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WMD Commission to Release Tough Findings (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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Political Leaning
It doesn’t look like we will learn too much from this report. The fox has the power to classify evidence.

Mar 24, 6:32 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - A presidential commission investigating weapons of mass destruction is highly critical of U.S. intelligence agencies' performance on Iran, North Korea and Libya and attempts to lay out what went wrong on Iraq, according to individuals familiar with the findings.
Individuals familiar with the report, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity, said the commission devoted significant time to dissecting what went wrong on the Iraq intelligence, including many issues that have been examined by internal government investigations and the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Final drafts of the commission's report are now being circulated among the intelligence agencies for declassification. Historically, they have tried to use that process to keep secret some of the most embarrassing or critical details of investigative findings.
It's unclear how much of this report, which is expected to run hundreds of pages, will be available to the public. Commission spokesman Larry McQuillan said commissioners intend to release as much as possible.
I wonder if this will debunk anything in the Duelfer Report?
vauge said:
I wonder if this will debunk anything in the Duelfer Report?

What? This new commission is suddenly going to find Saddam had Nukes, Bio and Chem weapons. That could happen. Or you could just keep watching Fox. I heard them say it again this weekend. They slip it in at just about every opportunity. Course they never back it up with any facts or mention any of these factual sources. They just make statements like: "we all know Saddam was using these funds to support his chemical weapons program." Which I heard a reporter say at 8:25 Sat. Morn. This is why so many Neo-cons. still believe he had WMD's.
Pacridge said:
What? This new commission is suddenly going to find Saddam had Nukes, Bio and Chem weapons. That could happen. Or you could just keep watching Fox. I heard them say it again this weekend. They slip it in at just about every opportunity. Course they never back it up with any facts or mention any of these factual sources. They just make statements like: "we all know Saddam was using these funds to support his chemical weapons program." Which I heard a reporter say at 8:25 Sat. Morn. This is why so many Neo-cons. still believe he had WMD's.
It has come to my attention that the Bush administration actually "hammered", as one report put it, intel regarding Saddam Hussein and WMDs out of the CIA. It seems that this war was started through lying, and nothing else. Quite similar to Vietnam, if you think about it (Gulf of Tonkin...).

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