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Why Trump Wins (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Political Leaning
A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

The folks know the elites, like university professors. They know how much these people hate and look down on them. They won't be listening to them, and if they do it will be only to dismiss them.

The folks learned something about political elites by watching the EPA. They watched as the EPA closed down industries and put people out of work without batting an eyelash, without doing anything for the displaced workers. That's what the elites think of ordinary folks, which is to say, nothing at all.

The culture the elites inhabit is like out of Sodom and Gomorrha to the ordinary folks. All this stuff about gay marriage, transsexual male rights to women's bathroom, etc. It all seems so completely degenerate and deviant. The elites of both parties inhabit this culture, which could be from some other planet. The folks worry about what this country is turning into.

And about the nation's security, what is there to say about a President who won't even name the enemy?

The folks are listening to Trump, and Trump and only Trump is saying the things they want to hear, about how Trump is going to bring back jobs, improve the economy, and make America strong and respected.

Most of these folks don't care if Trump is called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They know they'd be considered the same just for worrying about our culture, they know, in short, that these charges are not true because elites lie.

Most of these folks have been losing ground for the last 15 years. They saw the Tea Party emerge and then get ground into the cement by the attacks of elites, by the IRS and other government agencies. They learned it doesn't pay to be nice and polite.

Even if the Democrat suddenly saw the light and started talking about cracking down on illegal immigrants and bringing jobs back to this country the folks would ignore it. They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want. The folks have learned to ignore them. And Trump? Well, if you've ever seen one of his rallies you know that there's something he does that the media never reports, and Hillary and the Democrats never do themselves that I know of, which is to state how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it. They eat that stuff up. Like I said, they are not getting it from anyone else.
A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

The folks know the elites, like university professors. They know how much these people hate and look down on them. They won't be listening to them, and if they do it will be only to dismiss them.

The folks learned something about political elites by watching the EPA. They watched as the EPA closed down industries and put people out of work without batting an eyelash, without doing anything for the displaced workers. That's what the elites think of ordinary folks, which is to say, nothing at all.

The culture the elites inhabit is like out of Sodom and Gomorrha to the ordinary folks. All this stuff about gay marriage, transsexual male rights to women's bathroom, etc. It all seems so completely degenerate and deviant. The elites of both parties inhabit this culture, which could be from some other planet. The folks worry about what this country is turning into.

And about the nation's security, what is there to say about a President who won't even name the enemy?

The folks are listening to Trump, and Trump and only Trump is saying the things they want to hear, about how Trump is going to bring back jobs, improve the economy, and make America strong and respected.

Most of these folks don't care if Trump is called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They know they'd be considered the same just for worrying about our culture, they know, in short, that these charges are not true because elites lie.

Most of these folks have been losing ground for the last 15 years. They saw the Tea Party emerge and then get ground into the cement by the attacks of elites, by the IRS and other government agencies. They learned it doesn't pay to be nice and polite.

Even if the Democrat suddenly saw the light and started talking about cracking down on illegal immigrants and bringing jobs back to this country the folks would ignore it. They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want. The folks have learned to ignore them. And Trump? Well, if you've ever seen one of his rallies you know that there's something he does that the media never reports, and Hillary and the Democrats never do themselves that I know of, which is to state how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it. They eat that stuff up. Like I said, they are not getting it from anyone else.

i dont know if he wins....in fact, the odds are against him

but i know the democrats are scared ****less if he does

and Hillary isnt exactly the best candidate to run against him

it is as most have stated....pick the lesser of two evils

one we know, one we really dont

question is, are there enough gamblers to Donald into the white house?
If Trump wins it will be awesome, the gnashing and grinding of liberal teeth. :party
i dont know if he wins....in fact, the odds are against him

but i know the democrats are scared ****less if he does

and Hillary isnt exactly the best candidate to run against him

it is as most have stated....pick the lesser of two evils

one we know, one we really dont

question is, are there enough gamblers to Donald into the white house?

Did you know that Hillary has proposed as part of her campaign a constitutional amendment restricting free speech? That alone completely disqualifies her in my book. Taking power, rights and money from ordinary citizens "for the common good" is what she has been imbued with politically all of her adult life.
Did you know that Hillary has proposed as part of her campaign a constitutional amendment restricting free speech? That alone completely disqualifies her in my book. Taking power, rights and money from ordinary citizens "for the common good" is what she has been imbued with politically all of her adult life.

Do you have a link? What is she proposing exactly?
A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

The folks know the elites, like university professors. They know how much these people hate and look down on them. They won't be listening to them, and if they do it will be only to dismiss them.

The folks learned something about political elites by watching the EPA. They watched as the EPA closed down industries and put people out of work without batting an eyelash, without doing anything for the displaced workers. That's what the elites think of ordinary folks, which is to say, nothing at all.

The culture the elites inhabit is like out of Sodom and Gomorrha to the ordinary folks. All this stuff about gay marriage, transsexual male rights to women's bathroom, etc. It all seems so completely degenerate and deviant. The elites of both parties inhabit this culture, which could be from some other planet. The folks worry about what this country is turning into.

And about the nation's security, what is there to say about a President who won't even name the enemy?

The folks are listening to Trump, and Trump and only Trump is saying the things they want to hear, about how Trump is going to bring back jobs, improve the economy, and make America strong and respected.

Most of these folks don't care if Trump is called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They know they'd be considered the same just for worrying about our culture, they know, in short, that these charges are not true because elites lie.

Most of these folks have been losing ground for the last 15 years. They saw the Tea Party emerge and then get ground into the cement by the attacks of elites, by the IRS and other government agencies. They learned it doesn't pay to be nice and polite.

Even if the Democrat suddenly saw the light and started talking about cracking down on illegal immigrants and bringing jobs back to this country the folks would ignore it. They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want. The folks have learned to ignore them. And Trump? Well, if you've ever seen one of his rallies you know that there's something he does that the media never reports, and Hillary and the Democrats never do themselves that I know of, which is to state how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it. They eat that stuff up. Like I said, they are not getting it from anyone else.

Trump favors Hilary...

A vote against DJT is a vote for The Queen of Corruption.
A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

The folks know the elites, like university professors. They know how much these people hate and look down on them. They won't be listening to them, and if they do it will be only to dismiss them.

The folks learned something about political elites by watching the EPA. They watched as the EPA closed down industries and put people out of work without batting an eyelash, without doing anything for the displaced workers. That's what the elites think of ordinary folks, which is to say, nothing at all.

The culture the elites inhabit is like out of Sodom and Gomorrha to the ordinary folks. All this stuff about gay marriage, transsexual male rights to women's bathroom, etc. It all seems so completely degenerate and deviant. The elites of both parties inhabit this culture, which could be from some other planet. The folks worry about what this country is turning into.

And about the nation's security, what is there to say about a President who won't even name the enemy?

The folks are listening to Trump, and Trump and only Trump is saying the things they want to hear, about how Trump is going to bring back jobs, improve the economy, and make America strong and respected.

Most of these folks don't care if Trump is called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They know they'd be considered the same just for worrying about our culture, they know, in short, that these charges are not true because elites lie.

Most of these folks have been losing ground for the last 15 years. They saw the Tea Party emerge and then get ground into the cement by the attacks of elites, by the IRS and other government agencies. They learned it doesn't pay to be nice and polite.

Even if the Democrat suddenly saw the light and started talking about cracking down on illegal immigrants and bringing jobs back to this country the folks would ignore it. They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want. The folks have learned to ignore them. And Trump? Well, if you've ever seen one of his rallies you know that there's something he does that the media never reports, and Hillary and the Democrats never do themselves that I know of, which is to state how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it. They eat that stuff up. Like I said, they are not getting it from anyone else.

Trumps a con man who sounded far more like Hillary a few years back, but changed his tune to sell a product to a receptive and stupid audience.
Trumps a con man who sounded far more like Hillary a few years back, but changed his tune to sell a product to a receptive and stupid audience.

What Renae said. I found this part particularly entertaining:

LowDown said:
They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want.... how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it...

I couldn't help it :D I LOL'd. :lol:
Trumps a con man who sounded far more like Hillary a few years back, but changed his tune to sell a product to a receptive and stupid audience.

May be true, may not be. What is unassailable is that the more the anti-Trumpeteers bray that line, the more solid his support becomes. It's confirmation that you all think we all are stupid. We happen to know first hand we aren't. Now, put yourself in another's shoes for a moment if you can stoop so low. Once someone calls you stupid, are you going to listen to another word out of their mouths?
May be true, may not be. What is unassailable is that the more the anti-Trumpeteers bray that line, the more solid his support becomes. It's confirmation that you all think we all are stupid. We happen to know first hand we aren't. Now, put yourself in another's shoes for a moment if you can stoop so low. Once someone calls you stupid, are you going to listen to another word out of their mouths?

Whow! You're making far too much sense for these guys to acknowledge.

All they can do is double down on the contempt. It's all they have.
May be true, may not be. What is unassailable is that the more the anti-Trumpeteers bray that line, the more solid his support becomes. It's confirmation that you all think we all are stupid. We happen to know first hand we aren't. Now, put yourself in another's shoes for a moment if you can stoop so low. Once someone calls you stupid, are you going to listen to another word out of their mouths?

I don't get his appeal. He's a braggart with a track record of business failures, politically liberal/progressive ideas, loves the use of Government to enrich himself and oh yea, all this crap from that hypocrite about "American Jobs for Americans!"? Who'd he hire in his businesses? Illegals, H1B Visa workers, temporary visa workers... he shafted American workers when it was his dime on the line, why should we believe he gives two ****s now?

Because he says so?
Whow! You're making far too much sense for these guys to acknowledge.

All they can do is double down on the contempt. It's all they have.

All you can do is run away from the Truth about DJT: He's a life long progressive Democrat whose greatest business talent is selling things. Right now he's selling himself.
Nice summary of Trump's upbringing on PBS:

A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

The folks know the elites, like university professors. They know how much these people hate and look down on them. They won't be listening to them, and if they do it will be only to dismiss them.

The folks learned something about political elites by watching the EPA. They watched as the EPA closed down industries and put people out of work without batting an eyelash, without doing anything for the displaced workers. That's what the elites think of ordinary folks, which is to say, nothing at all.

The culture the elites inhabit is like out of Sodom and Gomorrha to the ordinary folks. All this stuff about gay marriage, transsexual male rights to women's bathroom, etc. It all seems so completely degenerate and deviant. The elites of both parties inhabit this culture, which could be from some other planet. The folks worry about what this country is turning into.

And about the nation's security, what is there to say about a President who won't even name the enemy?

The folks are listening to Trump, and Trump and only Trump is saying the things they want to hear, about how Trump is going to bring back jobs, improve the economy, and make America strong and respected.

Most of these folks don't care if Trump is called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They know they'd be considered the same just for worrying about our culture, they know, in short, that these charges are not true because elites lie.

Most of these folks have been losing ground for the last 15 years. They saw the Tea Party emerge and then get ground into the cement by the attacks of elites, by the IRS and other government agencies. They learned it doesn't pay to be nice and polite.

Even if the Democrat suddenly saw the light and started talking about cracking down on illegal immigrants and bringing jobs back to this country the folks would ignore it. They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want. The folks have learned to ignore them. And Trump? Well, if you've ever seen one of his rallies you know that there's something he does that the media never reports, and Hillary and the Democrats never do themselves that I know of, which is to state how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it. They eat that stuff up. Like I said, they are not getting it from anyone else.

The thinking voter...the one who recognizes and dislikes the rhetoric of the political elites...and their mouthpieces...isn't the target of those historians. Their "manifesto" is intended to be used by the left-wing media...at least, sound bites from it...to blast toward the low-info voters over and over. Eventually, those sound bites will stick in those minds and will influence votes. It doesn't matter that it's all concocted, spun, hyperbolized, etc...it will eventually be believed as true.

This has been a tried and true tactic of the dishonest left and the right-leaning political elites are using it as well.

The only really good thing Trump has going for himself is that he knows how to keep in the public's eye. He can force the media to pay attention to him. This enables him to keep hammering the left with his own sound bites. Whether it'll be enough to counter the combined efforts of the left, the left political elites and the right political elites is unknown.

Considering the alternative...President Hillary...I certainly hope Trump's tactics are enough.
A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

The folks know the elites, like university professors. They know how much these people hate and look down on them. They won't be listening to them, and if they do it will be only to dismiss them.

The folks learned something about political elites by watching the EPA. They watched as the EPA closed down industries and put people out of work without batting an eyelash, without doing anything for the displaced workers. That's what the elites think of ordinary folks, which is to say, nothing at all.

The culture the elites inhabit is like out of Sodom and Gomorrha to the ordinary folks. All this stuff about gay marriage, transsexual male rights to women's bathroom, etc. It all seems so completely degenerate and deviant. The elites of both parties inhabit this culture, which could be from some other planet. The folks worry about what this country is turning into.

And about the nation's security, what is there to say about a President who won't even name the enemy?

The folks are listening to Trump, and Trump and only Trump is saying the things they want to hear, about how Trump is going to bring back jobs, improve the economy, and make America strong and respected.

Most of these folks don't care if Trump is called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They know they'd be considered the same just for worrying about our culture, they know, in short, that these charges are not true because elites lie.

Most of these folks have been losing ground for the last 15 years. They saw the Tea Party emerge and then get ground into the cement by the attacks of elites, by the IRS and other government agencies. They learned it doesn't pay to be nice and polite.

Even if the Democrat suddenly saw the light and started talking about cracking down on illegal immigrants and bringing jobs back to this country the folks would ignore it. They know how the elites lie and betray anyone who believes in them. They know how the elites will say anything and do anything to get what they want. The folks have learned to ignore them. And Trump? Well, if you've ever seen one of his rallies you know that there's something he does that the media never reports, and Hillary and the Democrats never do themselves that I know of, which is to state how humbled he is and thankful to the people who turned out to see him, how much he loves them and is concerned for them and wants to help them. He comes across as a regular guy who wants to help, and he seems sincere about it. They eat that stuff up. Like I said, they are not getting it from anyone else.

Saying what they want to hear is called demagoguery. Donald Trump told suckers what they wanted to hear to get them into his casinos to be fleeced. He told suckers what they wanted to hear to get them to invest in his planned bankruptcies where they got fleeced. He told suckers what they wanted to hear to get them enrolled in Trump University.

And now, you proudly say, he's telling the suckers what they want to hear. If I didn't care so much about America I would laugh as the suckers wonder when he deport the illegal aliens and when the wall will be built and when he does something besides fleece the suckers.
A group of historians put out a manifesto about how bad Trump is and what a disaster he'd be for the country.

I could only laugh to think these guys believe they have any influence over the folks who Trump appeals to.

And by the second sentence you get to your usual logical error. This time it is assuming they are trying to influence those Trump appeals to. In fact, they are trying to influence those who have not made up their mind about Trump.
May be true, may not be. What is unassailable is that the more the anti-Trumpeteers bray that line, the more solid his support becomes. It's confirmation that you all think we all are stupid. We happen to know first hand we aren't. Now, put yourself in another's shoes for a moment if you can stoop so low. Once someone calls you stupid, are you going to listen to another word out of their mouths?

Oh I see. You're confused into thinking that when people trash Trump, point out the ridiculousness of him, point out the insincerity of him, point out the mounds of conflicting data on him, they're aiming at people like you, ie other zealous sycophants of the man who embody his own sarcastic quip that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and they'd still love him?

No. No no no. You don't convince true believers. You don't coerce those who have no desire to think or look at anything objectively or reasonably. Those are lost causes. All the "nevertrump" talk, and the arguments against him, aren't aimed at the likes of you but rather at other targets depending on the speaker. They're aimed at those who haven't made a decision. At actual independents/undecided. At blue color liberals thinking of crossing over. Towards Ted Cruz style conservatives that are unsure how to feel about Trump. Towards "mainstream" moderate Republicans who aren't full plugged in. On those that are astute with politics but finding it difficult to decide if they want to go for either big candidate or a 3rd party.

What's probably confusing is that often the arguments are made by responding to people like you, so it seems like the argument is with you to convince you. It's generally not, it's an argument with Trump supporters to highlight where their wrong and to counter their arguments so that onlookers will hopefully be swayed one way instead of the other.

If anyone truly thinks they're going to change the mind of a true believer in any candidate then they're simply kidding themselves into doing an impossible task.
And by the second sentence you get to your usual logical error. This time it is assuming they are trying to influence those Trump appeals to. In fact, they are trying to influence those who have not made up their mind about Trump.

LOL. What a reach. You really struggle to find things to criticize about my posts.

You think perhaps that those who have not made up their minds might be those who Trump appeals to?

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