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Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent (1 Viewer)

In a news conference, Tweeden said, "Nothing like that is every funny. I mean, is it funny if he does that to your sister or your daughter or your wife?"

that is her response.


Forcing deep tougue.?

Saying he was glad a "homo" got killed.?

Stalking women?

Real classy guy .....huh!
I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of publicity stunt by Tweeden. She isn't exactly the most credible person. She used to be a playboy model and was a popular host on Fox Sports. I completely forgot about her.

true. it could go that way. but I'm also hearing about a second accuser. So I guess we have to see which way the story goes.

The response I'm referring to is the one she makes in response to his full statement. I'm well aware of how she feels about this incident, and there should be absolutely no debate that she's right to feel this way.
So she needed to dress up like a "soldier...in a Bullet proof vest"?...Flying over...What a joke

The army requires the gear. And yes, it's dangerous flying over a war zone. Small arms fire and even RPGs can easily penetrate the skin of an aircraft. But your misogynistic tone is duly noted. :roll:
Yes he manned up and admitted to something crass and stupid.....Hey Roy you child predator, did you hear that you self righteous Christ hiding moron

yeah when someone says kiss it usually means a kiss on the lips or something not sliding your tongue down their throat.
Nope he said he actually touched her and groped her. they weren't hovering they were on top of.
Dude, what he is being accused of here is not excusable.

I'm just going to say that unless Franken has a super convincing response to this, he needs to step down. If the story is as it appears, then remaining a Senator will be a stain on the Democratic party.

It's inexcusable and gross. And yes, that's very likely what will happen. Democrats don't need another Democratic Senatorial race to fight over right now, which is really inconvenient, but the likelihood that Al Franken's political career survives this is low.

But it is nonetheless even more disgusting that while Democrats will make their candidates drop out for sexually harassment/assault (good), Republicans are literally defending and applauding a man who serially preyed on young girls, including routine sexual assault, attempted rape, and numerous cases of statutory rape. So yeah, Al Franken should step down, but Roy Moore should be serving a ****ing life sentence --and he's still lying about it and will not fess up. And we live in a world where the guy who forcibly kissed a woman will lose his job, but a serial child molester is poised to win an election. I'm not crying for Al Franken, but it's not unjustifiable to be exasperated at how loathsome the Alabama Republican party is. It's worse because you know that Republican partisans are getting starry-eyed and frothing at the mouth over this being released, but they didn't bat an eye-lash at defending Roy Moore and are happy that this might divert attention off of Roy Moore. Again, that makes me sick, too.

When it comes to politics, the Bannons, the Hannity's, the Limbaughs (who called a private citizen a slut for 3 days on his show because he didn't agree with her) ,and all these POS spewing their hate for YEARS have proved that being mean and vile works, because the country still elected a POS like Trump.. So now I'm all for fighting fire with fire.

It's a reality show, facebook world we live in now.... Taking the 'high road' doesn't work anymore. Got to get just as dirty and nasty as the Con media and the GOP is.
If there is no settling out of court criminal charges... then there will also be a huge drop in false accusations that seek to enrich off of settling out of court.

That is likely true but I'm against legislating that. Might as well make it legal to kill someone who blackmails you. It would also solve the problem, but would also be open to abuse.

Moore's betting odds have skyrocketed since this came out. The logic appears to be "Their guy groped a woman, so our child molester can't be all bad." I have no words.

Write better and you won't have people read something you didn't intend.
Make sure you hold Jeff Sessions to that same level of scrutiny. Franken has apologized.

Does that make the woman feel any less violated?
The response I'm referring to is the one she makes in response to his full statement. I'm well aware of how she feels about this incident, and there should be absolutely no debate that she's right to feel this way.

Roy Moore Accuses Mitch McConnell Of Hypocrisy In Al Franken Allegations | Deadline

that is part of her full response.
doens't change the fact he did it.

he should be removed like anyone else would be. the senate should vote immediately on ethic violations and dismiss him.
they are going to automatically eject moore if he wins before he even gets there.
He confessed immediately because of the picture.. As far as what the picture shows, He may not be touching her at that precise moment, but what about before or after the picture was taken?

probably many witnesses ( on the plane) can confirm/deny what happened..

And what happens if so more women come forward with accusations? It's only day 1 for Al..


Expect to see the number of Independents soar. The future of the main parties will be determined by an ever shrinking group of angry and vile people.

Wow. Who's making excuses now.
Write better and you won't have people read something you didn't intend.

I explained it fine. As even others have pointed out. I did NOT even come close to saying 'only one side' commits sexual harassment. Not even close!

The problem you had was because of your rush to be partisan, you misunderstood.
Expect to see the number of Independents soar. The future of the main parties will be determined by an ever shrinking group of angry and vile people.

I hope you are right, but seeing what's going on in Alabama? I'm not so sure.

So she accepted his apology then. She goes on to say that there was nothing funny about what he did, which I hope nobody is doubting. Her acceptance of his apology won't matter to everybody, of course, but it is important.

So it's OK to grope sometimes? Strange
touching someone's private parts without permission is groping even if it is barely touching.
so why are you trying to excuse it?

in this case we actually have evidence and picture evidence that he groped her.

It's kinda clear his hands are above her chest, not touching them.
true. it could go that way. but I'm also hearing about a second accuser. So I guess we have to see which way the story goes.

Like I said with the Moore situation, let's wait for the all the facts before making judgement.

Tweeden is a former model/playmate. I'm sure she has been around......
*sniff sniff * You smell that? It smells like rank hypocrisy in here. Somebody please open a window. Pew!

Yet you defend Moore.
Look in the mirror and face your hypocrisy. Then condemn Moore.

You don't find it the least bit suspicious that none of this surfaced in over four decades (that's forty years, in case you don't know)?

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