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Wikileaks to Pentagon -- Nice Try, 'Nazis' (1 Viewer)


Jul 3, 2010
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Article said:
After initially approving the release of "Operation Dark Heart," a book focused on American intelligence agencies operating in Afghanistan written by former intelligence agent Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the Pentagon got cold feet and decided to buy all 10,000 copies of its first printing and destroy them.

Apparently, some revelations in the book are considered a threat to national security.

"Someone buying 10,000 books to suppress a story in this digital age is ludicrous," said Shaffer, in the wake of the Pentagon's decision.

Shaffer's criticism was proven prescient yesterday, when the whistle-blowing troublemakers at Wikileaks announced they had a copy of "Operation Dark Heart" and presumably were going to release it on the Internet.

"Burn all the books you want, Nazi punks. We already have a copy," read an oddly confrontational tweet from Wikileak's Twitter account.

Maybe Wikileaks founder Julian Assange really does believe the CIA is behind recent charges for sexual assault leveled against him by two women in Sweden.

Wikileaks to Pentagon -- Nice Try, 'Nazis' - Asylum.com

IMO: It seems to be a mixture of 'awesomeness', bravery and a flicker of using the term "Nazi" in a disingenuous manner - although it seems intentional to establish the point.
I really dislike the antagonistic attitude of Wikileaks. They consistently come away looking like entitled brats with no concept for the consequences of their actions.
Apparently, while the army cleared the book, the Defense Intelligence Agency has different standards for what is classified material. Apparently the crucial issue is a datamining program called "able danger". The books author claims it was able to pinpoint one of the 9/11 hijackers as a threat, and that this was left of the 9/11 commission's report.

I will withhold my opinion on the truthful of books claims and why it is being censored until after I can read a copy. In any case, the whole plan is laughably stupid. By trying to suppress it, the pentagon turned a book nobody has ever heard of into a national sensation.
I really dislike the antagonistic attitude of Wikileaks. They consistently come away looking like entitled brats with no concept for the consequences of their actions.

Do you expect something different from liberals?
Apparently, while the army cleared the book, the Defense Intelligence Agency has different standards for what is classified material. Apparently the crucial issue is a datamining program called "able danger". The books author claims it was able to pinpoint one of the 9/11 hijackers as a threat, and that this was left of the 9/11 commission's report.

I will withhold my opinion on the truthful of books claims and why it is being censored until after I can read a copy. In any case, the whole plan is laughably stupid. By trying to suppress it, the pentagon turned a book nobody has ever heard of into a national sensation.

And most likely in it's second printing….. soon to come out in paperback. :lamo
Do you expect something different from liberals?

A great many liberals have dissented against Wikileaks for the handling of their sources. So, yes, I expect different from liberals.
Do you expect something different from liberals?

I am a liberal who has been in fact highly critical of Wikileaks.

I am also some one who is highly critical of people who only use mindless namecalling to debate things.
Apparently, while the army cleared the book, the Defense Intelligence Agency has different standards for what is classified material. Apparently the crucial issue is a datamining program called "able danger". The books author claims it was able to pinpoint one of the 9/11 hijackers as a threat, and that this was left of the 9/11 commission's report.

I will withhold my opinion on the truthful of books claims and why it is being censored until after I can read a copy. In any case, the whole plan is laughably stupid. By trying to suppress it, the pentagon turned a book nobody has ever heard of into a national sensation.

That is the thing that makes this so stupid. Once it got to printing, it was too late and they just have to accept it. Spending (20 * 10,000) dollars to try and stop it when it was too late is the height of stupidity.
Stupid is as stupid does. Way to go Pentagram.

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