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Will Cawthorn's exposee stop the GOP's coke-fueled orgies? (1 Viewer)

Will Cawthorn's exposee stop the GOP's coke-fueled orgies?

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j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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He has really ripped the lid off off the nefarious, immoral activities of his godless colleagues. But can they give up this bachanelian life-style?

Do you think it will have the intended affect?
He has really ripped the lid off off the nefarious, immoral activities of his godless colleagues. But can they give up this bachanelian life-style?

Do you think it will have the intended affect?
What you talkin' 'bout...
He has really ripped the lid off off the nefarious, immoral activities of his godless colleagues. But can they give up this bachanelian life-style?

Do you think it will have the intended affect?
What intended affect?

Also, **** no it won't stop them.
No DC coke fueled orgy is complete without Hunter Biden's presence. Only thing is he doesn't do photos any more since he lost his laptop.
No DC coke fueled orgy is complete without Hunter Biden's presence. Only thing is he doesn't do photos any more since he lost his laptop.
Hmm, I hadn't really thought about it, but it's highly likely that both democrats and republicans attend the same drug-fueled orgy.

Not all of them of course, but far more than I'd prefer.
No DC coke fueled orgy is complete without Hunter Biden's presence. Only thing is he doesn't do photos any more since he lost his laptop.
You know every time someone says the words Hunter Biden you have to take a shot. Try it for a week and see if you outlook on life improves. ;)
Hmm, I hadn't really thought about it, but it's highly likely that both democrats and republicans attend the same drug-fueled orgy.

Not all of them of course, but far more than I'd prefer.

I can't imagine any Democrat inviting him.
Voted no, and I personally object to the idea of Republicans being the ones having all the fun with coke fueled orgies and other shenanigans.
He has really ripped the lid off off the nefarious, immoral activities of his godless colleagues. But can they give up this bachanelian life-style?

Do you think it will have the intended affect?
This whole thing reminds me of an article I read a few years back about sex workers that are brought in for Political Conventions. There's basically a giant crew of strippers and prostitutes that are brought into different cities for major events.
They go to both the DNC and the RNC. They were asked about the differences between the two, and they said that their Democratic clients generally had the standard-issue requests that you expect from most clients, but the Republican clients were into all kinds of weird-ass kinky shit that even the sex workers thought was kind of ****ed up.
I can't imagine any Democrat inviting him.
Then a Republican would, they're way more friendly behind the scenes than they are in public.


Considering the topic of this thread, WAAAAAAY more friendly.

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