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Why you don't know anyone who died from COVID (2 Viewers)

So what you are saying is the people in hospitals in Arizona, Texas and Florida are made up?

The numbers are overblown, and are mostly folks over 75. Gee, these are the ones who are usually hospitalized. Shazam!
Hardly. Pointing out the constant massive lying of religious hypocrites is a really fun passtime.

What does God's voice sound like?

"Passtime"? Are you referring to a football game? lolol.
"Passtime"? Are you referring to a football game? lolol.

I'm referring to delusional "prophets" who have been consistently wrong about literally every single claim they've made about Covid: aka YOU.
I'm referring to delusional "prophets" who have been consistently wrong about literally every single claim they've made about Covid: aka YOU.

Not me. I was closer closer than every single national expert on all my predictions. Thanks for remembering. lol.
Not me. I was closer closer than every single national expert on all my predictions. Thanks for remembering. lol.

Really? Shall I link to the thread where you claimed that less people would die from Covid than die from the flu? How about where you claimed God was protecting India because of their stance on abortion?
Really? Shall I link to the thread where you claimed that less people would die from Covid than die from the flu? How about where you claimed God was protecting India because of their stance on abortion?

I don't remember saying that, but it's probably true. In terms of actual deaths, which are likely a third of those claimed, this is just another flu season. No biggie. But it IS an election year. If this were next year, it wouldn't have made a blip on the radar.
I don't remember saying that, but it's probably true. In terms of actual deaths, which are likely a third of those claimed, this is just another flu season. No biggie. But it IS an election year. If this were next year, it wouldn't have made a blip on the radar.

Back up your claim of "likely" using evidence and without claiming God told you it was true.
Completely preventable? Exactly where did you learn that? If that is true then why are people dying. Nobody in the government has expressed that view that I've seen or heard of. What's worse, the supposed 125, ooo death of 80% older Americans or the million put out of work, loosing their livelihood and quite possibly their homes, their businesses and their economic wellbeing and future. Democrats don't care about that at all. Nope, lets just hand out trillions of dollars in unemployment to people who refuse in many cases to return to work because they are being paid to stay home.

The current pandemic was entirely preventable. It just wasn't an option for the United States due to reactionaries like yourself who just hate poor people.
At the inflated death claims by the CDC of 125,000, over 80% of those are over 65. Unless you have a grandma or granpa around or know someone in a nursing home, the chances are slim you would know anyone who died from it. But, for all those who attended the socialist public skool system here is the math for all 125,000 deaths:

3 people in ten thousand have die from it. Of those three, at least 2 are over 65
37 people in a hundred thousand have died from it. Of those, 30 of them were over 65 and just 7 under 65
378 people in a million have died from it. Of those 302 were over 65 and 76 were under 65
3,780 people in ten million died. Of those 3,024 were over 95 and just 756 were under 65
125,000 people out of 330 million have died. Of those 100,000 were over 65 and just 25,000 were under 65

Now you know that you can sleep well tonight. No more fretting and nail biting. Sleep tight.


You should be ashamed, but you aren't, and that is why you are the enemy of this Nation.
This is the concept:

"Whoa! You were in a group and so probably breathed in a few covid-19. QUICK put on that mask before you breath it out... that's right breath that virus back in again, over and over. Breathe in some more. Let's add a lot of bacteria to keep rebreathing - now let's keep cutting your oxygen supply as you keep breathing in more and more viruses and bacteria..."

"Better still, let's go do that at a WalMart store. We need to find the most crowded one. But you just keep re-breathing more and viruses and bacteria as you keep cutting your oxygen supply by making your mask wet with your increasingly diseased hot wet air you exhale and re-breathe in. Let's get that pathogen count per inhaling up to at least 10 billion. Sooner or later they'll stick in your lungs where they belong."

When I was really young and dumb, me and my schoolyard buddies would breathe into a paper bag really fast and we got loopy. We all laughed about how cool it was. Your post is an excellent example of the danger of wearing a mask. You breath is MEANT to be expelled away from you!! This is basic common sense so, as you say, you are not breathing in your own crap. Especially in 100 degree summer weather with humidity like crazy in some states. We are doing the exact WRONG thing. I don't give a rats arse what the alleged "experts" say. They are the same idiots who said Trump colluded with Russia.
Really? I don't?

I didn't have two of my friends (one in his late 30's and one in her early 40's) die from it? I didn't have another friend in his 30's almost die from it?

How privileged for you to live in Bum****, Nowhere and not have any friends who work in the medical industry or who have compromised immune systems. Congratulations on your privilege.

You must live in that super crappy city called New Yawk.

I'll put you down as a rare exception of knowing someone.
You must live in that super crappy city called New Yawk.

I'll put you down as a rare exception of knowing someone.

I live in San Antonio, Texas, one of the very first hotspots in the US.
A thread by Paradoxical, and anyone other than Trumpsters respond? Why?

Don't feed.
Can you think of an answer that doesn't include bongs? I see you are not disagreeing with my response to you. I thought you were the debate master?

Well, I'm sorry, but your post was so off the wall that I thought it was satire. Here it is:

Can you please tell us the story again uncle paradoxical about saving a fetus. Who cares if over 120,000 are dead that's oooey, we want the happy story about how the gop cares about unborn blobs.

I never saved a fetus. I am non religious. What does oooey mean? I value human life and think that cheapening ny killing a human I made is heartless. Why don't you?

I hope this answers your queries and satisfies you that I wasn't dodging important issues.
Well, I'm sorry, but your post was so off the wall that I thought it was satire. Here it is:

I never saved a fetus. I am non religious. What does oooey mean? I value human life and think that cheapening ny killing a human I made is heartless. Why don't you?

I hope this answers your queries and satisfies you that I wasn't dodging important issues.

Considering the death panels the right was in such an uproar about, you do remember grandma and grandpa getting killed, yes? Now you state it's only old turds dying, who cares. Which is it?
Fun to see you bray about inflated claims and then promptly fail to demonstrate any such inflation.

Do you do impressions?

When they included someone who died of alcohol poisoning a reasonable person should question if slip and falls are also include and 98 year olds who have had ten strokes. Were you aware that not all countries include pre-existing conditions as COVID deaths?
Hardly. Pointing out the constant massive lying of religious hypocrites is a really fun passtime.

What does God's voice sound like?

Barry White.
What is this, the third day in a row we've set a record for number of new cases? Have you heard of Houston, TX? They're currently at 102% capacity in ICU beds.

When are you going to stop with the QAnon crap and accept what's happening right in front of you?

More people tested, the more they throw into hospitals. No testing, people ride it out.
Because you were so apoplectic when 50,000 people died of the flu last year?

They still died and 150,000 more at least are joining them because of the "hoax that will fade away like a miracle". When 3 times the number that die by the flu are killed by a new virus it is a catastrophe. And one that could have been much less of one if we had a competent leader to guide us. No country has fared worse in this pandemic and we spend the most on healthcare and have the best scientists. That leaves the "stable genius" as the culprit and that will be his legacy and the legacy of his supporters too. You all should be ashamed and slink back into your caves but you have no shame.

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