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William Barr told Murdoch to 'muzzle' Fox News Trump critic (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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William Barr told Murdoch to 'muzzle' Fox News Trump critic, new book says

Judge Andrew Napolitano said Trump should be impeached.


The attorney general, William Barr, told Rupert Murdoch to “muzzle” Andrew Napolitano, a prominent Fox News personality who became a critic of Donald Trump, according to a new book about the rightwing TV network. Barr’s meeting with Murdoch, at the media mogul’s New York home in October 2019, was widely reported at the time, with speculation surrounding its subject. According to Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, by CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, subjects covered included media consolidation and criminal justice reform. “But it was also about Judge Andrew Napolitano.” Stelter’s in-depth look at Fox News, its fortunes under Trump and its links to his White House will be published on Tuesday. The Guardian obtained a copy. In early 2019 it was reported that Napolitano, a New Jersey superior court judge who joined Fox News in 1998, told friends he had been on Trump’s shortlist for the supreme court. But he broke ranks later in the year, labeling Trump’s approaches to Ukraine, seeking political dirt on rivals, “both criminal and impeachable behavior”. “The criminal behavior to which Trump has admitted,” Napolitano wrote, in a column dated 3 October, “is much more grave than anything alleged or unearthed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and much of what Mueller revealed was impeachable.”

Stelter writes that Trump “was so incensed by the judge’s TV broadcasts that he had implored Barr to send Rupert a message in person … about ‘muzzling the judge’. [Trump] wanted the nation’s top law enforcement official to convey just how atrocious Napolitano’s legal analysis had been.” Barr has been widely accused of riding roughshod over the rule of law, in service of Trump and his own authoritarian view of the presidency. Though Barr’s words to Murdoch “carried a lot of weight”, Stelter writes, “no one was explicitly told to take Napolitano off the air”. Instead, Stelter reports, Napolitano found digital resources allocated elsewhere, saw a slot on a daytime show disappear, and was not included in coverage of the impeachment process. Though Barr’s words to Murdoch “carried a lot of weight”, Stelter writes, “no one was explicitly told to take Napolitano off the air”. Instead, Stelter reports, Napolitano found digital resources allocated elsewhere, saw a slot on a daytime show disappear, and was not included in coverage of the impeachment process. He has also had harsh words for Barr, for example calling his conduct in the case of Trump ally Roger Stone “Stalinistic”; blasting his handling of the Mueller report to Trump’s advantage; and hitting him for “insulting” Congress. Napolitano did, however, back Barr’s attempt to drop charges against Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russian officials.

Judge Andrew Napolitano might be surprised if he reads Brian Stelter's new book. But he shouldn't be. Donald Trump is a big fan of censorship. That is, of anything Trump considers unflattering or the truth.
William Barr told Murdoch to 'muzzle' Fox News Trump critic, new book says

Judge Andrew Napolitano said Trump should be impeached.


Judge Andrew Napolitano might be surprised if he reads Brian Stelter's new book. But he shouldn't be. Donald Trump is a big fan of censorship. That is, of anything Trump considers unflattering or the truth.

"There has never been, ever before, an administration that’s been so open and transparent." - President Trump

"I was the most transparent — and am — transparent president in history." - President Trump

"In fact, several experts we contacted said they laughed out loud when they first heard Trump make this claim. One of those was Jeffrey A. Engel, the founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University.

'This might not be the most dangerous' of Trump’s questionable claims, 'but it is the most laughable,' Engel said. 'It’s not as though Trump is the only president with a problematic record on transparency, but he has expanded the range and scope' of those problems.

Barr was part of the Iran-Contra cover-up, arranging pardons for guilty parties. Anyone who expects he will do the right thing in a given situation is a moron.
New book says....

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd stop reading!
William Barr told Murdoch to 'muzzle' Fox News Trump critic, new book says

Judge Andrew Napolitano said Trump should be impeached.


Judge Andrew Napolitano might be surprised if he reads Brian Stelter's new book. But he shouldn't be. Donald Trump is a big fan of censorship. That is, of anything Trump considers unflattering or the truth.

There is no seperation or independence. They are all one ****ing machine working in unison. From the bottom to the top if the books were opened, you'd see the funding is all the same.
Barr was part of the Iran-Contra cover-up, arranging pardons for guilty parties. Anyone who expects he will do the right thing in a given situation is a moron.

I want Barr to go to prison first. Trump is a silver spoon bitch child who worst quality is "I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want"... which should land him in prison. Barr is the one who makes all these crooks' "I want" happen in the worst way.
I want Barr to go to prison first. Trump is a silver spoon bitch child who worst quality is "I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want"... which should land him in prison. Barr is the one who makes all these crooks' "I want" happen in the worst way.

Oh, Barr certainly is a bastard of the highest order.

But these are not mutually exclusive. Let 'em both hang (metaphorically speaking, of course. I oppose the death penalty. Can't make exceptions).

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