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Why 'Progressive' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 25, 2011
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Lost at sea~
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I'd like to know why you became a Progressive and a little bit about how you got there.

So; I devised a short questionnaire for Progressive Members to share their journey to Progressivism:

(1)What was the primary venue of your progressive indoctrination? (college? your community? internet? etc)

(2)Who was your primary mentor that brought you to progressivism? (college professor? author? friend? etc)

(3)Who do you consider to be the current most influential progressive?

(4)What nation do you consider to be the most successful example of the Progressive ideology?

(5)What aspect of Progressivism do you believe bothers its detractors the most?

(6)What historical figure do you consider most responsible for modern Progressivism?

(7)And finally; does anyone come to mind who you believe would be a good spokesperson for Progressivism and possibly even a POTUS candidate in 2020?

I thank you for your participation; Empi~
I'd like to know why you became a Regressive and a little bit about how you got there.

So; I devised a short questionnaire for Regressive Members to share their journey to Regressivism:

(1)What was the primary venue of your regressive indoctrination? (college? your community? internet? etc)

(2)Who was your primary mentor that brought you to regressivism? (college professor? author? friend? etc)

(3)Who do you consider to be the current most influential Regressive?

(4)What nation do you consider to be the most successful example of the Regressive ideology?

(5)What aspect of Regressivism do you believe bothers its detractors the most?

(6)What historical figure do you consider most responsible for modern Regressivism?

(7)And finally; does anyone come to mind who you believe would be a good spokesperson for Regressivism and possibly even a POTUS candidate in 2020?

I thank you for your participation; Dave

Regressives would be political opposites/opponents of Progressives. And who would that be?
Once you answer the question, no more debate necessary, eh?
Why am I progressive? Probably growing up on Long Island around all different types of cultures, races, religions and not living in a bubble surrounded by all like minded people blowing smoke up each other's asses and reinforcing biases and a worldview that flies in the face of facts.

Also, I'm well educated.

And most importantly, I have empathy and I'm not a selfish asshole that just wants for myself and nobody else. I can put myself in other people's shoes and get a feel for what they are facing, their hardships, etc. I don't think the entire world revolves around me like it seems many conservatives do. And another things, facts are on my side. The world evolves, progresses. Any successful business succeeds by evolving to the changing times. Those that remain the same end up being overtaken by the new company that innovated. Facts also support my position on most topics

And I don't watch news on TV and political mouth pieces or opinions shows
I'd like to know why you became a Progressive and a little bit about how you got there.

So; I devised a short questionnaire for Progressive Members to share their journey to Progressivism:

(1)What was the primary venue of your progressive indoctrination? (college? your community? internet? etc)

(2)Who was your primary mentor that brought you to progressivism? (college professor? author? friend? etc)

(3)Who do you consider to be the current most influential progressive?

(4)What nation do you consider to be the most successful example of the Progressive ideology?

(5)What aspect of Progressivism do you believe bothers its detractors the most?

(6)What historical figure do you consider most responsible for modern Progressivism?

(7)And finally; does anyone come to mind who you believe would be a good spokesperson for Progressivism and possibly even a POTUS candidate in 2020?

I thank you for your participation; Empi~

I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but I've got a little time.

1) First, indoctrination? lol... No bias in this question set. I wasn't indoctrinated by anyone. I learned to be a progressive by watching my conservative Grandfather. When something was broke around his home or property, he fixed it. If the way he fixed it the last time didn't work, he'd try something new. He was a progressive conservative.

2) I had no mentor. I used my common sense. Progressivism is a simple concept, and requires no mentor. If it's broken, fix it, and always look for a better way. That's progressivism, in a nutshell.

3) Barack Obama. Even though he is no longer president, he commands more respect that the sitting president, and unlike the sitting president, rooms full of people don't laugh at him when he speaks.

4) America. When America was progressive, they became the biggest powerhouse the world has ever seen. When they stopped, well...they got Trump.

5) The tendency of unprogressive people to call themselves progressive, because they don't understand what it means.

6) No idea, as there is no single progressive movement. Progressivism is a methodology more than an ideology. You have left and right leaning progressives. Therefore it is difficult to point to the person "most responsible".

7) I'll leave this one to my American friends, who would be far more knowledgeable about all of that.

How'd I do? Do I get a prize? :)
I'd like to know why you became a Regressive and a little bit about how you got there.

So; I devised a short questionnaire for Regressive Members to share their journey to Regressivism:

(1)What was the primary venue of your regressive indoctrination? (college? your community? internet? etc)

(2)Who was your primary mentor that brought you to regressivism? (college professor? author? friend? etc)

(3)Who do you consider to be the current most influential Regressive?

(4)What nation do you consider to be the most successful example of the Regressive ideology?

(5)What aspect of Regressivism do you believe bothers its detractors the most?

(6)What historical figure do you consider most responsible for modern Regressivism?

(7)And finally; does anyone come to mind who you believe would be a good spokesperson for Regressivism and possibly even a POTUS candidate in 2020?

I thank you for your participation; Dave

Regressives would be political opposites/opponents of Progressives. And who would that be?
Once you answer the question, no more debate necessary, eh?
Start your own thread.

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I became a Democrat because of Reagan’s tax increases on the middle class. It wasn’t the increase. It was the incessant lying that he cut them. Iran contra also disgusted me. Unlike every conservative I couldn’t overlook the hypocrisy of dealing with the Iranians.

Finding out later that Nicaragua actually had a free election meaning we were funding terrorists also made me sick. I don’t even have to discuss his treasonous deal with Iranians in 1980 or covering for saddam’s genocide.
I became a Democrat because of Reagan’s tax increases on the middle class. It wasn’t the increase. It was the incessant lying that he cut them. Iran contra also disgusted me. Unlike every conservative I couldn’t overlook the hypocrisy of dealing with the Iranians.

Finding out later that Nicaragua actually had a free election meaning we were funding terrorists also made me sick. I don’t even have to discuss his treasonous deal with Iranians in 1980 or covering for saddam’s genocide.

In other words you have a brain that reasons and functions independently. That is the most important trait that distinguishes progressives.
I'd like to know why you became a Progressive and a little bit about how you got there.

So; I devised a short questionnaire for Progressive Members to share their journey to Progressivism:

(1)What was the primary venue of your progressive indoctrination? (college? your community? internet? etc)

(2)Who was your primary mentor that brought you to progressivism? (college professor? author? friend? etc)

(3)Who do you consider to be the current most influential progressive?

(4)What nation do you consider to be the most successful example of the Progressive ideology?

(5)What aspect of Progressivism do you believe bothers its detractors the most?

(6)What historical figure do you consider most responsible for modern Progressivism?

(7)And finally; does anyone come to mind who you believe would be a good spokesperson for Progressivism and possibly even a POTUS candidate in 2020?

I thank you for your participation; Empi~

Why are you asking questions that you clearly have no honest interest in people answering?
Why am I progressive? Probably growing up on Long Island around all different types of cultures, races, religions and not living in a bubble surrounded by all like minded people blowing smoke up each other's asses and reinforcing biases and a worldview that flies in the face of facts.

Also, I'm well educated.

And most importantly, I have empathy and I'm not a selfish asshole that just wants for myself and nobody else. I can put myself in other people's shoes and get a feel for what they are facing, their hardships, etc. I don't think the entire world revolves around me like it seems many conservatives do. And another things, facts are on my side. The world evolves, progresses. Any successful business succeeds by evolving to the changing times. Those that remain the same end up being overtaken by the new company that innovated. Facts also support my position on most topics

And I don't watch news on TV and political mouth pieces or opinions shows
First; I'd like to thank you for your participation and for your compassion for humanity, which I happen to share(contrary to popular belief).

As a Manhattanite, I also share your exposure to the diversity in what many believe to be the worlds greatest microcosm of the human race.

But I disagree to your divide between caring-concerned-compassionate people and greedy-selfish-uncaring people being of a ideo-political nature.

Too often Progressives over-rely on emotions to solve a problem, which leads them to confuse an opposing solution with a lack of compassion.

And your reference to progressive business practices as if it was somehow akin to the progressive ideology leads me to suspect you have had very little exposure to actual conservatives/capitalists.

Its a tie between the constitution and progressivisms superiority
The US system that brought about the freeist, safest, wealthiest, most powerful nation on Earth and gave to the world the "American Dream" would never have been possible with standard far-left policies.

Instead; the United States would have been something more comparable to the USSR or Red China or possibly even worse.

I became a Democrat because of Reagan’s tax increases on the middle class. It wasn’t the increase. It was the incessant lying that he cut them. Iran contra also disgusted me. Unlike every conservative I couldn’t overlook the hypocrisy of dealing with the Iranians.

Finding out later that Nicaragua actually had a free election meaning we were funding terrorists also made me sick. I don’t even have to discuss his treasonous deal with Iranians in 1980 or covering for saddam’s genocide.
The Reagan-Presidency was just a tad pre-me but from what I've seen he was very successful. (won the Cold War without nuking the world)

And from old videos, speeches, and his personal history; he struck me as a very good man and a sincerely caring human being. (unlike all those phony career politicians)

And although I don't usually support the US sticking its nose in the business of others; I do realize that Americans are often left out of the information loop regarding foreign policy.

That's why it's important to have a moral, honest, compassionate leader at the helm who will always put the US and its Citizens first, which I suspect Reagan was; although I do believe his amnesty blunder was a mistake, as he himself found out later.

In other words you have a brain that reasons and functions independently. That is the most important trait that distinguishes progressives.
No group has a monopoly in the smarts department but there is no doubt an abundance of well educated and even intelligent progressives out there in the world.

But from everything I've seen "having a brain that reasons and functions independently" is far from being a "progressive trait"; the key word being 'independently'...If I may clarify.

Most appear to be faithful followers who rarely question their ideopolitical/MSM leaders that regularly adjust their views according to who, what, when, or where it applies.

Why are you asking questions that you clearly have no honest interest in people answering?
You couldn't be more wrong!
Oh, I see this is entirely in good faith.
"Indoctrination" isn't always a negative term and is in fact entirely appropriate in the context it was used here...Allow me to explain.

People are born, raised, educated and habilitated to the cultural, intellectual, moral, political and ideo standards created and/or adopted at some point in the history of their community and long passed down for generations.(wash-rinse-repeat)

And when an alien system, totally contrary to the one in place, is introduced and actively recruiting followers for the purpose of fundamentally altering/subverting the community's accepted standards; the process is called "indoctrination". *

I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but I've got a little time.

1) First, indoctrination? lol... No bias in this question set. I wasn't indoctrinated by anyone. I learned to be a progressive by watching my conservative Grandfather. When something was broke around his home or property, he fixed it. If the way he fixed it the last time didn't work, he'd try something new. He was a progressive conservative.
And I promise, there were no negative conotations intended in my use of the term "indoctrination".

*Indoctrination explained above in my response to Kobie...

2) I had no mentor. I used my common sense. Progressivism is a simple concept, and requires no mentor. If it's broken, fix it, and always look for a better way. That's progressivism, in a nutshell.
ie; After hearing about 'progressivism', you sold yourself on it...I see.

So; exactly who was it that explained it to you and where were you at the time?

For me personally; it was from college professors and a campus full of enthusiastic students.

3) Barack Obama. Even though he is no longer president, he commands more respect that the sitting president, and unlike the sitting president, rooms full of people don't laugh at him when he speaks.
You do realize this is nothing more than an opinion and carries absolutely no weight in validating Obama; right?

4) America. When America was progressive, they became the biggest powerhouse the world has ever seen. When they stopped, well...they got Trump.
When exactly was America progressive?

5) The tendency of unprogressive people to call themselves progressive, because they don't understand what it means.
Obviously; there's more of this going around than even you're aware of.

6) No idea, as there is no single progressive movement. Progressivism is a methodology more than an ideology. You have left and right leaning progressives. Therefore it is difficult to point to the person "most responsible".
Actually; "right leaning progressives" is an oxymoron in the same sense as a "blind lookout".

Those "right leaning progressives" you allude to are what conservatives call a "Rino".

7) I'll leave this one to my American friends, who would be far more knowledgeable about all of that.

How'd I do? Do I get a prize? :)
You definitely deserve something...
The Reagan-Presidency was just a tad pre-me but from what I've seen he was very successful. (won the Cold War without nuking the world)

And from old videos, speeches, and his personal history; he struck me as a very good man and a sincerely caring human being. (unlike all those phony career politicians)

And although I don't usually support the US sticking its nose in the business of others; I do realize that Americans are often left out of the information loop regarding foreign policy.

That's why it's important to have a moral, honest, compassionate leader at the helm who will always put the US and its Citizens first, which I suspect Reagan was; although I do believe his amnesty blunder was a mistake, as he himself found out later.

empirica, thank you for not addressing anything I posted to continue your obedient narratives. Whenever I see a double spaced reply I don't expect much. Its like a tell in poker. And your deflections lived down to my expectations. And E, I didn't even mention his disgusting attempts to blame Iran for Saddam murdering a 100,000 Kurds.

"the Reagan administration first blamed Iran, before acknowledging, under pressure from congressional Democrats, that the culprits were Saddam's own forces. "


Yea, that's not moral even by delusional and/or dishonest conservative (or conservative like) standards.
In other words you have a brain that reasons and functions independently. That is the most important trait that distinguishes progressives.

This trait distinguishes conservatives too. Your problem here is assuming that Trump and his cohorts are conservatives. They are not. They are authoritarians. There is a huge difference.
I'd like to know why you became a Progressive and a little bit about how you got there.

So; I devised a short questionnaire for Progressive Members to share their journey to Progressivism:

(1)What was the primary venue of your progressive indoctrination? (college? your community? internet? etc)

(2)Who was your primary mentor that brought you to progressivism? (college professor? author? friend? etc)

(3)Who do you consider to be the current most influential progressive?

(4)What nation do you consider to be the most successful example of the Progressive ideology?

(5)What aspect of Progressivism do you believe bothers its detractors the most?

(6)What historical figure do you consider most responsible for modern Progressivism?

(7)And finally; does anyone come to mind who you believe would be a good spokesperson for Progressivism and possibly even a POTUS candidate in 2020?

I thank you for your participation; Empi~

Question one discredits your whole thesis.
"Indoctrination" isn't always a negative term and is in fact entirely appropriate in the context it was used here...Allow me to explain.

Why are you asking questions that you clearly have no honest interest in people answering?
This trait distinguishes conservatives too. Your problem here is assuming that Trump and his cohorts are conservatives. They are not. They are authoritarians. There is a huge difference.

both parties have lots of authoritarians. Hillary is an authoritarian. Schumer is an authoritarian. Bernie is less so
This trait distinguishes conservatives too. Your problem here is assuming that Trump and his cohorts are conservatives. They are not. They are authoritarians. There is a huge difference.
Seriously, Dan? "Authoritarians"?

Absolutely no pro-authoritarian candidate would ever choose a political platform that was anywhere right of 'center left' to launch an authoritarian coup...In fact; the further left, the more likely their success!

Wanna know why Dan? Because Pro-small government/free market capitalists with an innate fear of government, would be all but impossible to convert to the type of supporters required to empower an authoritarian candidate.

Authoritarian hopefuls will always choose a support base that has already been pre-programmed to Big Government/Nanny Progressivism, which historically have been the young, the minorities, people at or below poverty level, and of course the elites.

Use your head, Dan.....THINK!.....This ain't rocket surgery dude.

Btw; exactly what ever gave you the idea that Trump was an "authoritarian"; of all things???

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