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Why do people watch basketball? (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
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Southern California
Political Leaning
A bunch of 7 foot tall guys run back and forth and throw a ball through a hoop. The idiots in the stands scream with delight when one of the players swings like a monkey on the hoop after making a basket. For this, they're paid tens of millions of dollars.

For me with the exception of the Olympics, I think all professional sports are pathetic.
Grown men idolized for playing with a variety of balls.
jfuh said:
For me with the exception of the Olympics, I think all professional sports are pathetic.
Grown men idolized for playing with a variety of balls.

:mrgreen: You reminded me of of something that happened on the old Johnny Carson show, which had Jack Nicholas, the golfer, as a guest. Carson asked if he had any good-luck rituals he practiced before he played in a tournament, and he said "Well, my wife kisses my balls." :2razz:
alphamale said:
:mrgreen: You reminded me of of something that happened on the old Johnny Carson show, which had Jack Nicholas, the golfer, as a guest. Carson asked if he had any good-luck rituals he practiced before he played in a tournament, and he said "Well, my wife kisses my balls." :2razz:
:mrgreen: Something like that.
There's no greater sport than basketball. In basketball you can't just play offense. You have to play offense and defense. In football, if the only thing you can do is run fast and catch a ball you can be good. With basketball, you have to do almost everything at some point in the game. That's why it is so great.
alphamale said:
A bunch of 7 foot tall guys run back and forth and throw a ball through a hoop. The idiots in the stands scream with delight when one of the players swings like a monkey on the hoop after making a basket. For this, they're paid tens of millions of dollars.


Well, you've summed up professional basketball nicely.

Any thoughts on real basketball?
Because of the amzing games played in the Men's Final Four Tournament and games like this

for (i=0; i=50; i++)


Basketball player stuffs Basketball in basket.

Fans jump off their seat and scream.

Cheerleaders shake their little stringy things.


Cheerleaders go out onto floor at halftime and wiggle their midsections as if having a great f_ck.

for (i=0; i=50; i++)


Basketball player stuffs Basketball in basket.

Fans jump off their seat and scream.

Cheerleaders shake their little stringy things.

Because Basketball sucks and people sometimes feel the need to watch things that suck. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm watching American Idol.
GySgt said:
Because Basketball sucks and people sometimes feel the need to watch things that suck. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm watching American Idol.

Does your CO know about this?
When's the last time you had any range time?
It sounds like you're overdue....:cool:
I challange all you guys to go try to do what some of these stars do. Still, they are paid way too much. I mean c'mon who needs 6 hummers?
Che said:
I challange all you guys to go try to do what some of these stars do. Still, they are paid way too much. I mean c'mon who needs 6 hummers?

I don't WANT to smash a ball through a hoop, and then dangle on it like a monkey on a tree branch. The only thing stupider than that is the morons who will pay big bucks to watch it.
alphamale said:
I don't WANT to smash a ball through a hoop, and then dangle on it like a monkey on a tree branch. The only thing stupider than that is the morons who will pay big bucks to watch it.

You can take this attidude on anything you do. Why would anybody debate politics? All it does is waste energy and piss people off.
I played a bit of basketball in high school, but what I resent about today's NBA are the continuous traveling violations that are never called.

Isn't there still a 3 second rule for the offensive lane? Why are players like Shaq allowed to camp out in these lanes for 5-6 seconds at a time while on offense?

College basketball is as far as I'll go..the NBA is boring.
talentoso said:
There's no greater sport than basketball. In basketball you can't just play offense. You have to play offense and defense.
Same with Hockey, Baseball, Tennis, Soccer(Which I detest), Boxing, and Lacrosse.
In football, if the only thing you can do is run fast and catch a ball you can be good.
Not getting crushed by a 300 lb. defender also helps.
With basketball, you have to do almost everything at some point in the game. That's why it is so great.
Pro basketball is turning into nothing more than a soap opera/ rap video audition these days which is what turns me off, I like to see athletes display a little class here and there which is something that has been lost over the years in Basketball. I remember the great days with Magic Johnson, Dr. J, Larry Bird, Micheal Jordon, etc. Back before the gangsta culture took over players like Dennis Rodman were jerks, but much rarer, nowadays a guy like Shaq who contributes to his community and has class tends to be the exception to the rule, it's sickening to see players assault fans, choke coaches, get arrested for very vile acts like murder/rape/name it and until the league is finished with it's cleanup, I will stick to college ball.

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