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Why do conservatives hate LIBERALS ??? (1 Viewer)

why do conservatives hate LIBERALS?

  • conservatives do not understand the ideology of liberalism.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • conservatives are afraid of change.

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • liberals don't fit conservative definitions of lifestyle, religion, and politics.

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • liberals do not approve of unilateral intervention.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Progressive, Green
DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Maryland, U.S.A.
Political Leaning
I posted this to explore the resentment conservatives feel toward "Liberals", so they can vent their frustrations and also so liberals can dispell the myths that echo among conservative communities.
Because we're all atheist homosexual terrorists. Or at least thats what I heard.
Hate is such a strong word. Dont agree with is a much better phrase.

I dont hate the person I hate there ideals and opinion system. The person is I beleive a good natured person at most.

However, lately liberalism is becoming a mental disorder. I have said this before the people who founded liberalism at its core were great individuals. And I actually agreed with most of there ideals.

However, the liberals nowadays arent under the original definition liberal anymore. If there was a term or terminology that described nowadays "liberals" I would say The Bush-hater Organization of america. Or in paraphrase the BHOofA.

So I hope that answered the question.
The correct option is not presented...and "No", I won't present it...

If it's not part of the options, then you just don't know or will understand...making this a useless poll
I think we have lost the middle ground in this country. Both sides have become polar opposites and there's really not much breathing room anymore for a moderate voice on either side.

All liberals and conservatives are doing at this point is speaking to the choir. Extreme liberals are just as misguided and out of touch with reality as the extreme conservative side is in my opinion.
I think we have lost the middle ground in this country. Both sides have become polar opposites and there's really not much breathing room anymore for a moderate voice on either side.

All liberals and conservatives are doing at this point is speaking to the choir. Extreme liberals are just as misguided and out of touch with reality as the extreme conservative side is in my opinion.

True I agree with that. But these days I would rather be extreme conservative , :lol:
SixStringHero said:
I think we have lost the middle ground in this country. Both sides have become polar opposites and there's really not much breathing room anymore for a moderate voice on either side.

All liberals and conservatives are doing at this point is speaking to the choir. Extreme liberals are just as misguided and out of touch with reality as the extreme conservative side is in my opinion.

Yup...Perfect example is Bill Frist....

A very Conservative Republican, he has gone against ONE ideology(stem cell research) and he is accused of being a "traitor"....even though he is "in step" with every other Conservative ideology....

Apparently, that's not enogh to some people....
Yup...Perfect example is Bill Frist....

A very Conservative Republican, he has gone against ONE ideology(stem cell research) and he is accused of being a "traitor"....even though he is "in step" with every other Conservative ideology....

Apparently, that's not enogh to some people....

Yup you got it:2wave:
Yup you got it:2wave:

It would be nice for those on the other side to give examples of the same thing...

Don't hold your breath...
SHodges said:
Because we're all atheist homosexual terrorists. Or at least thats what I heard.

For some reason this is much funnier reading the second time around. Either that, or it's the sleep deprivation.
For some reason this is much funnier reading the second time around. Either that, or it's the sleep deprivation.

Well thats what ban the electoral college thinks when he doesnt agree with a post is he thinks that person has not slept enough to make sense.
Because they need someone to be angry at. Not hate. That is too strong...because we don't hate each other...we are just really angry and like to throw sharp objects and retorts at each other.

Basically, it comes down to this. They needed someone to be angry at and thus, everyone who was not them was liberal. It was that simple and it seems to have worked because for crying out loud, I heard someone call Jeff Gordon a liberal jackhole becuase he didn't win and lost him a bet. We weren't talking politics...he was just angry at the guy and he associated that anger with liberals. Anywho-that is my theory and I have a few books to back me up, most notable among them is the amazing book about Kansas.

What's the matter with Kansas...recommend it for everyone...because even conservatives will nod their head and say, hell yeah, we are that damn good.
WEll I am sure that individual was being sarcastic.
I'll get flamed for this, but I chose "Repubs are afraid of change."

There was a study by Cornell University that concluded that the more emasculated one feels, the more likely they are to vote republican.

The possibility of gays marrying threatens the masculinity of republicans and the sanctity of their own marriages.

Most musicians are liberal, because learning to play an instrument is difficult, and the act of playing music in public is perceived as a "namby-pamby" pursuit by republicans. Look back at Pete Seeger and Woodie Guthrie...they were considered radicals who spoke out and became a pain in the 'arse' to the establishment. Most musicians are passionate about their music and that passion often spills over into other areas of their life, including politics.

Republicans are afraid of people who speak out against the establishment. It all comes down to fear. Repubs have also become very adept at using fear to win elections.

People don't vote republican because of some underlying faith-based principle of patriotism...they vote republican because they fear change.

I'm speaking in general terms here, so don't freak out on me repubs, and get all mad at me and allow the 'fear' to take over your responses. LOL
This is odd... For some reason none of my options exist..

How about these ones?

They like to jump to conclusions and answer problems that don't exist.
They make religious decisions not based by fact.
They are afraid to do anything and stuck in the dark ages.
They are afraid of change. (Nuclear Power is much cleaner than gas etc., for some reason they are having fits over waste, especially in Nevada.)
They don't meet the definition of "liberal"
They insist on many policies that pre-date the existence of the United States and say we should go back to them. (But instead they say it's a new idea and we need to embrace change, when the idea has existed for thousands of years and the country adopted change for only a hundred or two hundred years)
They insist on ideas that have already existed in the past of the United States and have been removed.
They see ideas that have failed in the past and don't understand that repeating them isn't wise.
They are pessimistic about everything. (Which isn't a quality I want in a leader)
They do anything to get your vote, especially telling one group of people one thing, and telling the opposite group the other.
They think that native Hawaiins should be the only ones that can run for government office in the state of Hawaii.
They look at everything as black and white instead of realizing that there are negatives and positives to almost every decision.
They hear what one guy says, and if they like that guy his words are that of a god. They hear another and if they don't like him, even if he agrees with the first guy, suddenly its a bad idea.

And yes, actually there are some things that I'd rather not "change" I'd rather that we conserve the democratic system we have right now instead of reverting into a psuedo-dictatorship.

Now, I have a list of things I dislike about conservatives too, but I'll wait for that thread to appear.

You see, back when I started out in politics, the liberals were the ones that wanted to use Nuclear Power, the ones that wanted to explore space, and the ones that always did there research instead of backing things up by psuedo-science and hunches.

Now, they complain about nuclear waste, somehow claim that the dirty gas powerplants are cleaner, they say it's not worth putting humans into space anymore and insist on un-manned probes. Oh yeah, and the new-age religion of Global Warming as well. (which quite frankly isn't backed by enough science to prove that it exists right now[It exists between ice ages, but according to climate information, trends haven't been consistent over the last two centuries], that we effect it on a scale that is significant, or that we CAN effect it on a scale that is significant by paying billions of dollars)
Okay, they also stereotype people as clumps, and they are so divided amongst themselves that they can't gain enough political victory for any one idea to actually get the use out of it. Any idea they somewhat share will only be used half-*** and if they just half-*** all their ideas, I'd rather have different ones.

They say that if something is dangerous it's not worth it. (Like space exploration)
They are against anything fun if it could potentially be dangerous.

Okay, I know none of this information applies to all liberals...
Thats another thing you "liberals" need to get through your heads.. Not all people more conservative than you are ignorant religiofanatic people who think the same and have blind hatred towards liberals. Not all of your stereotypes apply to more than half of the United States.

Okay, because as witnessed by this thread, liberals don't want to hear the truth. (Obviously the poll at the beginning is a joke, and not to be taken seriously by anyone, but I bet there are people who act like that stuff has some sort of significance.)

They are unwilling to hear things that make them uncomfortable.

Because they are gullible and blind.

Because they claim to be unreligious, when less than 3% of the population is and they make up a lot more than 3% of the population. Because they somehow persuade people that they need to have special help (and thus that means that if you are an athiest or minority, you need to join up with them jus' cause for no reason)
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They are so concerned and seeing with finding out which conservative institutions are making riches off of their donations and see that people are lining there own pockets, yet somehow they remain blind to the stealing and corruption that happens with their own institutions.

They are unwilling to accept the other half of an argument.

(In real life, when somebody tries to make a liberal point to me, it seems like when I rebuttal they stick their fingers in their ears and walk away like a pre-schooler) (In fact, that's literraly happened to me a few times)

That's a definition of liberal, yet for some reason none of those qualities seem to be present with the "liberal" ideas.

Okay, now I think liberals need to understand something else.

We DONT hate liberals... We don't like their ways of thinking.

Like try this example-

Less gun = less violence
War = Bad (always)
Bush = Hitler (If somebody new anything about either Bush or Hitler, you could see they aren't even close to being similar)
Iraq=Vietnam (In otherwords, they think that Iraq doesn't want to be a democratic state and we are there against the will of the people)

Those are auful simplified you don't say? Well that's all it seems like that I ever see. Black and white.

Another reason I don't like their ideas?

Bad comparisons. Frankly, if they call Guantanamo bay a concentration camp, George Bush Hitler, than how can you trust anything they say?
Excuse my rant, that was awefully close-minded of me... But you asked for reasons why someone might not like Libral ideas, so I decided to say why.

There's pleanty for me to rant about conservatives as well, but for some reason they don't seem like their candidates have been as stupid as the liberal candidates. And some of their ideas and candidates act more upon emotion than logic.

I realize that the above said in my rants more applies to many of the most popular people that believe in liberal ideas, and not the liberal ideas as a whole or as themselves. It seems like when liberals complain about conservatives, they don't realize that it's not just a stereotype.

I do not necessarily represent all-or-part the above-said ideas in the above four posts, and that is not my complete view on liberals. There are things I like about there ideas too, but this thread wasn't asking for them. Also note that much of the above replicates the same method of emotion used in a way to examplify and demonstrate. (in otherwords, to give you some of your own medicine)
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PhotonicLaceration said:
There's pleanty for me to rant about conservatives as well, but for some reason they don't seem like their candidates have been as stupid as the liberal candidates. And some of their ideas and candidates act more upon emotion than logic.

Are you saying the George Bush is intelligent? I mean, let's not kid ourselves :lol:
Heh, I like the spunk, but I don't think Kerry wasn't very intelligent either. :mrgreen:

Sure, he was an "intellectual", but at Yale he got straight D's as a Freshman and ended with a 76% average at Yale, which is 1% lower than Bushes score.
I know, that's not an accurate way to determine intelligence, I bring this up because during the elections people claimed Bush was stupid because of his grades in school, but Kerry's grades weren't released until after the elections.
PhotonicLaceration said:
I know, that's not an accurate way to determine intelligence, I bring this up because during the elections people claimed Bush was stupid because of his grades in school, but Kerry's grades weren't released until after the elections.

I agree. It's odd that they would use Bush's grades to determine his level of intelligence, when all you need to do is listen to him speak!

I'm sorry. I know I'm kicking a dead horse. :doh
Well, I like to think of myself as liberal and to put it simply I do honestly think that if you reduce the number of guns then the number of gun crimes will go down, call me stupid if you want. Of course it doesn't necessarily follow that I think gun control will reduce the number of guns out there, indeed when you think about guns obtained illegaly it makes very little sense. I do think it is a good place to start when you have a level of gun crime higher than the rest of the free worlds combined. It's not the solution, there must be other actions, like increasing funding for the ATF and local police, that sounds pretty important too.

And again yes, I do think that war is bad, always. Call me crazy if you want, but I can never get too excited about the prospect of a bunch of young, healthy guys armed to the teeth and ready to blow the ***** out of each other, unless I'm going to the cinema. But then it doesn't necessarily follow that I don't think war is ever necessary. There are times, when all hope of peace and diplomacy are lost, that war is inevitable. A good example I always think is the German invasion of Poland in 1939. Being a jaunty Brit, I do (with most of Europe) owe thanks to America for its rather (un)timely or as we say in Britain "late" intervention into that little brouhaha, although it did leave my country full of words like brouhaha. Nevertheless I cannot help but feel a little twinge of moral pride that we stood up to Hitler when we did, defending an ally incapable of defending itself from perhaps one of the vilest tyrants known to man. Oh yeah, I hate Nazis, but then according to your definition of liberal I must be tolerant of others and broad-minded, so should I allow the Nazis dictate terms to my government, or should I fight tooth and claw to prevent regressive and oppressive articles of faith and ideology from entering into the structure of my supposedly progressive and secular goverment? Guess so, darn. And I really really hate those f**king Nazis.

So that brings us onto your 3rd, well, mass generalisation of a broad spectrum of liberal ideologies, or policies of the Democratic Party. Do I think George Bush is anything like Adolf Hitler. Well the two things that always come into my mind about Hitler are that he was a powerful public speaker and he murdered 4 million Jews, so far no viable comparison to Gee Dubya. Then there was the fact that the guy (Hitler) was (at the time) the most popular leader Germany had ever had. Still nothing. He got the country into a huge and incredibly popular (domestically for a long while at least, not so much around the time they started losing, about the time you guys joined) war which subsequently destroyed most of Europe and engulfed the entire world into a mechanized war that changed the face of war, science, international diplomacy and ended with the creation of a weapon so powerful that if it were to be ever used again the world would most likely end and he was elected democratically. You're right, they are two completely different guys. Anyone who could compare Hitler to George Bush is a Grade A moron in my opinion... although, if I think about it some of their tactics are similar, that is slightly unfair as they ar not Bush's tactics, but then the remark was directed at Bush and not the likes of PNAC or Cheney and especially not the corporate media. Nor was it directed as the corporate oligarchy all too capable of dictating terms to whomever it wants, on a global scale and which has been effectively propagandising the American people since before Hitler rose to power. Indeed it would be useless to point out that Hitler used American and British propaganda, so successful in Woodrow Wilson's 'Red scare', general anti-union propaganda campaigns, and most successfully employed during World War I to turn two otherwise pacifistic nations into war-mongering rabble rousers, as a model for his own propaganda campaign. It was actually the effectiveness of WWI propaganda that made Hitler realise he would need such an effective propaganda system. But, as Bush can hardly be blamed for this I agree, it would be incredibly stupid to compare George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler.

As too comparing Iraq to Vietnam, once again you are correct, perhaps if the insurgency picks up, lasts for 10 years and results in the total decimation of the nation and over 2 million American deaths. An unlikely scenario to be sure as American 'counter' terrorist operations are far more effective and deadly now than they were back then. And I suppose they try to compare the peace movements as well, these moronic liberals you know. When in fact the invasion of South Vietnam passed with very little comment and the war was going on for years, longer than Iraq has so far lasted, before any effective peace movement emerged, whereas with Iraq the objection was not only Global but pre-emptive, and remains so(global that is, can't really be called pre-emptive anymore, useless is a better word). They still chant repetitive and simple-mided slogans, but then "The CIA had their intelligence wrong, and many casualties have ensued as a result", or "Bush and Blair overblew the intelligence, made assertions that were in fact rumours, used un-credible sources and known liars to provide justification for going to war. Intelligence officials warned Powell that information he was presenting to U.N. General Assembly was incorrect, and officials in the SIS and CIA say intelligence was "wispy" while Bush, Blair and company asserted it was accurate and faultless" just aren't very catchy.
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