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Will we forgive our neighbors who enabled this nightmare? (1 Viewer)

Will we forgive our neighbors who enabled this nightmare?

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  • Poll closed .
"Will we forgive our neighbors who enabled this nightmare?"

Your neighbors are not seeking forgiveness, nor do they need it or even want it from you. They went with the candidate who they thought was the best.

Do you feel you need forgiveness for nominating someone even worse than Donald Trump? Someone so utterly horrible that it enabled him to become president?

Te absolvo. Go and sin no more.

I have yet to see a post based upon factual information that could convince me that Hillary earned the reputation she has in conservative circles. Where did this hatred come from? It certainly wasn't her politics or behavior, she and her husband were more like a Republican from the 70s and 80s then some far left socialist from the 30s. The idea that she was some monster was created by decades of right wing propaganda blasting her and Bill, it was like a marketing campaign created by Madison Avenue. Keep saying your doctor loves Camel cigarettes and before you know it, people think cigarettes do not cause cancer.
I'm not talking if you're a Republican or a liberal. I know Republicans who are Leftists (John McCain types). Hell, I'd be fine if you were just liberal. You're a bleeding heart Leftist, and this poll proves it. Only Leftist lunatics come up with bat$#!t crazy polls like this. And you're running away from my question. For my punishment in voting and supporting this current president, what do you with me and others who voted for Trump: my imprisonment or my head? Which do you prefer, and which one would better suit this "crime" for voting for Trump? It's obvious you hate Trump supporters and wish for something to be done with them, so don't side step it the question.

a moderate is not a liberal

you folks have gone so bat **** crazy that anyone not a Trumpet you consider a left loony

There is a ton of space between radical right and loony left.

I run.ran from nothing. I am not a coward Trumpet.
I have yet to see a post based upon factual information that could convince me that Hillary earned the reputation she has in conservative circles. Where did this hatred come from? It certainly wasn't her politics or behavior, she and her husband were more like a Republican from the 70s and 80s then some far left socialist from the 30s. The idea that she was some monster was created by decades of right wing propaganda blasting her and Bill, it was like a marketing campaign created by Madison Avenue. Keep saying your doctor loves Camel cigarettes and before you know it, people think cigarettes do not cause cancer.

If you are at all empathic and can put yourself in the other guys shoes, you'll understand why Trump supporters don't care about seeking forgiveness, and further you'll realize how offputting the idea must seem to them.
a moderate is not a liberal

you folks have gone so bat **** crazy that anyone not a Trumpet you consider a left loony

There is a ton of space between radical right and loony left.

I run.ran from nothing. I am not a coward Trumpet.

No, you are a Leftist. Whenever someone says they're moderate and they're saying things like "should they be forgiven because someone(s) voted for a guy I don't like", 99.9% of the time they're on the Left. John McCain type or John Kaisch type, it doesn't matter. They're both (were in McCain's case) Republicans, both are (was in McCain's case again) Leftists. Sure, they talked about crossing the aisle and being moderate, but in reality, they were just bringing people to the Left and not working with ANYONE to the Right of them. But again, you're avoiding my question: imprisonment or death for Trump supporters? What punishment suits the crime better, because, somehow, it brought you this "nightmare?"
No, you are a Leftist. Whenever someone says they're moderate and they're saying things like "should they be forgiven because someone(s) voted for a guy I don't like", 99.9% of the time they're on the Left. John McCain type or John Kaisch type, it doesn't matter. They're both (were in McCain's case) Republicans, both are (was in McCain's case again) Leftists. Sure, they talked about crossing the aisle and being moderate, but in reality, they were just bringing people to the Left and not working with ANYONE to the Right of them. But again, you're avoiding my question: imprisonment or death for Trump supporters? What punishment suits the crime better, because, somehow, it brought you this "nightmare?"

This post is so deranged that it proves the points being made all across the world in regards to the rise of nationalism and white rage. John McCain was a leftist? Only a truly brainwashed person could utter such nonsense. As for punishment, I prefer shame and humiliation to the demented options you provided. This era of right wing hysteria will pass and when it does, we will have to come back together again as a nation. Or we will destroy ourselves from within.
I'm beginning to believe more and more people that didn't vote for Trump, regardless if they're Republican, Democrat, independent, and if they're Leftist, "moderate", and "conservative" (part of the so called "conservative" movement), want Trump voters and supporters to actually to be imprisoned and put to the sword, all because they ALL lost in 2016. It ultimately comes down to elitists, people that actually do believe they're better than everyone else morally, intellectually, and, to a degree, physically (in other words arrogant @$$#oles) finding out they're not as superior nor as loved as they thought they were (and hoped). They're thrashing about, crying, yelling, and b!tc#ing like little children because they didn't get what they want when they demanded it. This guy (the author of this thread/poll) is the perfect example. This other guy who commented is part of that same group.

This is a very teachable moment for all those who are not arrogant and don't think that they're better than anyone else. Whenever some says that they're moderate or not political, then they turn around do or say something that is contrary to what they supposedly stand for with an overly exaggerated and untrue event, and say to others who call them out on it that they can't challenge nor question and then proceed to call them names, they lose ALL credibility. This author is that person. He proclaims that he's a moderate Republican and not a liberal. Let me interpret what he's saying here:

"I'm not a Democrat but I'm not some buck toothed, smelly, Right wing hick of a red neck. Those people are so stupid and destructive, and not as sophisticated and intellectually adept as someone like me. I and others like me have evolved over the years. We must be more civil and polite to those on the Left side of the aisle. Even though we may not agree with their financial beliefs, we do, however, understand and accept their social ideology. We were on the verge of giving them complete control of the social aspect of our culture, and part of our financial future, a BRUTE of a man named Donald Trump came along, and with him, his army of reprobates and deplorables to elect him as President Of The United States Of America. Had it only been Trump, he may have been dispatched easily and we would never have this nightmare we are living in right now, where power is given to all, which include those ghastly conservatives and Right wing libertarians, who are citizens of this country. However, those barbarians that live in the vast land of Hicksville (which we also call Fly Over Country), between the great states of New York and California and outside of the walls of Washington D.C. and Chicago, came along and ruined everything we had planned while carrying the mottos of 'Make America Great Again' and 'Keep America Great.' For this act of defiance, they must be punished because they can never be forgiven. For this to happen, though, we must do everything we can to undermine this sorry excuse of a President they call Trump, then after he's removed from the presidential chair, we will deal with the vermin next. They will regret defying us and giving us this horrible world that we live in."

That's essentially what he's saying here. It's easy to say that he's a Leftist, because that's what he is whether if he knows it or not, but even more so, he's an elitist. That's just as bad as, while others may debate that it's worse than, a Leftist. So the lesson here, @$$#oles usually try to make themselves out to be something that they're not so they can destroy others on the inside. The first sign they don't like what you're doing, they want action against those people. In this case, not forgiving those who voted for Trump and wanting those same people to be punished.
With all respect, WTF!?

Most the country would most definitely not react as such.

Lincoln won a second term because of a lack of opposition due to the civil war.

Kennedy was looking at a difficult fight to his bid for a second term.

Their sudden untimely deaths secured a boost in their approval ratings.

Garfield was new to the job and he lingered for 79 days.

McKinley lived 8 days from his attack.

The delay in their passing made their deaths more accepted.

People were simply "waiting" for it.

It is human nature for the biggest jerk to receive praises upon their passing.

Trump holds a solid base of Americans who would push the story that he was greater than he is.

Dissenting voices on the other hand would be looked down on and be considered to be spiteful.

So you would have LOUD Trump voices and much quieter anti-Trump statements.

It may not be ideal, but it is historically how things like this evolve.
Lincoln won a second term because of a lack of opposition due to the civil war.

Kennedy was looking at a difficult fight to his bid for a second term.

Their sudden untimely deaths secured a boost in their approval ratings.

Garfield was new to the job and he lingered for 79 days.

McKinley lived 8 days from his attack.

The delay in their passing made their deaths more accepted.

People were simply "waiting" for it.

It is human nature for the biggest jerk to receive praises upon their passing.

Trump holds a solid base of Americans who would push the story that he was greater than he is.

Dissenting voices on the other hand would be looked down on and be considered to be spiteful.

So you would have LOUD Trump voices and much quieter anti-Trump statements.

It may not be ideal, but it is historically how things like this evolve.

dude, be serious
this is like "something we have never seen before."

there is no frame of reference from within our country for a Trump
I don't actually know any Democrats on a personal friendship level anymore. I did and most of those were LGBT. But they all dumped the Democratic Party after President Obama's and his administration's actions before, during and after the Pulse Nightclub slaughtering of LGBTs. The story told by the Obama administration and MSM was a massive collection not only of lies, but of unequaled bigotry against LGBTs. Since a group we know VERY well was there that night - one allowed to bleed to death on behalf of trying to save the radical Hilary Clinton supporter Muslim - we know EXACTLY what happened - who, when, where and why.

Any LGBT that understood the truth would hate Obama and his administration down to the marrow of their b bones and see them as no different than Iranian Muslims throwing gay men off of rooftops. This was a setup by the Obama administration from the start - and then the Obama administration claimed the shooter must have been a homosexual (because homosexuals are inherently psychologically disturbed murderers) - claiming the shooter on the phone screaming Alah Akbar and that he was doing this as retaliation for the USA in the ME had nothing to do with it.

Candidly, in my opinion anyone who still supports the Democratic Party is so weak minded and submissive in personality I really don't care to know people like that. I could never trust a person who changes their mind every time the MSM tells them to.
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It will be difficult to forgive the insanity of the left these last 2+ years.
Not saying its not possible, only difficult.
I expect 'shortcomings'. But every single president has had character, some sense of decency. I can find moments when they each sought to do the right thing even at some risk. . They had different sets of values, but they all had a set of values that guided some of their decisions. I watched Trump very very carefully to find a moment, a single instance when he strived to do the morally right thing or set forth a moral tone to his leadership without being bullied into it. Not one instance have I yet identified. This President is amoral, totally without a moral compass or any principles that guides him. That is one hell of a 'shortcoming'.

Now I figured that out by watching the man campaign for the office. I noticed it during the primaries and I noticed it during the general election.

I respectfully disagree. I am concerned that there are many who share your position. Unfortunately I see that as the position that behind every rainbow is a dark cloud. Thank you for your considered reply.

I don't actually know any Democrats on a personal friendship level anymore. I did and most of those were LGBT. But they all dumped the Democratic Party after President Obama's and his administration's actions before, during and after the Pulse Nightclub slaughtering of LGBTs.

Here in Phoenix the largest group of new Democrats are people from the LGBTQ. (The local "gay" bars here are openly anti-Trump.)

Are you trying to actually say that Obama was looked down upon by the LGBTQ community?

Obama ENDED don't ask / don't tell in 2011, the biggest win the LGBTQ community had ever had in America

Obama in 2015 helped usher in "Same-Sex Marriages in all 50 states after the Supreme Court struck down all state laws barring them. (A victory unmatched in the world)

the Obama administration claimed the shooter must have been a homosexual (because homosexuals are inherently psychologically disturbed murderers).

You can back that claim up of course, you can supply links that support that statement up or are just a telling big ****ing lie as usual.

You make two claims that on the face are in opposition to what people know.

You claim the to know the LGBTQ (you don't put the Q in your post?) community and that they are adverse to the Democratic party.

What have the Republicans done for the LGBTQ community? (What have they done to bring equality to a this sector of Americans)
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Wow, you posted a post that is way incoherently written.

Those combining of statements is like pickles in a fruit smoothie.

My opinion is they made a choice as is it their choice.

Unless they want to attack my right to choose for myself then no harm no foul.
Here in Phoenix the largest group of new Democrats are people from the LGBTQ. (The local "gay" bars here are openly anti-Trump.)

Are you trying to actually say that Obama was looked down upon by the LGBTQ community?

Obama ENDED don't ask / don't tell in 2011, the biggest win the LGBTQ community had ever had in America

Obama in 2015 helped usher in "Same-Sex Marriages in all 50 states after the Supreme Court struck down all state laws barring them. (A victory unmatched in the world)

You can back that claim up of course, you can supply links that support that statement up or are just a telling big ****ing lie as usual.

You make two claims that on the face are in opposition to what people know.

You claim the to know the LGBTQ (you don't put the Q in your post?) community and that they are adverse to the Democratic party.

What have the Republicans done for the LGBTQ community? (What have they done to bring equality to a this sector of Americans)

What is it the LBGTQ and any other consonant combination seeks? The world has matured to the point where being Gay is only that. To believe Gays vote only with their bedroom choice in mind is seriously perpetuating a stereotype. Gay folk are as attuned to their pocketbook and foreign policy as anyone else.
I shudder when I see the left trying to rope up and corral anyone by their personal choice of life partner. In short, you need not be anti-Republican or Democrat because you are Gay. Why would a Gay voter vote differently than anyone else?

Gay folk are as attuned to their pocketbook and foreign policy as anyone else. Why would a Gay voter vote differently than anyone else?


Because if you are oppressed by one group and treated as equals by another you tend to befriend the group who treated you well.

If that simple logic isn't clear enough for you, then you are beyond hope.

Jerri Ann Henry Head of Log Cabin Republicans tendered her resignation over the decision to endorse Trump in 2020

Jennifer Horn, who has sat on the board for years, also chose to leave over the endorsement.

"There is no world where I can sit down at the dining room table and explain to my children that I just endorsed Donald Trump for president," Horn said "It is contrary to everything that I have ever taught them about what it means to be a good, decent, principled member of society."

These two unprecedented high level resignations are good examples of voting for your principles and character rather than your pocketbook.

Since the formation of the Log Cabin Republicans every candidate and president has meet with the group, but NOT Trump.
This is what I mean. As soon as one us Trump voters calls out someone that's lying about the person we voted for, they go nuts. They actually believe they are the keepers of morality, knowledge, and superiority. But yet they say NOTHING when bad behavior is acted upon from their end and the people that end up paying the price are conservatives, Right wing libertarians,Trump supporters, and people who are NOT political:

-These are the same people that do not condemn things like 3 Leftists, after Trump wins the 2016 election, abducting an innocent 18 year old man with autism, then beating, maiming, and feeding him literal filth, and had the audacity to say it was Trump's fault.

-These are the same people who don't condemn the attack on the homosexual conservative journalist from Antifa (the anti-fascists, but who are fascists) because the guy was a conservative.

-These are the same people that don't condemn Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam's proposal to allow a baby to be born and moments afterwards to kill the child on the operating table.

-These are the same people who don't condemn these Leftist protesters who chase Trump's cabinet members out of restaurants, when all they're doing is having dinner.

-These are the same people who don't condemn Leftist protesters for going to someone's home and threatening to drag them and their family members out to beat or (literally) kill them, all the while they're destroying that person's property.

-These are the same people who didn't condemn the ruling of the illegal alien, who killed Kate Steinle, and walked out free.

-These are the same people who condemn the Crazy Bernie supporter who went to a baseball field and shot up a group of Republican congressmen because of what he heard on Rachel Meadow's show and crap that groups like Antifa put out there.

This is just a small list of what these people, these elitists, do not (and probably will never) condemn. So who actually created these nightmares? It's not Trump, his supporters, nor what they say. These elitists, both Leftists and moderates, created ALL of it. Trump created a booming economy, help made record low unemployment numbers and tax rate cuts happen, helped with making all time high employment numbers, in the process of finally making peace with North Korea, and will be making a new trade deal with China soon. This, too, is but a small list, but even so, he had created more prosperity and opportunity for people in this country in his 3 years in office than what the past presidents could ever do with their share of 30 years.

It's only a nightmare to these anti-Trump people because they're not in control and they, and their agenda, were rejected 3 years ago, after years of people listening to and accepting them as "apolitical", when in reality THEY are the most political people in this country today. It's a game of power to them, and if they don't get it, they scream, b!tc#, and moan about it the most. Just like this latest person to comment, along with another guy and this author. The "nightmare", as they call and perceive it, will end not only when Trump is gone but when those who voted for Trump are punished. WHich the author of this thread STILL hasn't answered me on that, and at this point never will. He knows that I already have a good idea of what his answer will be, and it's not good for people like me and other Trump voters.
Yes and no, I do and I don't blame people for being chumps to Trump and being fooled. They thought he would do something for them, instead of him and his wealthy friends. The democratic party also needs to own, not nominating a more likeable candidate then they did.

But, most importantly, we need to make sure Trump is out in the next election. Every democrat that can, needs to do their part. I volunteered at the phone banks in both Obama elections. So, even if you can't donate scads of money, people can help with time. I remember a very well dressed (classy) retired couple, in Obama's last campaign, who went into some of our local neighborhoods to register voters. They impressed me.
Every 4 or 8 years, 30% of the country thinks "oh this is the END. We are DOOMED." This side, or that side, depending on who won.

Well so far the doomsayers continue to be wrong, and I've been watching the farce for almost half a century. When it's all over, usually little has really changed. The two parties are more like two sides of the same coin, differing more in detail than essence.

Go out and have a seat on the porch. Drink a beer or whatever. Play with the dog, or the kids. Chill a little while. It's gonna be okay.

Go visit your neighbors. Avoid talking about politics. Ask about work or their kids. See that they're just regular folks, trying to make it in this world just like you.

Come meet the new boss, same as the old boss...


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.

A good man. One of our best.

So good to see you pop in. Miss you xxx
Hell no. To me those who support this president are committing treason.

The right loves to demonize anyone who disagrees with trump, we're just trump haters who also hate america. Ok but what about the rest of our allies who also can't stand trump? The right can dismiss americans who don't support trump but it's awfully difficult to dismiss the opinions of the rest of the world. How many presidents in your lifetime can you recall other countries saying please don't come here?
Today on the way down the river to the flats for a little trout fishing we passed a boat flying a Trump 2020 flag. The feeling of disgust i felt kind of suprised me. When it was expressed by others on my boat i was pleasantly surprised

Trump supporters have revealed their true feelings for all the world to see. In my opinion they are worse than Trump. Trump just uses them to push his agenda.
Because if you are oppressed by one group and treated as equals by another you tend to befriend the group who treated you well.

If that simple logic isn't clear enough for you, then you are beyond hope.

Jerri Ann Henry Head of Log Cabin Republicans tendered her resignation over the decision to endorse Trump in 2020

Jennifer Horn, who has sat on the board for years, also chose to leave over the endorsement.

"There is no world where I can sit down at the dining room table and explain to my children that I just endorsed Donald Trump for president," Horn said "It is contrary to everything that I have ever taught them about what it means to be a good, decent, principled member of society."

These two unprecedented high level resignations are good examples of voting for your principles and character rather than your pocketbook.

Since the formation of the Log Cabin Republicans every candidate and president has meet with the group, but NOT Trump.

If you have the self proclaimed ability to point at one group and blame them for mistreatment of gays, you surely have a romantic and convenient view. Acceptance of homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle was and still is a societal decision. If you think that the Democratic Party is squeaky clean on the issue, I am here to tell you that there are very many Democrats who still embrace laws forbidding sodomy. Do you dare disagree? If not, stop throwing mud at Republicans.
It is society and not a particular party whose thinking must be changed - or not.
If you have the self proclaimed ability to point at one group and blame them for mistreatment of gays, you surely have a romantic and convenient view. Acceptance of homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle was and still is a societal decision. If you think that the Democratic Party is squeaky clean on the issue, I am here to tell you that there are very many Democrats who still embrace laws forbidding sodomy. Do you dare disagree? If not, stop throwing mud at Republicans.
It is society and not a particular party whose thinking must be changed - or not.

Really, how many? Not very many at all compared to the number of Republicans still embracing those same laws.

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