter or it does, right now with a ban on a sexuality they are saying it does matter. I wonder how they feel about open asexual people, that is queer also.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I have to admit i was also very caught off card too, that and she said Navy is, and i quote "navy is a good egg"
maybe somebody hi-jacked her account

I think its difficult to judge by Navy's posts, he seems really confused. In one breath he says he is cool with gay marriage as long as we use the synonym civil union, which is perplexing but everybody has their own opinion, then he says that his son being around my boy will make his son gay by association. He seems to be an expert on homosexuality but eludes that he isn't. Then he says an exclusively heterosexual organization should not be about sexuality but agrees with it being exclusively heterosexual.

All of his opinions are contradictions, because he is beating around the bush. If you follow his pathology its clear, he thinks that gay people are lesser human beings. This kind of goes against everything that he follows, christianity disagrees with the concept of people being greater or lesser based on things outside of their control, the USA who I believe he served doesn't believe in lesser and greater human beings, an organization that teaches good citizenship is realizing its hypocrisy, he is being force to confront his hypocrisy, as irritating as he is this is actually growth.

He can't argue any points I ever make, because although they are tilted toward my favor, there is much fact in them and it exposes his double standard, he avoids then and pretends that he isn't holding a double standard, this is because he doesn't want to be seen as a hypocrite, this is actually good also because he will grow, he realizes he is a hypocrite and I am sure after reading this post he will attempt to cook up a statement that counters it, possible something completely of the wall, or some canards of how heterosexuals procreate or other very simple things to debunk.

He may not show out on this forum but if he is a thinking person he is realizing it.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I have to admit i was also very caught off card too, that and she said Navy is, and i quote "navy is a good egg"
maybe somebody hi-jacked her account

I think its difficult to judge by Navy's posts, he seems really confused. In one breath he says he is cool with gay marriage as long as we use the synonym civil union, which is perplexing but everybody has their own opinion, then he says that his son being around my boy will make his son gay by association. He seems to be an expert on homosexuality but eludes that he isn't. Then he says an exclusively heterosexual organization should not be about sexuality but agrees with it being exclusively heterosexual.

All of his opinions are contradictions, because he is beating around the bush. If you follow his pathology its clear, he thinks that gay people are lesser human beings. This kind of goes against everything that he follows, christianity disagrees with the concept of people being greater or lesser based on things outside of their control, the USA who I believe he served doesn't believe in lesser and greater human beings, an organization that teaches good citizenship is realizing its hypocrisy, he is being force to confront his hypocrisy, as irritating as he is this is actually growth.

He can't argue any points I ever make, because although they are tilted toward my favor, there is much fact in them and it exposes his double standard, he avoids then and pretends that he isn't holding a double standard, this is because he doesn't want to be seen as a hypocrite, this is actually good also because he will grow, he realizes he is a hypocrite and I am sure after reading this post he will attempt to cook up a statement that counters it, possible something completely of the wall, or some canards of how heterosexuals procreate or other very simple things to debunk.

He may not show out on this forum but if he is a thinking person he is realizing it.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I think its difficult to judge by Navy's posts, he seems really confused. In one breath he says he is cool with gay marriage as long as we use the synonym civil union, which is perplexing but everybody has their own opinion, then he says that his son being around my boy will make his son gay by association. He seems to be an expert on homosexuality but eludes that he isn't. Then he says an exclusively heterosexual organization should not be about sexuality but agrees with it being exclusively heterosexual.

All of his opinions are contradictions, because he is beating around the bush. If you follow his pathology its clear, he thinks that gay people are lesser human beings. This kind of goes against everything that he follows, christianity disagrees with the concept of people being greater or lesser based on things outside of their control, the USA who I believe he served doesn't believe in lesser and greater human beings, an organization that teaches good citizenship is realizing its hypocrisy, he is being force to confront his hypocrisy, as irritating as he is this is actually growth.

He can't argue any points I ever make, because although they are tilted toward my favor, there is much fact in them and it exposes his double standard, he avoids then and pretends that he isn't holding a double standard, this is because he doesn't want to be seen as a hypocrite, this is actually good also because he will grow, he realizes he is a hypocrite and I am sure after reading this post he will attempt to cook up a statement that counters it, possible something completely of the wall, or some canards of how heterosexuals procreate or other very simple things to debunk.

He may not show out on this forum but if he is a thinking person he is realizing it.

Or perhaps I am giving him to much credit, but I like to have faith in people especially when they show promise. More so, I like vets, I am grateful that they gave their time to serve, I attempted to but couldn't, that is beside the point. Basically stated because of the volunteer military I have the right to speak the truths I speak.
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Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I wonder how many people especially mothers instead of attacking me may have changed their mind to........Maaybe I might look bad but I just would not put my young children through it............:wink:

LOL...but you WILL push your ignorance is bliss mentality on your children and send them willingly to a camp full of closeted homosexuals because they pretend to be happily married...and because they lie and deceive you are perfectly fine with it. Wow
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

LOL...but you WILL push your ignorance is bliss mentality on your children and send them willingly to a camp full of closeted homosexuals because they pretend to be happily married...and because they lie and deceive you are perfectly fine with it. Wow

Closeted homosexuals are the most devious, the ones that take wives and pretend to be normal straight guys. I have had run ins with them, they call themselves bisexual, but they really prefer men. Or should I say they prefer to use men for sex, something I found funny is the desire of these closet cases to bottom and to insert male genitals into their mouths. I had the experience when I was 20 with none other than a former Scout leader who was approx 7 years older than I, he was a17 year old when I was 11, he became an assistant Scout master, married a lady and blew me when I was 20, i wonder if this heterosexual guy, who had a girlfriend for all the time I knew him wanted to blow me as a boy.

Funny how that is permitted.
Re: Would you allow your son to go to camp where there were openly gay members? [W:19

I don't think either party is the same......Hell I was a Liberal in the sixties myself.....Dems like to take credit for the Civil Rights act but most the ones from the south voted against it.

Who wasn't a Liberal in the 60s? lol

It is actually interesting if you look at what the parties were back then compared to now. Republicans were big into small government, civil liberties, and a humble foreign policy....now they love to spend on the Military/Industrial complex, promote religious social policies, and continue to grow this American Empire.

Meanwhile, the Democrats moved from Pro-Slavery stances (at least the southern Democrats) to Anti-Slavery...now the Democratic party is promoting a pseudo form of Socialism. They like to spend on Entitlements and those wasteful bureaucracies. However, their social stances are more in line with today's world.

Neither one of them has a real plan to get our debt under control. It is the blame game, soliloquies, and demagoguery.
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