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Why Do Uneducated Poor White Americans Consistently Vote Republican? (1 Viewer)

When was the last time Democrats abandoned a candidate due to conservative outcry regarding unsubstantiated allegations?

SMH? Comical.

Do you remember Bill Clinton?
Democrats are flooding the borders with high rates of legal and illegal immigration which displaces low income US workers but you're here to insist the Democrats care about working Americans.

More research on your part and less party line outrage would be beneficial.

It's not my party. Anyway have fun supporting Roy Moore your party should be ashamed of itself.
I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Alabama Senate race churns into final hours, still too close to call Alabama Senate race churns into final hours, still too close to call
It's not my party. Anyway have fun supporting Roy Moore your party should be ashamed of itself.
I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Alabama Senate race churns into final hours, still too close to call Alabama Senate race churns into final hours, still too close to call

Those who actually should be ashamed are the ones who expect a person to step down due to unsubstantiated accusations. Why would ANYONE follow the demands of political opponents who belch demands of resignation due to unsubstantiated allegations unless the person had a brain injury and couldn't think straight?

Worse than this, liberals galore are using this claptrap as an excuse to smear Alabama voters.

Have they no shame?
Those who actually should be ashamed are the ones who expect a person to step down due to unsubstantiated accusations. Why would ANYONE follow the demands of political opponents who belch demands of resignation due to unsubstantiated allegations unless the person had a brain injury and couldn't think straight?

Worse than this, liberals galore are using this claptrap as an excuse to smear Alabama voters.

Have they no shame?

OMG bamma please just leave the union who needs you. I mean really here is a history to be proud of.
History of Alabama
Alabama became a state of the United States of America on December 14, 1819. After, the Indian Wars and removals of the early 19th century forced most Native Americans out of the state, white settlers arrived in large numbers, bringing or importing African-American slaves in the domestic trade. SMH take your other southern states and leave the union! Your GOP ran state just can't help itself it's in your nature to vote for racist jerks and assholes it's just what u all do...
OMG bamma please just leave the union who needs you. I mean really here is a history to be proud of.
History of Alabama
Alabama became a state of the United States of America on December 14, 1819. After, the Indian Wars and removals of the early 19th century forced most Native Americans out of the state, white settlers arrived in large numbers, bringing or importing African-American slaves in the domestic trade. SMH take your other southern states and leave the union! Your GOP ran state just can't help itself it's in your nature to vote for racist jerks and assholes it's just what u all do...

Typically, liberals only dredge up historical atrocities to bash white people.

And that speaks volumes about how honest such dredging is.
Typically, liberals only dredge up historical atrocities to bash white people.

And that speaks volumes about how honest such dredging is.
Typical GOP always trying to deny history and if history bashes white folks for what they have done then this seems to be a very light weight judgement.

Yeah tell that to your GOP party Moore still got 48% of the vote all three major networks are calling the race as of right now and this jerk is asking for a recount. I'm independent and Alabama's state history is hurtful history but what is much more worst is that some of the modern day folks still think this way then hide behind their false religion.
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It's just who you are SMH.

And then there is the others...
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Typical GOP always trying to deny history and if history bashes white folks for what they have done then this seems to be a very light weight judgement.

Yeah tell that to your GOP party Moore still got 48% of the vote all three major networks are calling the race as of right now and this jerk is asking for a recount. I'm independent and Alabama's state history is hurtful history but what is much more worst is that some of the modern day folks still think this way then hide behind their false religion.

Not going along with a racial conspiracy scapegoating campaign isn't denying history. What you're doing is following a movement that cherry picks history, bashes one group, and then uses them as a universal scapegoat, applying inherited group guilt smear tactics and attacking them en masse for the color of their skin.

Racism is another word for it.

Nothing wrong with a guy winning 48% of the vote when unsubstantiated accusations were thrown against him. If he were a black Democrat getting lambasted like this, you'd be howling from the tree tops in his defense and angrily bashing the bigots smearing him as guilty before proven innocent.

False religion? Your opinion.
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Typical GOP always trying to deny history and if history bashes white folks for what they have done then this seems to be a very light weight judgement.

Yeah tell that to your GOP party Moore still got 48% of the vote all three major networks are calling the race as of right now and this jerk is asking for a recount. I'm independent and Alabama's state history is hurtful history but what is much more worst is that some of the modern day folks still think this way then hide behind their false religion.

Educate yourself: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?...217E46A22C064C050955217E46A22C064C0&FORM=VIRE
Not going along with a racial conspiracy scapegoating campaign isn't denying history. What you're doing is following a movement that cherry picks history, bashes one group, and then uses them as a universal scapegoat, applying inherited group guilt smear tactics and attacking them en masse for the color of their skin.

Racism is another word for it.

Nothing wrong with a guy winning 48% of the vote when unsubstantiated accusations were thrown against him. If he were a black Democrat getting lambasted like this, you'd be howling from the tree tops in his defense and angrily bashing the bigots smearing him as guilty before proven innocent.

False religion? Your opinion.

I applaud your reply I expected nothing but the things you wrote. In closing Dems turn out is the only reason he lost the GOP still voted for this jerk just because they are the GOP. nothing changes for GOP voters so call conservative Christians seems to love voting for assholes. I expect nothing to change.
I applaud your reply I expected nothing but the things you wrote. In closing Dems turn out is the only reason he lost the GOP still voted for this jerk just because they are the GOP. nothing changes for GOP voters so call conservative Christians seems to love voting for assholes. I expect nothing to change.

Of course, it's all part of your evil global white male supremacist conspiracy theory.
Of course, it's all part of your evil global white male supremacist conspiracy theory.

Well if it looks like a liar acts like a liar talks like a liar then it must be a GOP member SMH this guy has run an easy Con on you poor folks.

Keep digging that hole to nowhere don't worried trump will be there to bury you in the end.
Your liar and chief has spoken through his white house chief of staff gen. Kelly and guest what GOP voters get out your purses and wallets we yes even me the people are going pay for this so call wall. He lied to you about everything do you people even care?

Its pretty simple. because the republican party is more in line with their beliefs than the democratic party is.
For all the dumbass rhetoric thrown about this is probably the correct answer.

Seems obvious that the OP's question is flipping the "Why do blacks vote Dem?" mem, but it's still a fair question. Maybe both come down to social beliefs and not so much economic. :shrug:
For all the dumbass rhetoric thrown about this is probably the correct answer.

Seems obvious that the OP's question is flipping the "Why do blacks vote Dem?" mem, but it's still a fair question. Maybe both come down to social beliefs and not so much economic. :shrug:

Both parties suck vote independent!
Such a wicked political party the gop is.

didn't you post this same thing in another TDS laden thread under the US Constitution shortly ago?

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