Engimo said:
The matrix is nonsense. It's 4x4, when it should really be infinityxinfinity. There are an infinite number of potential Gods that could exist, all equally as likely to exist as the Christian God. Your odds of getting the right one by picking the Christian God are exactly the same as your odds of getting the right one by being an atheist. After all, provided that all Gods are created equal, there are an infinite number of potential Gods that would reward atheism and punish Christianity.
1:infinity vs 1:infinity is not a very compelling argument.
But Pascal wasn't talking about all of the other possible Gods now was he?
This is an "all things being equal " approach. You, like many who have attempted to invalidate the Pascal matrix must introduce extraneous variables in order to do so.
Let me see if I can put this simply, so that even a Physics Major from New York could comprehend it:
There are two possible variables: A = The Christian God does Exist
B = The Christian God does not Exist
with me so far? okay, phase two.........
There are
TWO possible choices producing
FOUR possible outcomes:
Choice#1 = Believe in the Christian God
Choice#2 = Don't believe in the Christian God (by the way, if you believe in any of the other infinite # of GOds you mention, you fall into the Choice#2 category - wasn't that simple:lol: )
FOUR possible outcomes may simply be rated
GOOD (nothing bad happens to you after death) or
BAD (meaning you burn eternally in Hell upon dying)
Here are the
FOUR outcomes:
Outcome 1 = You believe in God and God actually exists. (Outcome =
Outcome 2 = You believe in God and God doesn't exist. (Outcome =
Outcome 3 = You don't believe in God and God doesn't exist.
(Outcome =
Outcome 4 = You don't believe in God and turns out, he does exist.
(Outcome =
Simply put, the only way to produce a
BAD outcome is to "NOT BELIEVE IN GOD!"
It's funny when a poor, dumb redneck from Mississippi must simplify an already simple mathematical probability concept for a Physics Major from the Culturally Superior state of New York.
We're all a part of Life's Divine Comedy............and the irony is boundless!:lol: