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Worst L A High School may go Charter (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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A philanthropist that runs charter high schools in Los Angeles. Wants to take over the worst high school in the city and make it a charter school.He is being opposed by the teachers Union and the educational establishment . It is becoming more and more obvious that the biggest road blocks to educational improvement in America are the teachers unions and The Education establishment . In Detroit another philanthropist wanted to invest $ 120,000,000 in building charter schools.It was blocked by the teachers union and the educational establishment,one of their admitted fears was that he schools " would embarass the public schools ".
Yeah, sometimes the unions get out of control in blocking progress measures that will improve quality of life. When they make their argument, they will always reach a crescendo and say:

"In conclusion, this is an attempt to PRIVATIZE the system!!!"

Then I say:

"Ummm - why am I supposed to be outraged by that?"
'scuse my ignorance here. But what exactly does it mean for a school to go charter?
a charter school is one that is advanced, better level of education.

Teacher unions may be in the way of better schools, but if they weren't in unions they would be taken advantage of more than they're taken advantage of now.
Che said:
a charter school is one that is advanced, better level of education.
really? That seems a rather selective description. Essentially, it is a privatization, removing money from the school budget into company salary and as has been shown now lately, with no improvement in education.

It is the education version of the HMO
Teachers Unions do not like being called a Union or being told their main inerest is their members not the children. They think their a profession almost a vocation When is the last time anyone saw a public school eacher dressed like a 'professional ' at work
JOHNYJ said:
When is the last time anyone saw a public school eacher dressed like a 'professional ' at work
steen said:
really? That seems a rather selective description. Essentially, it is a privatization, removing money from the school budget into company salary and as has been shown now lately, with no improvement in education.

It is the education version of the HMO

In my hometown of New York City, Stuyvesant is considered a charter school even though it's Board of Education run. It's one of the best schools in the city and over 25,000 students apply each year.
In Raleigh NC - (According to Newsweek) one of the charter schools is in the top 10.


Charter schools and Magnet schools seem to be in high demand here.

Unfortunately; the schools around here are extremely over populated due to regional growth. They are projecting over 7,000 new students for nect year and this year there were over 6,000 new students just in this area.

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