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WOKE (1 Viewer)


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Dec 1, 2017
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Woke Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster​

https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › woke

Feb 17, 2022 — The meaning of WOKE is aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).
Stay Woke · ‎Thesaurus · ‎Wake

What does woke mean? Definition of woke culture in 2021​

https://www.nationalworld.com › arts-and-entertainment

Woke nowadays refers to being aware or well informed in a political or cultural sense, especially regarding issues surrounding marginalised ...
Apr 26, 2021

Woke Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com​

https://www.dictionary.com › browse › woke

Woke means being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice. In mainstream use, woke can also more generally ...
"Woke" = politically correct nonsense promoted by those thoroughly invested in cultural marxism and most frequently sprewed by our not-so-friendly-to-America communist infiltrators.
"Woke" = politically correct nonsense promoted by those thoroughly invested in cultural marxism and most frequently sprewed by our not-so-friendly-to-America communist infiltrators.
Whatever you do, don't tell @Grandpappy about the commies, he'll go ballistic. It's best if he's not told, save him a suspension.
"Woke" = politically correct nonsense promoted by those thoroughly invested in cultural marxism and most frequently sprewed by our not-so-friendly-to-America communist infiltrators.


FiveThirtyEight writer Perry Bacon Jr. suggests that this "anti-woke posture" is connected to a long-standing promotion of backlash politics by the Republican Party, wherein it promotes white and conservative fear in response to activism by African Americans as well as changing cultural norms.

FiveThirtyEight writer Perry Bacon Jr. suggests that this "anti-woke posture" is connected to a long-standing promotion of backlash politics by the Republican Party, wherein it promotes white and conservative fear in response to activism by African Americans as well as changing cultural norms.
I don't have a "party." My values are conservative. To the degree the Republican party promotes those values is the degree to which I vote Republican, or some other group that accurately represents my world view.

I don't take orders from, or borrow talking points from the Republican party. TBH, I wouldn't even know to whom I'd listen to know what I'm theoretically supposed to say or believe in that regard.

The problem with Mr. Bacon's suggestion is that many people DO listen to [whomever in] their party to know what to say and what to think. This is precisely why we see so many left-wing news outlets around the country repeating verbatim "talking points" given them by the Democrat Party or other of many leftist apparatuses controlled by the Democrat Party.

Mr. Bacon is clearly used to such means and methods so it's only natural he would assume Republicans would use similar methods as theirs. And truth be told, the sad reality is that it's not unreasonable to believe the Republicans have tried, or even do attempt such schemes; the problem with that though is that they are so woefully incompetent in articulating their points and positions that the effect of any such attempts are, at best, pathetic imitations of what the Democrats do so well.

And to label this "backlash" does a disservice as well to how deeply we want to protect the principles in which we so deeply believe. The Republican Party is apparently incapable of mustering a coherent message on our behalf - so the only thing left to us is to articulate it ourselves - at least until such a time as we have a party composed of principled men and women more capable of articulating the message and effectively attacking the evil being articulated by the left.
I don't have a "party." My values are conservative. To the degree the Republican party promotes those values is the degree to which I vote Republican, or some other group that accurately represents my world view.

I don't take orders from, or borrow talking points from the Republican party. TBH, I wouldn't even know to whom I'd listen to know what I'm theoretically supposed to say or believe in that regard.

The problem with Mr. Bacon's suggestion is that many people DO listen to [whomever in] their party to know what to say and what to think. This is precisely why we see so many left-wing news outlets around the country repeating verbatim "talking points" given them by the Democrat Party or other of many leftist apparatuses controlled by the Democrat Party.

Mr. Bacon is clearly used to such means and methods so it's only natural he would assume Republicans would use similar methods as theirs. And truth be told, the sad reality is that it's not unreasonable to believe the Republicans have tried, or even do attempt such schemes; the problem with that though is that they are so woefully incompetent in articulating their points and positions that the effect of any such attempts are, at best, pathetic imitations of what the Democrats do so well.

And to label this "backlash" does a disservice as well to how deeply we want to protect the principles in which we so deeply believe. The Republican Party is apparently incapable of mustering a coherent message on our behalf - so the only thing left to us is to articulate it ourselves - at least until such a time as we have a party composed of principled men and women more capable of articulating the message and effectively attacking the evil being articulated by the left.

All that to say that you're not really a Republican, when the quote I posted also mentioned conservative. You definitely posted an anti-woke comment. And it contained three buzzwords: politically correct, cultural Marxism, and communist infiltrators.
Political correctness: The modern pejorative usage of the term emerged from conservative criticism of the New Left in the late 20th century. Commentators on the political left in the United States contend that conservatives use the concept of political correctness to downplay and divert attention from substantively discriminatory behavior against disadvantaged groups.[15][16][17] They also argue that the political right enforces its own forms of political correctness to suppress criticism of its favored constituencies and ideologies.[18][19][20] In the United States, the term has played a major role in the "culture war" between liberals and conservatives.[21]

Cultural Marxism is a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory which claims that Western Marxism is the basis of continuing academic and intellectual efforts to subvert Western culture.[1][2][3] The theory claims that an elite of Marxist theorists and Frankfurt School intellectuals are subverting Western society with a culture war that undermines the Christian values of traditionalist conservatism and promotes the cultural liberal values of the 1960s counterculture and multiculturalism, progressive politics and political correctness, misrepresented as identity politics created by critical theory.

A Red Scare is the promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of communism, anarchism or other leftist ideologies by a society or state.

The Frankfurt School applied Marxist ideology in developing critical theory. Anyone with a nodding familiarity with Marxist ideology and the Frankfurt school can see that.

Calling that recognition "anti-semitic" or a "conspiracy theory" is ludicrous. Whoever wrote that piece of the Wikipedia article had an agenda.
The Frankfurt School applied Marxist ideology in developing critical theory. Anyone with a nodding familiarity with Marxist ideology and the Frankfurt school can see that.

Calling that recognition "anti-semitic" or a "conspiracy theory" is ludicrous. Whoever wrote that piece of the Wikipedia article had an agenda.
Your first paragraph is recognition.

This is ignorance:

"Woke" = politically correct nonsense promoted by those thoroughly invested in cultural marxism and most frequently sprewed by our not-so-friendly-to-America communist infiltrators.

This is the result of Critical Theory.


Scary, no?

There is no such animal named "cultural Marxism." That is a conspiracy theory.
Some people (including me) cannot define the adjective "woke."

They prefer to simply point out examples of woke conduct.

An egregious example has just occurred in Washington state.

A local board of education has decreed that Caucasian students will be punished MORE harshly than non-Caucasian students for violating the same rules of behavior.
A local board of education has decreed that Caucasian students will be punished MORE harshly than non-Caucasian students for violating the same rules of behavior.

I am a computer-illiterate old man (84) who does not know how to link.

I have just googled the topic and found many results.

Have a nice day!
I am a computer-illiterate old man (84) who does not know how to link.

I have just googled the topic and found many results.

Have a nice day!

Copy and paste the web address.

To copy: highlight web address by double-clicking with the left mouse button, then right-click and select 'copy' in the drop-down menu.

To paste: With your cursor in the reply box press the 'ctrl' key and the 'v' key at the same time. Or right-click and select 'paste.'

If you can post comments, you can post links.
Ok is there a topic you want to discuss in here someplace
Yes, the Republicans are against being "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice"
Some people (including me) cannot define the adjective "woke."

They prefer to simply point out examples of woke conduct.

An egregious example has just occurred in Washington state.

A local board of education has decreed that Caucasian students will be punished MORE harshly than non-Caucasian students for violating the same rules of behavior.

I believe this is the Clover Park District. It's done in the name of cultural responsiveness. However, it's not that whites are being held to a higher standard, it's that Blacks are held to a lower standard. Of course by contrast it all comes out in the wash as the social segregation is the same, but it's an important distinction.

This can be seen in @Michael Cole 's post #10 with the handicapped parking spot. It's not that the "normals" are being held to a higher standard, but the handicapped (Blacks) needs special help because of the lower standards set for them.

Any woke initiative that lowers Blacks to a handicapped state must by contrast raise whites on a pedestal to which Blacks must aspire to. CRT takes offense to this, and I can understand why, as it continues a white-centric way of thinking: Blacks are "handicapped" based on white culture, white ideals, and white standards.
Yes, the Republicans are against being "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice"
Yea republicans tend to not support the separate but equal mentality Democrats promote.
Yea republicans tend to not support the separate but equal mentality Democrats promote.
Did I mention Democrats at all. My post simply stated that Republicans do not support awareness of anything. Follow the leader and what he says is their motto.
Did I mention Democrats at all. My post simply stated that Republicans do not support awareness of anything. Follow the leader and what he says is their motto.
Ok good for you having that opinion it totally ignore the reality but you can hold it if it makes you feel better
Ok good for you having that opinion it totally ignore the reality but you can hold it if it makes you feel better

I ignore reality? Oh my gawd

I put this question on Google "why do Republicans ignore facts" and the amount of links I got was overwhelming.

Here are just 5 of many ,many links:






I think it is you that wants to feel better.
Interesting because if you put in Democrats you get an overwhelming return. Same with men or women. It’s almost like of you want to search out confirmation of an opinion you can using a google search.
Interesting because if you put in Democrats you get an overwhelming return. Same with men or women. It’s almost like of you want to search out confirmation of an opinion you can using a google search.
Really? did you actually do it? Because when I put in "why do Democrats ignore facts", I got a substantially lower amount of links than with the Republicans. In addition, the links I did find say more about the Democrats ignoring the "political reality" than ignore facts.

I believe you are talking through your balls and not your brain.

Woke Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › woke
Feb 17, 2022 — The meaning of WOKE is aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).
Stay Woke · ‎Thesaurus · ‎Wake

What does woke mean? Definition of woke culture in 2021

https://www.nationalworld.com › arts-and-entertainment
Woke nowadays refers to being aware or well informed in a political or cultural sense, especially regarding issues surrounding marginalised ...
Apr 26, 2021

Woke Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

https://www.dictionary.com › browse › woke
Woke means being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice. In mainstream use, woke can also more generally ...
Better to be woke than intentionally ignorant.
I'd say woke is not a racist, misogynist, bigoted POS, or someone who has empathy of others not like them and tries not to do or say things that are obviously offensive and mean spirited to people not like them

No wonder why right wingers hate it

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