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Why do people care about the sexual orientation or sexual tastes of others (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 25, 2013
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Political Leaning
So this is perplexing to me and I pose this honest question. Why do you care? (This of course only refers to sexual acts that are consensual. )
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So this is perplexing to me and I pose this honest question. Why do you care?

I think a lot of it is due to religious reasons. Which to be honest would be a pretty good reason if that's what I believed in.
So this is perplexing to me and I pose this honest question. Why do you care?
Humans are fascinated by the lives of others, especially what they do in bed. The right-wing is in love with the concept that our current society, its ills and excesses, have a cause other than ourselves. That is why they spend so much time focused on the other, and hate it. If they looked in the mirror they would have to do something other than strike out like a a toddler who just lost a toy. That is one thing they absolutely won't do. Everything must be the fault of someone else. Just like the Nazis, if there isn't a real enemy they will make one up.
So this is perplexing to me and I pose this honest question. Why do you care?

Well, if someone's sexual "tastes" pose a danger to children, I'd want to be aware of that.
Well, if someone's sexual "tastes" pose a danger to children, I'd want to be aware of that.
We have a name for those people, we call them "men", and often enough, "priests".
You betcha. It's math.

Oh, just caught your added "priest" reference. Clever and oh so original. I wouldn't call what you're saying is math so much as it's just bull****.
I think a lot of it is due to religious reasons. Which to be honest would be a pretty good reason if that's what I believed in.

Yes, that however is a loosing battle regardless of the issue. I wonder sometimes though if people don't hide behind the righteousness of having a religious reason for their judgement when much of their repulsion has more to do with their own discomfort.
Humans are fascinated by the lives of others, especially what they do in bed. The right-wing is in love with the concept that our current society, its ills and excesses, have a cause other than ourselves. That is why they spend so much time focused on the other, and hate it. If they looked in the mirror they would have to do something other than strike out like a a toddler who just lost a toy. That is one thing they absolutely won't do. Everything must be the fault of someone else. Just like the Nazis, if there isn't a real enemy they will make one up.

Fear is a dangerous thing
So this is perplexing to me and I pose this honest question. Why do you care?

i dont, two people marrying and having sex among themselves does not affect me, however government does affect me, and when government legalizes gay marriage , THEY NEVER STOP THERE ,they continue on and create more laws/ polices for other people who are not gay to follow , we have seen this with MASS and CA.

instructing parents who have there children in school they will be instructed that gay relationships are normal, government has no authority to do that, government was not given any morality authority over the people to have government instruct anyone in such a thing.
Oh, just caught your added "priest" reference. Clever and oh so original. I wouldn't call what you're saying is math so much as it's just bull****.

That's sick. The number of pedophile priests is a relatively small number in comparison to total number of priests. If someone wants to go down THAT road, we could say the same about teachers or daycare providers.
That's sick. The number of pedophile priests is a relatively small number in comparison to total number of priests. If someone wants to go down THAT road, we could say the same about teachers or daycare providers.
Except they get caught, not moved around until the organization finally has to pay off.
Well, if someone's sexual "tastes" pose a danger to children, I'd want to be aware of that.

Of course, I am referring to acts that are consensual.
i dont, two people marrying and having sex among themselves does not affect me, however government does affect me, and when government legalizes gay marriage , THEY NEVER STOP THERE ,they continue on and create more laws/ polices for other people who are not gay to follow , we have seen this with MASS and CA.

instructing parents who have there children in school they will be instructed that gay relationships are normal, government has no authority to do that, government was not given any morality authority over the people to have government instruct anyone in such a thing.

How do you feel about teaching tolerance.
Fear is a dangerous thing

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.[2]
Of course, I am referring to acts that are consensual.

Your OP and question were not specific. You just asked about "sexual tastes" and asked why anyone would care. I gave you one reason.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.[2]

That you posted that is kind of corny. :mrgreen:

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