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Witness mandate vex some new mail-in voters in key states (1 Viewer)


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Witness mandate vex some new mail-in voters in key states

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — As the pandemic prompts a surge in voting by mail, voters in a handful of states, including the presidential battlegrounds of North Carolina and Wisconsin, are facing a requirement that already is tripping up thousands — the need to have a witness sign their ballot envelope.

A lack of a witness signature or other witness information has emerged as the leading cause of ballots being set aside before being counted in North Carolina, with problems disproportionately affecting Black voters in the state, according to an Associated Press analysis of state election data. (more)
Another example of voter suppression.

Witness mandate vex some new mail-in voters in key states

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — As the pandemic prompts a surge in voting by mail, voters in a handful of states, including the presidential battlegrounds of North Carolina and Wisconsin, are facing a requirement that already is tripping up thousands — the need to have a witness sign their ballot envelope.

A lack of a witness signature or other witness information has emerged as the leading cause of ballots being set aside before being counted in North Carolina, with problems disproportionately affecting Black voters in the state, according to an Associated Press analysis of state election data. (more)
Another example of voter suppression.
Yeup, find any and every way to not count votes, some places if you do not return the ballot in the envelope they provided you may as well throw it in the trash. Hence why I and many other voters will be voting early so that we ensure our vote is counted and avoid some of the long lines on election day.
Yeup, find any and every way to not count votes, some places if you do not return the ballot in the envelope they provided you may as well throw it in the trash. Hence why I and many other voters will be voting early so that we ensure our vote is counted and avoid some of the long lines on election day.
I'm voting in person, early. This is ridiculous. There is no legitimate reason we shouldn't have an easier voting process.

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I'm voting in person, early. This is ridiculous. There is no legitimate reason we shouldn't have an easier voting process.

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Trump is trying to undermine the election so he can claim it wasn't fair and challenge it in the courts. If enough People show up and vote he will not get away with it.
There is a reason they are always dishonestly accusing the left of wanting to steal elections for that. It's the obvious reason you think it is.

Trumpism: the evil is the point.

Witness mandate vex some new mail-in voters in key states

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — As the pandemic prompts a surge in voting by mail, voters in a handful of states, including the presidential battlegrounds of North Carolina and Wisconsin, are facing a requirement that already is tripping up thousands — the need to have a witness sign their ballot envelope.

A lack of a witness signature or other witness information has emerged as the leading cause of ballots being set aside before being counted in North Carolina, with problems disproportionately affecting Black voters in the state, according to an Associated Press analysis of state election data. (more)
Another example of voter suppression.

Another example of people being either too stupid or too lazy to read and follow the rules then blaming others for their mistakes. If you choose to vote by mail it’s your responsibility to inform yourself of your states requirement.

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