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Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018? (1 Viewer)

you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018?

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Mar 20, 2011
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Vladimir Putin does an Annual Press Conferce with over a thousand journalists from all over the World, including the US. This year it is December 20, 2018. It is usually about four hours long and takes questions from as many sources as possible. This is a huge insight into all things Russian or Putin.

Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018? (Poll Question)
I look for a transcript of this every year and am amazed by the depth of knowledge displayed by Putin and the awareness of detail of the internal functions of Russia and the International community. It usually covers Economics, Trade, Military, Agriculture, Industry, and/or all things Russian. Questions from International sources as well as Russian sources. It is often a tour de force and a conference of this type would be reccommended for all World leadrs. The frauds would quickly be revealed. For what it's worth, I wholeheartedly reccommend that anyone interested in World Politics watch this conference. After watching jukge Russia and Putin.
Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018?

nah. i got my monthly does of lies from the press conference yesterday.
I'll let Fox News and Trump summarize how wonderful Putin is.
nah. i got my monthly does of lies from the press conference yesterday.

All the more reason you should watch. It's a live conference. Contrast and compare, as they say.
Risky! Would either lie to you?

The President of the United States and the leader of Fair and Balanced media lie? They are beyond reproach.
Of course, not.

Maybe I will watch the beginning when he struts into the room as those tall Russian soldier dudes click to attention. It is so funny -- and pathetic.

But who wants to hear four hours of lies? (I can guess how he will tell us that Ukraine is bullying Russia!)

If I wanted falsehoods, I would simply listen to Ms. Nancy or Mr. Chuck.
I'll let Fox News and Trump summarize how wonderful Putin is.

I should not laugh, but I did... had to throw a like on this one.
Of course, not.

Maybe I will watch the beginning when he struts into the room as those tall Russian soldier dudes click to attention. It is so funny -- and pathetic.

But who wants to hear four hours of lies? (I can guess how he will tell us that Ukraine is bullying Russia!)

If I wanted falsehoods, I would simply listen to Ms. Nancy or Mr. Chuck.

I remind you Russia divulged more of what took place behind closed doors in Helsinki than what the W.H. has divulged. Now we see Russian journalists, Russian tv, and Putin laughing at Trump as Trump continues his 'cricket city' approach to calling out Comrade Putinski on anything 'by name.'
Vladimir Putin does an Annual Press Conferce with over a thousand journalists from all over the World, including the US. This year it is December 20, 2018. It is usually about four hours long and takes questions from as many sources as possible. This is a huge insight into all things Russian or Putin.

Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018? (Poll Question)

Are they going to show the Trump water sports video?
Are they going to show the Trump water sports video?

That's not likely, but I wouldn't be surprised if a reporter asks about it.
That's not likely, but I wouldn't be surprised if a reporter asks about it.

I suspect you are correct. They are probably saving that for an upcoming pay per view event.
Vladimir Putin does an Annual Press Conferce with over a thousand journalists from all over the World, including the US. This year it is December 20, 2018. It is usually about four hours long and takes questions from as many sources as possible. This is a huge insight into all things Russian or Putin.

Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018? (Poll Question)

Who gives a crap what Putin has to say?
I look for a transcript of this every year and am amazed by the depth of knowledge displayed by Putin and the awareness of detail of the internal functions of Russia and the International community. It usually covers Economics, Trade, Military, Agriculture, Industry, and/or all things Russian. Questions from International sources as well as Russian sources. It is often a tour de force and a conference of this type would be reccommended for all World leadrs. The frauds would quickly be revealed. For what it's worth, I wholeheartedly reccommend that anyone interested in World Politics watch this conference. After watching jukge Russia and Putin.

I will but will it change my mind that Putin & Co. are in fact corrupt, kleptocratic authoritarians ?

Will it make him innocent of jailing or killing his opposition ?

Would this convince me he wasn't going to get a $50 million penthouse in Moscow Trump tower ?

Will this convince me that trump didn't finance his business with Russian money (admitted) and

cleaned untold million$ for Russian oligarchs ?
Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018?

No. It's a Margarita Simonyan media sham that only Russians and peeps like you and Rand Paul could be interested in.
Vladimir Putin does an Annual Press Conferce with over a thousand journalists from all over the World, including the US. This year it is December 20, 2018. It is usually about four hours long and takes questions from as many sources as possible. This is a huge insight into all things Russian or Putin.

Will you be watching or looking for Putin's Annual Press Conference 20Dec2018? (Poll Question)

Nah I hear all Putin's talking points via Trump's twitter.
I look for a transcript of this every year and am amazed by the depth of knowledge displayed by Putin and the awareness of detail of the internal functions of Russia and the International community. It usually covers Economics, Trade, Military, Agriculture, Industry, and/or all things Russian. Questions from International sources as well as Russian sources. It is often a tour de force and a conference of this type would be reccommended for all World leadrs. The frauds would quickly be revealed. For what it's worth, I wholeheartedly reccommend that anyone interested in World Politics watch this conference. After watching jukge Russia and Putin.

OMG you mean the leader of Russia knows stuff about Russia! Amazing! :roll:

The fact that there are plenty of smart "ex" KGB officers out there does not mean....well....anything actually.
maybe, if I have nothing better to do ... why should any man waste time watching advertising or propaganda ? Yet , it may be interesting to "know" what Putin is thinking.
Of course, not.

Maybe I will watch the beginning when he struts into the room as those tall Russian soldier dudes click to attention. It is so funny -- and pathetic.

But who wants to hear four hours of lies? (I can guess how he will tell us that Ukraine is bullying Russia!)

If I wanted falsehoods, I would simply listen to Ms. Nancy or Mr. Chuck.
When it comes to "the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth", NO-ONE seems to be 100% or even close to that way .. even NPR ...and my Aunt Tillie is so biased ....That we have to watch ten hours of TV in order to glean ten minutes of truth and nine plus hours of propaganda and advertising ...

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