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Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden[W:335:480] (1 Viewer)

Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

In an age when London is a worldwide terrorist epicenter and those beheading journalists speak with a British accent, I would think a few more Brits might want to stand up and take notice.

Maybe they are taking notice, but aren't voicing their opinion for fear of being prosecuted under whatever draconian "racism" laws the UK has in place.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Got a link to this? I wouldn't be surprised. This sounds like an islamist thing, and the UK is (understandably) trying to downplay it.

The government wants it downplayed so it doesn't ruin the perception that the social experiment known as "Multiculturalism" is a massive failure.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Why is it the conservatives want to lable everything terrorism? Is it simply Muslim hate?

Even if not terrorism, there are suggestible people, perhaps like recent islamist converts who might be driven to such things. We cant discount that.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

The government wants it downplayed so it doesn't ruin the perception that the social experiment known as "Multiculturalism" is a massive failure.

No doubt, because these tensions are made worse when vastly different cultures are living in close quarters. Crime rates are higher in multicultural neighborhoods-but I think this is more than just a simple murder. Its reasonable to suggest that Islam had an influence on this guys actions.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

I get so effing tired of this stupid stuff, sometimes, that I want to puke.How did we get to the point where "the left" automatically defends Islamism? Why is only "the right" objecting to it?

This anti-humanist ideology affects us all, it is against every liberal value we hold dear in western culture, and we should all be equally concerned, yet the battle lines keep getting drawn more and more severely by people who think they just HAVE to defend Islamism to earn their lefty cred.

good grief.

To the left, being objective is considered an act of bigotry. To admit the problems with islamist is therefore bigoted on its face-because all cultures are equal you know.

The problem is then made worse by the lefts inability to address this dichotomy in values between islamists and western values.

Personally, I believe western values are superior.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

The facts are not becoming anti Muslim. As far as I'm concerned, there are no facts as to any Muslim aspect of this story at this time. Why would you give any credence to unconfirmed allegations of what amounts to neighborhood gossip? Going by another unconfirmed piece of neighborhood gossip in your own link, if he truly is a recently converted Muslim, why would he walk around giving the finger to other Muslims?
Muslims are killing each other every day so giving the finger is not that big a deal.

It doesn't matter to me whether he is Muslim or not but what I find amusing are those who go to pains to say there is no connection to this guy and Islam. So what either way? If he is a Muslim does that mean all Muslims chop off people's heads? If he isn't a Muslim does that mean that no Muslims chop off people's heads? Some do, most don't, would seem the honest answer but right now, as well is a few years ago, it does seem de rigueur for some members of the R of P. to make a point of decapitating innocent people.

Whenever there are stories abut pizza shops being bombed, or buses exploding, many rush to say 'there is no evidence this had anything to do with Muslims' and then, shortly thereafter, it turns out that Muslims, almost inevitably, were involved. And after these random killings no one rushes to say they weren't Christians, Jews, or atheists. It's now become reflexive, because of the numbers, that we assume it is some Muslim.

But why not guess, given the odds, that it is probably a Muslim who did the beheading? Are we concerned about hurting their feelings? Are they not adults, or so backward they need constant patronizing? Christians can take these attacks on their religion, Jews certainly can, but Muslims seem to need special care and handling. Why is that? Are relations between religions expected to improve if we stay silent??
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

What are moderate and peaceful Muslims to do about extremists that cut people's heads off? Notify authorities, too funny!

Moderately and peacefully inform authorities who are not extremists. Duh.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Muslims are killing each other every day so giving the finger is not that big a deal.

It doesn't matter to me whether he is Muslim or not but what I find amusing are those who go to pains to say there is no connection to this guy and Islam. So what either way? If he is a Muslim does that mean all Muslims chop off people's heads? If he isn't a Muslim does that mean that no Muslims chop off people's heads? Some do, most don't, would seem the honest answer but right now, as well is a few years ago, it does seem de rigueur for some members of the R of P. to make a point of decapitating innocent people.

Whenever there are stories abut pizza shops being bombed, or buses exploding, many rush to say 'there is no evidence this had anything to do with Muslims' and then, shortly thereafter, it turns out that Muslims, almost inevitably, were involved. And after these random killings no one rushes to say they weren't Christians, Jews, or atheists. It's now become reflexive, because of the numbers, that we assume it is some Muslim.

But why not guess, given the odds, that it is probably a Muslim who did the beheading? Are we concerned about hurting their feelings? Are they not adults, or so backward they need constant patronizing? Christians can take these attacks on their religion, Jews certainly can, but Muslims seem to need special care and handling. Why is that? Are relations between religions expected to improve if we stay silent??

Sorry, Grant. I don't do "guesses". What do you say we continue this conversation when more details are known? Until then, you'll have to take this up with people who like to deal in this sort of speculation. It's simply not my thing.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Correlation does not necessarily mean causation.
And you are being misleading is your statistics.... the U.S. population is like 6 times larger than the UKs.

Another fact about European countries is they are vastly more homogeneous than America. In the UK 87% of the people are Caucasian with the next highest population group being Black with 3%. In America it is 63% and the next highest group is 17% and the next 12%. This results in much greater cultural differences... also not to mention the Geography of America is vastly different than that of the UK which is on its own little island.

For example African American's account for over 50% of all murders in the US from 1980-2008 even though they represent only 12% of the population.

The combination of greater population totals, different cultures and ethnic groups, and geography makes these to Countries completely incomparable in that respect.

The cruel fact is that if only white people were included in the stats the percentages would be about the same. That is an unacceptable thing to say in today's world but until the cultural problems are confronted, not much will ever change. It is a good thing that many American Blacks are starting to question their own culture because White people are often called 'racist' whenever this problem is pointed out. And it is a cultural problem, not a race problem.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Sorry, Grant. I don't do "guesses". What do you say we continue this conversation when more details are known? Until then, you'll have to take this up with people who like to deal in this sort of speculation. It's simply not my thing.

The same left that did anything but reserve judgement in Ferguson or last year in the Zimmerman trial has no credibility in saying that. Besides, this isn't a court of law, its a discussion forum. People can speculate all day like its cool. :cool:
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Sorry, Grant. I don't do "guesses". What do you say we continue this conversation when more details are known? Until then, you'll have to take this up with people who like to deal in this sort of speculation. It's simply not my thing.
I would like to bet on this because I like the odds. And although it is speculation on my part, just as who might win the next election, we have seen on another thread how many European countries try to cover up Muslim crime. I'd trust the neighbors of this unfortunate woman before I'd trust the officials.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Moderately and peacefully inform authorities who are not extremists. Duh.
Trouble is, we don't often know who the extremists are until after the fact. Like murderers everywhere it's usually a take on, "Oh, he seemed like such a nice boy".
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Trouble is, we don't often know who the extremists are until after the fact. Like murderers everywhere it's usually a take on, "Oh, he seemed like such a nice boy".

A bad assumption on your part - that may be how it is in the West, but not necessarily how it is in Middle Eastern countries.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

The same left that did anything but reserve judgement in Ferguson or last year in the Zimmerman trial has no credibility in saying that. Besides, this isn't a court of law, its a discussion forum. People can speculate all day like its cool. :cool:

I'm not sure who you're talking to here. If you are indeed addressing me, let me be quite clear:

One, I am not on the left, I belong to a center/right party in my country.

Two, I have not commented on the Ferguson case other than to say exactly what I'm saying in this thread. Not enough information.

Three, I don't remember commenting on the Zimmerman case either.

So again, who were you talking to?

I don't give a **** what you people speculate about. Just do it without me. Clear?
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

I would like to bet on this because I like the odds. And although it is speculation on my part, just as who might win the next election, we have seen on another thread how many European countries try to cover up Muslim crime. I'd trust the neighbors of this unfortunate woman before I'd trust the officials.

I guess we'll know soon enough. :)
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

A bad assumption on your part - that may be how it is in the West, but not necessarily how it is in Middle Eastern countries.
Yes, I was referring to life in the western democracies and the shock of neighbors when someone goes insane in their peaceful community..
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

I guess we'll know soon enough. :)
I love the gleam in your eye and that come-hither look!

I have a talent for seeing the real meanings behind otherwise innocent emotions!
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

It's a sad thing to see the posters here share the crude cultural insensitivity of the British police. We should celebrate cultural diversity for its own sake, but instead of tolerance we see the same old xenophobia--and in this case, apparently Islamophobia. We cannot expect that other cultures always will resolve inter-gender issues just the way white Westerners do. Stop the hating!
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

I'm not sure who you're talking to here. If you are indeed addressing me, let me be quite clear:

One, I am not on the left, I belong to a center/right party in my country.

Two, I have not commented on the Ferguson case other than to say exactly what I'm saying in this thread. Not enough information.

Three, I don't remember commenting on the Zimmerman case either.

So again, who were you talking to?

I don't give a **** what you people speculate about. Just do it without me. Clear?

Like I said, its a common lefty meme. And center-right in switzerland likely is left by our standards.
I dont think anyone cares what you in particular have commented on, though.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Maybe they are taking notice, but aren't voicing their opinion for fear of being prosecuted under whatever draconian "racism" laws the UK has in place.

That would be my hope. There are two or three British citizens in these forums who do see what is before them. So many are in such denial, however, that I'm wondering if there is such a thing as a cultural Stockholm Syndrome?

Even when British children are raped, all that seems to concern them is their witch hunt for "Islamophobes".
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

It's a sad thing to see the posters here share the crude cultural insensitivity of the British police. We should celebrate cultural diversity for its own sake, but instead of tolerance we see the same old xenophobia--and in this case, apparently Islamophobia. We cannot expect that other cultures always will resolve inter-gender issues just the way white Westerners do. Stop the hating!

Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

Like I said, its a common lefty meme. And center-right in switzerland likely is left by our standards.
I dont think anyone cares what you in particular have commented on, though.

You obviously care enough to not get off my back.
Re: Woman beheaded in broad daylight in a London garden

To the left, being objective is considered an act of bigotry. To admit the problems with islamist is therefore bigoted on its face-because all cultures are equal you know.

The problem is then made worse by the lefts inability to address this dichotomy in values between islamists and western values.

Personally, I believe western values are superior.

Well, I do think there are exceptions to this, but for a good deal of the left, the cult of multiculturalism has replaced liberalism as the guiding principle. Identity politics trumps liberal values, and saying the right thing trumps doing the right thing. Islamism has become a sacred cow, and one cannot possibly assail all the myriad ways in which Islam is incredibly anti-humanist without somebody getting in your face over it.

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