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Why? (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​


Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​

Gee, I wonder why?

Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​

For the same reason they wave the flag and then attack elections.
Because they're narcissistic largely, when they support rights they often mean 'for them only'. For decades the right has supported free speech *for theirs*. In the 1960's, when black people started carrying guns in California and brought them to the state capitol, they passed a big gun control law signed by Governor Ronald Reagan. Elections are great only if they win them and most of them happily believe lies the election was stolen from them.

Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​

I agree that he pointed out a real problem (police frequently getting away with criminal violence up to and including homicide) but drawing attention to a problem is only the first step - the next, and much more important, step is to suggest a solution.

Where I disagreed with him and his BLM supporting allies was not in their drawing attention to the problem (with the possible exception of deciding that racism was its primary or only cause), but in their lack of presenting viable solutions.
Because when push comes to shove ideology trumps free speech.
I agree that he pointed out a real problem (police frequently getting away with criminal violence up to and including homicide) but drawing attention to a problem is only the first step - the next, and much more important, step is to suggest a solution.

Where I disagreed with him and his BLM supporting allies was not in their drawing attention to the problem (with the possible exception of deciding that racism was its primary or only cause), but in their lack of presenting viable solutions.
There will not be a solution or discussion of a solution until enough are willing to admit the problem.

Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​

Most conservatives didnt give a care about Colin's cause....he was free to talk about it until he was blue in the face

What upset many Americans was that the way he went about it

He could have used his fame and notoriety and gone on talk shows and done interviews and brought the issue out to the masses

Instead he chose to kneel during out national anthem....which I as a veteran, and my father and daughter as veterans took affront to

So maybe, it wasnt FREE SPEECH so much as the issue, as was his delivery?

Go into his VFW and ask if he did the "right" thing.....the vast majority will tell you NO

His cause, although it might be righteous, was ruined by his delivery of the message
Most conservatives didnt give a care about Colin's cause....he was free to talk about it until he was blue in the face

What upset many Americans was that the way he went about it

He could have used his fame and notoriety and gone on talk shows and done interviews and brought the issue out to the masses

Instead he chose to kneel during out national anthem....which I as a veteran, and my father and daughter as veterans took affront to

So maybe, it wasnt FREE SPEECH so much as the issue, as was his delivery?

Go into his VFW and ask if he did the "right" thing.....the vast majority will tell you NO

His cause, although it might be righteous, was ruined by his delivery of the message

Most Americans now agree with Colin Kaepernick’s anthem protest: poll​

Most conservatives didnt give a care about Colin's cause....he was free to talk about it until he was blue in the face

What upset many Americans was that the way he went about it

He could have used his fame and notoriety and gone on talk shows and done interviews and brought the issue out to the masses

Instead he chose to kneel during out national anthem....which I as a veteran, and my father and daughter as veterans took affront to

So maybe, it wasnt FREE SPEECH so much as the issue, as was his delivery?

Go into his VFW and ask if he did the "right" thing.....the vast majority will tell you NO

His cause, although it might be righteous, was ruined by his delivery of the message
People took offense because they were told to by RW media. Knelling was a respectful way to handle it.
Same people loved that Trump hugged the flag to show his love of it.
In 2016 1 in 4 agreed with what he was doing

Do you think that is a winning formula?
If the majority of Americans support your cause one could say you are winning.
And before any conservatives come on here and say "But the NFL is a private company, not the government! The 1st Amendment applies to the government not corporations!"...

Yeah, well, Twitter is also a corporation.
Because they disagree with his speech, has a 'fro, and isn't white. Any of which is a disqualifier.
Most conservatives didnt give a care about Colin's cause....he was free to talk about it until he was blue in the face

What upset many Americans was that the way he went about it

He could have used his fame and notoriety and gone on talk shows and done interviews and brought the issue out to the masses

Instead he chose to kneel during out national anthem....which I as a veteran, and my father and daughter as veterans took affront to

So maybe, it wasnt FREE SPEECH so much as the issue, as was his delivery?

Go into his VFW and ask if he did the "right" thing.....the vast majority will tell you NO

His cause, although it might be righteous, was ruined by his delivery of the message

Kneeling is not disrespectful.

To me, acting a fool and mocking the anthem would be much more of an affront.
If the majority of Americans support your cause one could say you are winning.
6 years later?

when he is out of the league?

and you think he "won" because now a slight majority supports the cause?

i think he could have done MUCH BETTER.....

a few shows on Oprah....late night....maybe even 60 minutes or one of those types of great shows could have shed real light on the issue

That is how he could have used his fame and notoriety.....and brought the issue to the forefront faster and better

Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​

It wasn't his choice of exercising his free speech, it was his choice of where to do it. He was on the payroll, working, and his actions were interfering with not just his job but others in the profession and at game time. He could easily have gone outside and protested all he wanted, pick a street corner, get a sign, go to a park and preach his message all he wanted. NO, he chose to interfere with the with the process of the game by insulting the flag and the national anthem and offending the majority of the fans who paid to see a product, FOOTBALL not a protest.
He thought he had more "star power" than he did and he lost the argument. Not to mention that most all football fans realized he was no longer a starter in the NFL and saw this action as a protest against his sitting on the bench.
6 years later?

when he is out of the league?

and you think he "won" because now a slight majority supports the cause?

i think he could have done MUCH BETTER.....

a few shows on Oprah....late night....maybe even 60 minutes or one of those types of great shows could have shed real light on the issue

That is how he could have used his fame and notoriety.....and brought the issue to the forefront faster and better
Raiders just picked him up.

Why do conservative always value free speech. But get upset when someone like Colin Kapernick uses his free speech for a cause he cares about?​

You seem to be very confused on this subject, accounting for other threads somewhat similar.

In our current political climate there is no such thing as valuing free speech, neither the extreme right nor the extreme left is tolerant of really anything but obedience to their ideological goals. Often having nothing do with with rights afforded to us by the Constitution.
NO, he chose to interfere with the with the process of the game by insulting the flag and the national anthem and offending the majority of the fans who paid to see a product, FOOTBALL not a protest.

You don't have a right to not be insulted. Isn't that what conservatives like to say? And insult the flag? WTF? The flag isn't a sentient being.
There will not be a solution or discussion of a solution until enough are willing to admit the problem.

You seem to have missed my point. One can’t act on solving a problem without proposing a solution to it. There is certainly no lack of attention being paid the problems of police violence, AGW (or climate change), illegal immigration or CPI inflation. I fully accept that all of these are problems, but without proposed solutions what use is endlessly discussing (complaining about?) them?


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