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World map (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
For those interested, here is a map of the world with dots representing our users.

Warning, it will be slow for dialup users!


I will get this put up on the quicklinks soon.
There you are vauge!...Right on the map...I can see you...

Get back in the house and put your pants back on!...:2wave:
cnredd said:
There you are vauge!...Right on the map...I can see you...

Get back in the house and put your pants back on!...:2wave:
Were you able to see the Debatepolitics tatoo on my chest? :3oops:
cnredd said:
There you are vauge!...Right on the map...I can see you...

Get back in the house and put your pants back on!...:2wave:

HEY! Change my color to blue please;) .

Seriously, that's a cool map, especially how it shows the location of people on-line.

MoveOn does the same thing when we have our online strategy and planning sessions for global domination.
I am not sure I show up. The dot in the midwest seems to far south for me in the on-line map.

How are our locations being determined?
steen said:
I am not sure I show up. The dot in the midwest seems to far south for me in the on-line map.

How are our locations being determined?
It determines the lat/long by your IP address.
If folks go through a proxy or some ISP's (like AOL) it might not find yah.
Very cool!

Now, if you could just have it so that when you mouse-over a dot, it would show who it is...
Why are all the dots conservative? Why is my dot not blue?
Billo_Really said:
Why are all the dots conservative? Why is my dot not blue?
lol - now all the dots are purple. :twisted:
Unfortunately, they also don't show as well. Ah, yes. Moderates just don't get noticed :lol:

Frankly, the red worked better. Good socialist color, by the way.
steen said:
Unfortunately, they also don't show as well. Ah, yes. Moderates just don't get noticed :lol:

Frankly, the red worked better. Good socialist color, by the way.
lol, will prob change it back to red.
[Moderator Mode]

Merged the thread "how does the world map work?" into the actual "world map" thread...

[/Moderator Mode]

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