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Why Do Many Value The Life Of The US Unborn Over A Foreign Born Child? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
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Libertarian - Left
It is difficult to take the pro-life side seriously when so many in the movement shrug off the bombing of children in foreign countries. Are we so brainwashed in our partisan thinking that we do not see the hypocrisy here?
nationalism is the easy answer.

why do our unskilled workers deserve more money then unskilled workers in other regions?
Your premise is faulty. Who and where are these pro-life people "shrugging off the bombings of children in foreign countries"?
It is difficult to take the pro-life side seriously when so many in the movement shrug off the bombing of children in foreign countries. Are we so brainwashed in our partisan thinking that we do not see the hypocrisy here?

Show me a pro-lifer that advocates, or shrugs off bombing children in foreign countries. I would love to see that.
Show me a pro-lifer that advocates, or shrugs off bombing children in foreign countries. I would love to see that.

In Iraq when the city of fallujah got bombed, there were many on the right that shrugged it off as "casualties of war" or "they shouldn't have been there".
In Iraq when the city of fallujah got bombed, there were many on the right that shrugged it off as "casualties of war" or "they shouldn't have been there".

I really hate "right" and "left" arguments...but I'm having hard time disagreeing with your post.
In Iraq when the city of fallujah got bombed, there were many on the right that shrugged it off as "casualties of war" or "they shouldn't have been there".

Very few that I'm aware of "shrugged it off". I myself saw it as a very sad consequence of war. And not just the children, but the non-combatant lives lost on any side. The error here is conflating the pushback at stupid memes like this with lack of compassion.
Very few that I'm aware of "shrugged it off". I myself saw it as a very sad consequence of war. And not just the children, but the non-combatant lives lost on any side. The error here is conflating the pushback at stupid memes like this with lack of compassion.

Considering it a "sad consequnce of war" is just like saying "casualties of war". No different, just shrugging it off in a different way.
Your premise is faulty. Who and where are these pro-life people "shrugging off the bombings of children in foreign countries"?

In the Republican Party mostly.
I noticed that as well lately.

Many of them will deny up and down (as they are in this thread) that they shrug off collateral damage. But how many threads do we see coming from conservative Republicans expressing outrage over the children killed by our bombs compared to the threads expressing outrage over abortions.
I really hate "right" and "left" arguments.

As do I. Which is why I sometimes get accused of being a "pinko-commie" and a "tea-bagger" in the same day. :2razz:
Very few that I'm aware of "shrugged it off". I myself saw it as a very sad consequence of war.

And I know many in the pro-choice movement say abortion is very sad, but it is sometimes necessary. Sound familiar?
Many of them will deny up and down (as they are in this thread) that they shrug off collateral damage. But how many threads do we see coming from conservative Republicans expressing outrage over the children killed by our bombs compared to the threads expressing outrage over abortions.
I guess it depends on your definition of "shrug off". I sympathize with civilian casualties, but I also sympathize with the deaths and injuries of enemy combatants. Even though I sympathize, I see it as a necessary evil, which means I can be pro-life without putting the unborn above anybody.
I guess it depends on your definition of "shrug off". I sympathize with civilian casualties, but I also sympathize with the deaths and injuries of enemy combatants.

So the death of a civilian casualty is no different than the death of an enemy combatant? Do I have that right?

Even though I sympathize, I see it as a necessary evil, which means I can be pro-life without putting the unborn above anybody.

And someone who is pro-choice can say that abortion is a necessary evil.
So the death of a civilian casualty is no different than the death of an enemy combatant? Do I have that right?
No, you don't.

And someone who is pro-choice can say that abortion is a necessary evil.
And someone who is pro-life can say that it's unnecessary.
In Iraq when the city of fallujah got bombed, there were many on the right that shrugged it off as "casualties of war" or "they shouldn't have been there".

What specific pro-lifer? You didn't address the question at all, just gave a broad statement.
No, you don't.

Then please explain because it seems you are equating the two.

And someone who is pro-life can say that it's unnecessary.

So the death of an innocent born child (as long as he/she is a foreigner) is often necessary, but a unborn US child is never necessary? Can you see how some may see this as hypocrisy?
No, I asked to see the proof.

You asking for proof that conservatives tend to shrug off collateral damage is like asking for proof that most Republicans are pro-gun. It's silly. But just to humor you...

Why Americans Ignore Civilian Casualties in War
Why do Americans ignore civilian casualties in our wars? - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

White House Approval For Strikes Expecting High Civilian Casualty Rates
Assessing the Human Cost of Air Strikes in Iraq : NPR
You asking for proof that conservatives tend to shrug off collateral damage is like asking for proof that most Republicans are pro-gun. It's silly. But just to humor you...

Why Americans Ignore Civilian Casualties in War
Why do Americans ignore civilian casualties in our wars? - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

White House Approval For Strikes Expecting High Civilian Casualty Rates
Assessing the Human Cost of Air Strikes in Iraq : NPR

I asked you for proof that the pro-life movement ignores it.
I asked you for proof that the pro-life movement ignores it.

Most conservatives are both pro-life AND pro-war. Most people who are pro-war shrug off civilian casualty numbers. To even try to debate this shows a high level of ignorance/denial.

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